1Department of Home Economics Education (Major of Food and Nutrition), PaiChai University, Daejeon, Korea, Professor.
2Graduate School of Yonsei University, Major of Food and Nutrition, Seoul, Korea, Student.
3Department of Food and Nutrition Science for Bioindustry, Semyung University, Jecheon, Korea, Professor.
Copyright © 2018 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1) BMI: body mass index=weight (kg)/height (m2)
2) Health status and dietary behaviors are judged by themselves.
1) The average number of eating frequency per week, Mean±SD.
*: p<0.05 **: p<0.01 ***: p<0.001
a,b: Different superscript letters in a row indicate significant difference computed by Schffe test at α=0.05
1) Average milk intake amount per week (ml)
2) Lactose content was converted into 3.8 g/100 g (Korea Food Research Institute)
3) Milk fat content was converted to 3.3 g/100 g (Korea Food Research Institute)
4) Mean±SD.
1) N (%) **: p<0.01
1) Mean±SD, The degree of awareness : 3: I know it well., 2: I know a little, 1: I do not know ***: p<0.001
a,b: Different superscript letters in a row indicate significant difference computed by Schffe test at α=0.05
* Using multiple reaction analysis.
1) N (%)
* Using multiple reaction analysis.
1) N (%)
2) Other: osteoporosis, muscle strengthening, drowsiness, diarrhea, skin problems, not knowing
1) Mean±SD, 5: necessary, 4: need, 3: so so, 2: unnecessary, 1: not necessary at all.
***: p<0.001
a,b: Different superscript letters in a row indicate significant difference computed by Schffe test at α=0.05
*: p<0.05
1) BMI: body mass index=weight (kg)/height (m2) 2) Health status and dietary behaviors are judged by themselves.
1) The average number of eating frequency per week, Mean±SD. *: p<0.05 **: p<0.01 ***: p<0.001 a,b: Different superscript letters in a row indicate significant difference computed by Schffe test at α=0.05
1) Average milk intake amount per week (ml) 2) Lactose content was converted into 3.8 g/100 g (Korea Food Research Institute) 3) Milk fat content was converted to 3.3 g/100 g (Korea Food Research Institute) 4) Mean±SD.
1) N (%) **: p<0.01
1) Mean±SD, The degree of awareness : 3: I know it well., 2: I know a little, 1: I do not know ***: p<0.001 a,b: Different superscript letters in a row indicate significant difference computed by Schffe test at α=0.05
* Using multiple reaction analysis. 1) N (%)
* Using multiple reaction analysis. 1) N (%) 2) Other: osteoporosis, muscle strengthening, drowsiness, diarrhea, skin problems, not knowing
1) Mean±SD, 5: necessary, 4: need, 3: so so, 2: unnecessary, 1: not necessary at all. ***: p<0.001 a,b: Different superscript letters in a row indicate significant difference computed by Schffe test at α=0.05
*: p<0.05