1Department of Food and Nutrition, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2Geumcheon-gu Center for Child-care Foodservice Management, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2012 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
This study was supported by a reserach fund from the Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University.
1) By chi-square test
2) Including "Publicness of the center due to supervision of local governments" 38 (6.6%), "Contribution to local agricultural development & environmental preservation" 20 (3.5%), "High quality of agricultural products" 18 (3.1%), etc.
3) Including 8 (21.1%) dietitians having responded "Contribution to local agricultural development & environmental preservation"
1) By chi-square test, 2) Including money payed by students and supported by local governments
1) By chi-square test
2) Including "Publicness of the center due to supervision of local governments" 38 (6.6%), "Contribution to local agricultural development & environmental preservation" 20 (3.5%), "High quality of agricultural products" 18 (3.1%), etc.
3) Including 8 (21.1%) dietitians having responded "Contribution to local agricultural development & environmental preservation"
1) 1 point for very unsatisfied, 2 points for unsatisfied, 3 points for neutral, 4 points for satisfied, and 5 points for very satisfied
2) By one-way ANOVA
abc: Different superscript letters in the same row mean significant difference among groups by Duncan's multiple range test at α = 0.05.
n = 578, F = 99.19 (p < 0.001), R2 = 0.85, adjusted R2 = 0.72
1) By chi-square test
1) By chi-square test
1) By chi-square test, 2) Including money payed by students and supported by local governments
1) By chi-square test 2) Including "Publicness of the center due to supervision of local governments" 38 (6.6%), "Contribution to local agricultural development & environmental preservation" 20 (3.5%), "High quality of agricultural products" 18 (3.1%), etc. 3) Including 8 (21.1%) dietitians having responded "Contribution to local agricultural development & environmental preservation"
1) 1 point for very unsatisfied, 2 points for unsatisfied, 3 points for neutral, 4 points for satisfied, and 5 points for very satisfied 2) By one-way ANOVA abc: Different superscript letters in the same row mean significant difference among groups by Duncan's multiple range test at α = 0.05.
n = 578, F = 99.19 (p < 0.001), R2 = 0.85, adjusted R2 = 0.72
1) By chi-square test
1) By chi-square test