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Children's Food Intake and Nutrition Levels, and Obesity by Maternal Employment: Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013–2015

Children's Food Intake and Nutrition Levels, and Obesity by Maternal Employment: Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013–2015

Article information

Korean J Community Nutr. 2019;24(4):331-342
Publication date (electronic) : 2019 August 31
doi : https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2019.24.4.331
1Seongnam Center for Children's Foodservice Management, Seongnam, Korea, Planning and Operation Team leader.
2Department of food and Nutrition, Shingu College, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, Korea, Professor.
3Nutrition Education Major, Graduate School of Education, Gachon University, Seongnam, Korea, professor.
Corresponding author: Seunghee Kye. Nutrition Education Major, Graduate School of Education, Gachon University, 1342, Seongnamdaero, Sugeong-gu, Seongam-si Gyeonggi-do, 13120, Korea. Tel: (031) 750-5507, Fax: (031) 750-8683, shkye@gachon.ac.kr
Received 2019 July 02; Revised 2019 August 06; Accepted 2019 August 07.



This study examines the intake of food and nutrients of children according to the employment and working hours of their mothers.


The married women in the source data from the 6th National Health and Nutrition Survey were classified into full-time working mothers, part-time working mothers and housewives according to the working type and the data on their children from 3 to 18 years old were analyzed using SAS 9.4.


The group from 3 to 5 years old was the smallest group with 682 children (20.2%), followed by the group from 6 to 11 years with 1,345 children (39.8%) and the group from 12 to 18 years old with 1,355 children (40.1%). The lowest rates for having no breakfast and dinner were observed in the group with housewives (p<0.05). The calcium and phosphorous intakes were the highest in the group with housewives at 61.9% and 126.8%, respectively, and the lowest in the group with full-time working mothers at 54.7% and 115.3%, respectively (p<0.05). The group with full-time working mothers had the highest rate in the calcium and iron intake less than the dietary reference intake at 74.9% and 30.0%, respectively. It indicated that the group with full-time working mothers did not have sufficient nutrients as compared to the other two groups. Moreover, the group with the part-time working mothers showed the high vitamin A intake ratio of 41.4% (p<0.05).


This study found evidence of a negative association between mother's employment status and children's diet quality. The employment and economic activity of married women will continuously increase in the future. Therefore, a national nutrition policy is required to provide quality nutrition care for children in the households.


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Article information Continued

Table 1

General characteristics of children by maternal employment status

Table 1

1) N (%), Data was presented as number of subjects and weighted percentage.

P-values from Chi-squared test

2) Mean ± SD, P-values from ANOVA test

Table 2

Percentages of children skipping breakfast by maternal employment status

Table 2

1) N (%), Data was presented as number of subjects and weighted percentage.

P-values from Chi-squared test

Table 3

Total daily food, energy, and three major nutrient intake of children by maternal employment status

Table 3

1) Mean ± SE, P-values from ANOVA test after adjusting for for gender, age, household income.

2) Post-hoc analysis was performed by Bonferroni method for the adjusted mean of each variable.

Table 4

Nutrient intake as a percentage of KDRIs and MAR of children by maternal employment status

Table 4

1) Mean ± SE, P-values from ANOVA test

2) Post-hoc analysis was performed by Bonferroni method for the adjusted mean of each variable

3) MAR: Mean Nutrient Adequacy Ratio

Table 5

Percentages of children consuming less than 75% of EER and below EAR by maternal employment status

Table 5

1) 75% of EER(Estimated Energy Requirement)

2) below EAR(Estimated Average Requirements)

3) % ± SE, P-values from Chi-squared test

Table 6

Comparison of weight status among children by maternal employment status

Table 6

1) Weight status was defined as follows; Obese: ≥ 95th percentile, Overweight: 85~94th percentile, Normal: 5~84th percentile, based on reference data.

2) % ± SE, P-values from Chi-squared test