The Current State of Food Allergy of Preschool Childcare Facilities in Hanam

Article information

Korean J Community Nutr. 2015;20(4):251-258
Publication date (electronic) : 2015 August 30
doi :
1Department of Food and Nutrition, College of BioNano Technology, Gachon University, Gyeonggi, Korea.
2Hanam Center for Children's Foodservice Management, Gyeonggi, Korea.
Corresponding author: Wookyoun Cho. Department of Food and Nutrition, College of BioNano Technology, Gachon University, 1342 Seongnam-daero, Sujeonggu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi 13120, Korea. Tel: (031) 750-5972, Fax: (031) 750-5974,
Received 2015 August 07; Revised 2015 August 18; Accepted 2015 August 21.



The purpose of this study was to investigate how to manage food allergy of pre-school children, focusing on the current status of the food allergy in childcare facilities in Hanam which have less than 100 children.


Targeting 159 preschool childcare facilities, survey was carried out for a month in March, 2015. Recovery rate was 66.7%. 106 surveys out of 159 were available for analysis using SPSS statistical program version 19.0.


Among 106 facilities, 58 (54.7%) reported that none of their children had a food allergy and 48 (45.3%) reported one more children had a food allergy. Total number of children having a food allergy was 71. Among them, the occurrences of food allergy in males were significantly more than that of the females (p < 0.001). Further, children under 2 years of age had significantly more food allergy than the other ages (p < 0.001). The allergic inducing foods were nuts (23.3%), egg (17.8%), milk and dairy products (16.4%), fish and shellfish (13.7%), instant foods (12.3%), fruits (8.2%), soybean (4.1%), meat (2.7%), and cereals (1.4%) in order, and 6 children out of 71 were allergic to more than 2 food items. The clinical symptoms of the food allergy were a skin reaction (87.9%) and an oropharyngeal & respiratory reaction (12.1%). Majority of childcare facilities (80.3%) didn't serve alternative foods for children with food allergy. Necessity for food allergy education was significantly higher in facilities with food allergy issues than without such issues.


The Center for Children's Foodservice Management need to educate workers of childcare facilities and parents about managing food allergy and enforce a plan to provide alternative menu to children with food allergies.


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Fig. 1

Provision of alternative food

Table 1

General characteristics of childcare facilities

Table 1

1) N (%)

**: P < 0.01 significantly different between registered and unregistered facilities by chi square test

Table 2

Numbers of children with food allergy by childcare facilities

Table 2

1) N (%)

Table 3

Occurrences of food allergy in children according to gender and ages

Table 3

1) Significantly different by independent t-test

2) Significantly different by one way ANOVA

***: P < 0.001

Table 4

The allergy inducing foods

Table 4

1) N (%)

Table 5

Clinical symptoms of food allergy

Table 5

Table 6

Principal's recognition of necessity for food allergy education

Table 6

1) Mean±SD

5-point Likert scale (not needed at all=1, strongly needed=5)

*: P < 0.05 significantly different between facilities with food allergic children and facilities without food allergic children by independent t-test