Revised in October 15, 2024
Table of Contents
1. General information
The Korean Journal of Community Nutrition (KJCN), the official journal of the Korean Society of Community Nutrition, is a peer-reviewed, open access journal. It is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October and December. KJCN aims to publish original research articles and reviews covering all aspects of community nutrition. The journal also welcomes research notes and educational materials that provide a wide range of findings of community nutrition field. Topics of interest include nutrition throughout the life cycle, nutrition assessment, nutrition education, nutritional epidemiology, dietary behavior, clinical nutrition, international nutrition, nutrition policy, food service management, food culture and other topics related to the improvement of human nutritional status.
2. Authors' qualifications
It is essential that at least one author of the manuscript is a member of the Korean Society of Community Nutrition. Exceptions will be made when the Editorial Committee invites authors and when researchers affiliated with institutions outside Korea submits.
3. Types of manuscripts
- 1) Research articles: Research articles are reports of original research in the area of community nutrition.
- 2) Reviews: Reviews provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made within the scope of the journal. Systematic reviews should follow the PRISMA guidelines.
- 3) Research notes: Research notes discuss new ideas, research methods, or policy issues relevant to community nutrition.
- 4) Educational materials: Educational materials describe contents of nutrition education program, its application or new approaches to nutrition education.
4. Research and publication ethics
- 1) Duplicate publication: The manuscript must be original and not published or submitted for publication in other scientific journals.
- 2) Authorship: All authors listed in a manuscript must have contributed substantially to the research design, collection and analysis of data, or preparation of the manuscript. And they should agree to be responsible for investigating and solving research-related problems.
- 3) Protection of human subjects: Research carried out on human subjects must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration, and authors should specify that it was reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB).
- 4) Conflicts of interest: Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships with the company or organization sponsoring the research.
- 5) Adherence to the ethics guidelines: Authors should adhere to the research ethics regulations and guidelines of Korean Society of Community Nutrition. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in these instructions, international standards of publication ethics for editors and authors ( can be applied.
- 6) Copyright: Copyright of the published article belongs to the Korean Society of Community Nutrition. A copyright transfer form should be signed by all author(s) and sent when the manuscript is submitted.
- 7) Preprints: The journal does not accept research articles that have been shared as preprints.
5. Consideration of Sex/Gender
In all studies, sex (a biological variable) or gender (a socio, cultural, and psychological trait) should be factored into research designs and analyses and reported in a manuscript as follows.
- • Sex and gender should be described separately and correctly.
- • Both sexes/genders should be included in the human studies, and the differences between the sexes/genders should be analyzed and reported.
- • If only one sex/gender is reported, or included in the study, the reason the other sex/gender is not reported or included should be explained based on reasonable and scientific basis.
6. Submission
A manuscript file without authors’ information must be submitted through our online submission system ( by the corresponding author. In addition, authors should remember to upload the author’s information separately. This includes the title page, copyright transfer agreement signed by all authors, IRB approval, and author checklist. You can upload these documents to the “Attachment” section on the submission site.
7. Peer Review
The Korean Journal of Community Nutrition has an online submission and peer review system at
The Korean Journal of Community Nutrition reviews all manuscripts received. A manuscript is first reviewed for its format and adherence to the aims and scope of the journal. If the manuscript meets these two criteria, it is dispatched to two investigators in the field with relevant knowledge.
The Korean Journal of Community Nutrition adopts double blind review, which means that the reviewers and authors cannot identify each others’ information. The authors’ names and affiliations are removed during peer review.
Assuming the manuscript is sent to reviewers, The Korean Journal of Community Nutrition waits to receive opinions from at least two reviewers. In addition, if deemed necessary, a review of statistics may be requested. The acceptance criteria for all papers are based on the quality and originality of the research and its scientific significance. Acceptance of the manuscript is decided based on the critiques and recommended decision of the reviewers.
An initial decision will normally be made within 6 weeks of receipt of a manuscript, and the reviewers’ comments are sent to the corresponding author by the online submission and peer review system. The corresponding author must indicate the alterations that have been made in response to the reviewers’ comments item by item. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within 8 weeks of the editorial decision is regarded as a withdrawal. A final decision on acceptance/rejection for publication is forwarded to the corresponding author from the editor.
All manuscripts from editors, employees, or members of the editorial board are processed same to other unsolicited manuscripts. During the review process, submitters will not engage in the decision process. Editors will not handle their own manuscripts although they are commissioned ones.
We neither guarantee the acceptance without review nor very short peer review times for unsolicited manuscripts. Commissioned manuscripts also reviewed before publication.
8. Manuscript preparation
- 1) General: Text must be written in Korean or English using MS Word program. The designated font style for English is Times New Roman in 11-point and the text should be 200%-spaced or double-spaced. Each page must be numbered beginning with the abstract page. Manuscripts are to have line numbers in the left margin.
- 2) Title page: The title page should include the following:
- • The type of manuscript (research articles, reviews, research notes, and educational materials)
- • The running head summarizing in Englisgh (50 characters or less including spaces)
- • Titles should be written in sentence case (only the first word of the text and proper nouns are capitalized). For observational studies (cross-sectional, case-control, or prospective cohort), clinical trials, systematic reviews, or meta-analyses, the subtitle should include the study design.
- • The names and affiliations, positions of all authors
A corresponding author should be marked with “†” at the end of the name. If some of the authors have different affiliations, superscript 1), 2), 3) should be placed at the end of each author’s name in this order and the same number should be placed in front of the affiliation. 1), 2), 3) are attached in the same order, even if they belong to the same organization but have different positions.
- The position of the researcher (professor, lecturer, student, researcher, etc.) should be listed in front of the affiliation. If there is no position and title, only the name is given. For minors who are not currently affiliated, submit the final affiliation, position, and school year separately.
Youngok Kim1), Jin-Sook Yoon2)†, Kil-dong Hong3), Na-ra Kim4)
1)Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Dongduk Women’s University, Seoul, Korea
2)Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea
3)Student, Graduate School of Education, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea
4)Student, OO High School, Daegu, Korea
- • The name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the corresponding author in English. Country code is also indicated for telephone and fax numbers.
Kil-dong Hong
… … (address)
Tel: +82-2-749-0747
Fax: +82-2-749-0746
- • ORCID (
All authors should register their affiliation and position at ORCID. When author identification is required, this information can be used. ORCID numbers of all authors should be indicated without blinding.
Kil-Dong Hong****-****-****-****
- • Funding
When there is no funding associated with the manuscript, "None" should be stated.
This research was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (Grant No. ***).
- 3) Arrangement of research articles: Each manuscript should be divided into the following sections in the order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgments, References, followed by Tables and Figures. These section headings and subheadings should be written in English. In case of educational materials, the contents of the results and discussion can be composed of contents, evaluation, and implications. In the case of a review, unlike the structure of a research articles, it can be described as an introduction, body, and conclusion. However, a scoping review or a systematic review should follow the structure of the research articles.
The journal encourages authors to describe the study according to the reporting guidelines relevant to their research design, such as those outlined by the EQUATOR Network ( and the United States National Institutes of Health/ National Library of Medicine (
- • Ethics Statement
Authors should present an “Ethics statement” immediately after the heading “Methods”. In case of reviews, research notes and educational materials, “Ethics statement” should be presented after introduction section.
The informed written consent was obtained from each participant. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of *** (approval number).
Obtainment of informed consent was exempted by the institutional review board.
- • Study Design
Authors should present the study design (e.g., descriptive analysis, randomized controlled trial, cohort study, or meta-analysis) and any reporting guidelines referenced in the "Methods" section.
This was a cross-sectional study. It was described according to the STROBE statement (
- • Discussion
Authors should interpret the results and provide the Limitations and Conclusion in the latter part of the "Discussion" section.
- • Conflict of Interest
There are no financial or other issues that might lead to conflict of interest.
Kildong Hong has been an editor since 2021. However, he was not involved in the review process of this manuscript. Otherwise, there was no conflict of interest.
- • Acknowledgments
Describe the person who helped write the thesis or research but was not appropriate as an author.
We thank the physicians who performed the sample collection.
- • Data Availability
Authors should provide a data availability statement. Providing access to research data is optional.
The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in [repository name e.g “KNHANES”] at[doi].
- 4) Abstract: A structured abstract of 250~300 words must be written in English under the following headings: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Abstracts should be accompanied by keywords in English.
- 5) Keywords: A Three to five keywords are recommended with one or two words except for technical terms. The terminology should be listed, in principle, in MeSH ( Keywords are written in lowercase letters except for proper nouns, and keywords are separated by a semicolon (;).
- 6) Abbreviations: All abbreviations must be defined in parentheses at first mention in the text. Abbreviations used in a table or figure should be defined in their respective table footnote or figure legend.
- 7) Numbers and measurements: Numbers should be presented in Arabic numerals. For most measurements, the International System of Units (SI) is recommended. The unit symbol should be placed after the numerical value and a space should be left between the numerical value and the unit symbol except %, ℃.
- 8) References
- • References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text using Arabic numerals in brackets.
- • When more than one reference is cited at the same point in the text, they are included in the same bracket as below.
[1-3] or [4, 7]
- • When the authors’ names of the references are inserted in the text, the last names of the authors are given in English. When the reference has two authors, both authors’ names should be joined by ‘&’, and when the reference has more than two authors, the first author’s name should be given followed by ‘etal’.
Kim [2], Park & Lee [5], Brown et al. [7]
- • Reference list should be given in English in numerical order corresponding to the order of citation in the text.
- • References should follow the National Library of Medicine (NLM) style guide (
- • Abbreviations of journal names should be written according to the international rules for the abbreviation ( or KoreaMed (
- • Master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation should be cited less than three.
- (1) Journal articles
- ① Published journal articles
Authors. Article title. Journal title Year of publication; Volume(Issue): Start page-Last page.
<Example> Mo YJ, Kim SB. Sodium related recognition, dietary attitude and education needs of dietitians working at customized home visiting health service. Korean J Community Nutr 2014; 19(6): 558-567.
When an article has more than six authors, the names of the first six authors should be given followed by ‘et al.’
<Example> Yon MY, Lee HS, Kim DH, Lee JY, Nam JW, Moon GI et al. Breast-feeding and obesity in early childhood - based on the KNHANES 2008 through 2011-. Korean J Community Nutr 2013; 18(6): 644-651.
- ② Forthcoming journal articles
Authors. Article title. Journal title Year of publication. Forthcoming.
<Example> Kim YS, Lee HM, Kim JH. Sodium-related eating behaviors of parents and its relationship to eating behaviors of their preschool children. Korean J Community Nutr 2015. Forthcoming.
- (2) Books
- ① Entire books
Authors. Title. Edition. Publisher; Year of publication. p. Start page-Last page.
<Example> Park YS, Lee JW, Seo JS, Lee BK, Lee HS, Lee SK. Nutrition education and counselling. 5th ed. Kyomunsa; 2014. p. 32-55.
<Example> Ministry of Health and Welfare (KR), The Korean Nutrition Society. Dietary reference intakes for Koreans 2020: Minerals. Ministry of Health and Welfare; 2020. p. 25-46.
- ② Book chapter
Chapter authors. Chapter title. In: Editor names, editors. Book title. Edition. Publisher; Year of publication. p. Start page-Last page.
<Example> Tamura T, Picciano MF, McGuire MK. Folate in pregnancy and lactation. In: Bailey LB, editor. Folate in Health and Disease. 2nd ed. CRC press; 2010. p. 111-131.
- ③ Translated books
Translators. Translated title(translated version). Edition. Original language originally written by authors. Publisher; Year of publication. p. Start page-Last page.
<Example> Mo SM, Kwon SJ, Lee KS. Do you know dining table of children? (translated version). 1st ed. Japanese original written by Adachi M. Kyomunsa; 2000. p. 20-22.
- (3) Scientific reports
Authors. Report title. Performing organization; Year of publication Month of publication. Report No. Report number.
<Example> Lee YM. A study on development of food safety and nutrition education program for preschooler. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety; 2013 Nov. Report No. 13162consumer110.
- (4) Thesis and dissertaion
Author. Title. [Book type]. Publisher; Year of publication.
master's thesis for master degree, dissertation for doctoral degree
<Example> Ahn SY. The perception of sugar reduction in nutrition teachers or dieticians in charge of school meals and their use of added sugar in Seoul. [master's thesis]. Sookmyung Women's University; 2014.
- (5) Conference papers
Authors of paper. Title of paper. Proceedings of Conference title; Year Month Day; Place of conference: p. Start page-Last page.
<Example> Shim JE. Infant and child feeding practices for development of healthy eating habits. Proceedings of 2014 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Community Nutrition; 2014 Nov 14; Seoul: p. 195-213.
- (6) Articles in magazine or newspaper
- ① Magazine articles
Author. Article title. Magaxine title. Year Month: Page.
<Example> Lee BM. Nutrition treatment of hereditary metabolic diseases. Nutrition and Dietetics. 2013 Dec: 12-19.
- ② Newspaper articles
Author or Organization. Article title. Newspaper title. Year Month Day; Section: Page.
<Example> Lee JH. Sodium reduction need to readjust policy. Food and Beverage News. 2014 Sep 29; Sect. A: 1.
- (7) Materials on the internet
- ① Web sites
Author or Organization. Title [Internet]. Publisher; Year [cited Year Month Day]. Available from: electronic address
<Example> The Korean Society of Community Nutrition. Nutrient story [Internet]. The Korean Society of Community Nutrition; 2007 [cited 2015 May 12]. Available from:
- ② Web page
Author or Organization. Title [Internet]. Publisher; Year [updated Year Month Day; cited Year Month Day]. Available from: electronic address
- 9) Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures must be written in English, and limited to a maximum of 10 altogether. Each table and figure should be prepared on a separate page and placed at the end of the text according to the order cited in the text. Citation of tables or figures in the text is as Table 1 or Fig. 1. Vertical lines are not used in tables. A title should be placed at the top of a table or at the bottom of a figure. The footnotes of the table are presented on Arabic numerals as superscripts 1), 2), 3). In case of indicating levels of significance, P-values should be presented in the body of each table, and if necessary, symbols can be used as *, **, ***, etc. To indicate the result of multi-range tests, letters such as a, b, c, etc. can be used.
9. Publication
Once the review process is completed, the manuscript cannot undergo any modifications in their contents or changes of the authors. PDF page proofs will be emailed to the corresponding author and should be returned within 3 days. The author pays the publication fee for the published paper, including manuscript editing fees, reference proofreading fees, and file processing fees. Authors who choose to withdraw a manuscript after it has undergone peer-review will be charged the review fee.
Any issues not indicated in these instructions will be reviewed and decided by the Editorial Committee. Any additional questions or information on manuscript submission and publication can be clarified by contacting the editorial office.
Address: 904 Hyundai Hyel, 213-12, Saechang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04376, Korea
Tel: +82-2-749-0747
Fax: +82-2-749-0746