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Development of Model for 「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」

Development of Model for 「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」

Article information

Korean J Community Nutr. 2019;24(1):60-76
Publication date (electronic) : 2019 February 28
doi : https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2019.24.1.60
1Department of Food & Nutrition, Sangji University, Wonju, Korea, Professor.
2Department of Food & Nutrition, Hanyang Women's University, Seoul, Korea, Professor.
3Department of Korean Cuisine, Jeonju University, Jeonju, Korea, Professor,
4Department of Food & Nutrition, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Professor.
5Department of Food & Nutrition, Hanyang Women's University, Seoul, Korea, Associate professor.
6Department of Food & Nutrition, Yeonsung University, Anyang, Korea, Assistant professor.
7Graduate School of Human Environmental Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Adjunct professor.
8Student Health Policy Division, Ministry of Education, Sejong, Korea, Deputy director.
9Health Promotion Center, Korea Educational Environments Protection Agency, Osong, Korea, Director.
10Institute of Social Welfare, Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, Korea, Research professor.
Corresponding author: Yun-Hui Jeong. Institute of Social Welfare, Sungkonghoe University, 320 Yeondong-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul 08359, Korea. Tel: (02) 2610-4749, Fax: (02) 2610-4140, yhjeong11@naver.com
Received 2019 February 12; Revised 2019 February 19; Accepted 2019 February 19.



The purpose of this study was to develop a systematic and standardized「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」that can identify the current status of school meals on the nationwide level.


This study was carried out in six steps of the analysis of report/investigation data related to school foodservice in metropolitan and provincial offices of education, analysis of preceding research related to the actual status of school foodservice, field verification of the actual condition of the school foodservice site, development of a draft of「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」, pilot study of a draft of 「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」, and suggestions of a final model of「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」from August to December, 2017. Statistical analysis was performed for frequency analysis and descriptive analysis using the SPSS program ver. 23.


A draft of「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」was developed by analyzing the current status of report/research data on school meals in metropolitan and provincial offices of education, analyzing the preceding research on school meals, and identifying the actual conditions at school foodservice sites. To verify the validity of the school foodservice survey questionnaire, 1,031 schools were sampled from a total of 10,251 schools and the pilot test of ‘2017 School Foodservice Survey’ was conducted. The final model of「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」consisted of 12 survey sections, 29 survey categories, and 433 survey items, and the survey cycle was set for one year and three years for each survey item.


Based on the objective statistical data through「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」, it is possible to develop the school foodservice policy, which will help establish the reliability of the school meals.


This research was supported by a grant from the Korean Educational Development Institute (TR 2018-23).


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Article information Continued

Funded by : Korean Educational Development Institutehttps://doi.org/10.13039/501100003673
Award ID : TR 2018-23

Fig. 1

Development process of model of「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」

Fig. 2

The model of「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」

Table 1

Report/investigation data related to school foodservice in metropolitan · provincial office of education N=12

Table 1

1) 1=School, 2=District office of education

2) 1=Twice a year, 2=Once a year, 3=When it happens, 4=Etc.

Table 2

Analysis of preceding research related with the actual status of school foodservice during the past five years (2013 ~ 2017)

Table 2

1) 1=School, 2=Nutrition teacher or dietitian, 3=Cook worker, 4=Student, 5=Parents

Table 3

A design draft of「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」

Table 3

Table 4

Composition of a final model of「The Survey on School Foodservice Program」

Table 4