(※ Please include the checklist when submitting the manuscript to the submission site.)
Category |
Items to review |
Check |
Title page |
1. Title |
- - Spelling and typographical errors in paper titles.
- - Titles should be written in sentence case, with only the first word of the text and proper
nouns capitalized. The study design should be included in the title or subtitle.
- e.g., Development and Effectiveness Evaluation of the STEAM Education Program on
Food Groups for Kindergarteners
- -> Development and effectiveness evaluation of the STEAM education program on
food groups for kindergarteners: a non-randomized controlled study
e.g., Program Evaluation using the RE-AIM Framework: A Systematic Review and
Application to a Pilot Health Promotion Program for Children
- -> Evaluation of the pilot health promotion program for children: a systematic review
2. Author Information |
- Include all author titles and affiliations, and indicate the position before the affiliation |
3. Submission |
- - The title page, the copyright transfer agreement, and IRB approval are all included when submitting your paper to the submission site by uploading them to the ‘Attachment’ section.
- - Remove the cover page including author information from the submitted paper before submitting
4. ORCID |
- - ORCID should be stated for all authors e.g., Gildong Hong: https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000
5. Funding |
e.g., This research was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea (Grant No. 000).
- When there is no funding associated with the manuscript, “None.” should be stated.
Abstract |
1. Structure |
- Objectives-Methods-Results-Conclusion |
2. Keywords |
- - Three to five keywords are recommended with one or two words except for technical terms.
- - The terminology should be listed, in principle, in MeSH (www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html).
- - Keywords are written in lowercase letters except for proper nouns, and keywords are separated by a semicolon (;).
3. Abbreviations |
- - Abbreviations should only be used if they are repeatedly used throughout the abstract.
If an abbreviation is not used after it has been defined, use the full name instead
- - Define an abbreviation the first time it appears in the abstract
Main body |
1. Structure |
- - Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods (including ethics statement), Results, Discussion, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgments, Data Availability References, Tables, and Figures
- - Include 'Study Design' in Method, subheadings in Results, and 'Limitations' and 'Conclusion' in Discussion
- - Upload tables and figures as a single file and do not separate them
2. Statistical software |
- - Enter the correct type and version of statistical software
e.g., IBM SPSS Statistics 25 (IBM Corp.)
e.g., SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute)
3. Ethics Statement |
- - Authors should present an “Ethics Statement” immediately after the heading “Methods”. In case of reviews, research notes and educational materials, “Ethics statement” should be presented after introduction section e.g., The informed written consent was obtained from each participant. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of *** (approval number: ***).
*IRB approval statement will be included in the final version, but do not include specific IRB information (e.g., institution name) when submitting.
e.g., Obtainment of informed consent was exempted by the institutional review board.
4. Conflict of Interest |
- - Conflict of interest must be stated.
e.g., There are no financial or other issues that might lead to conflict of interest.
e.g., Gildong Hong has been an editor since 2021. However, he was not involved in the review process of this manuscript. Otherwise, there was no conflict of interest.
*Author information will be included in the final version but do not include it when submitting.
5. Acknowledgments |
- - List individuals who contributed to the writing or research, but do not meet the criteria for authorship.
e.g., We thank the physicians who performed the sample collection.
*This information will be included in the final version, but do not include it when submitting.
6. Data Availability |
- - Authors should provide a data availability statement. Providing access to research data is optional.
e.g., The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in [repository name e.g “KNHANES”] at http://doi.org/[doi].
7. References |
- - Notation method: [1], [2, 5], [15-20], etc. without spaces before square brackets, when adding commas between references, add a space after commas.
e.g., research on something [1] or Kim & Lee’s research [2, 5]
- - References in the text should be listed in numerical order
- - The number of citations for the type of dissertation should not exceed 3.
- - Verify that the reference adheres to the KJCN guidelines
8. Other indications such as units |
- - Write numbers and units with a space (50 kg, 600 kcal), but attach % and ℃.
- - g/dl (X), g/dL (O)
- - When indicating P-value, use capital, italic P: e.g., P-value
- - Use a en-dash ‘–’ to indicate a range of numbers: e.g., 20–25
- - Use comma notation to separate thousands (this also applies to text and tables): For example, 65,450,000.
9. Tables, figures |
- - Capitalize only the first letter of table and figure titles
- - Capitalize only the first letter of variables in the table
- - Use lowercase ‘n’ in tables and figures.
- - Additional checklists for tables and figures can be found in the section below.
Please adhere the following guidelines for tables and figures.