1Graduate School of Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, Student.
2Department of Food and Nutrition, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, Researcher.
3Department of Food and Nutrition, Sahmyook University, Seoul, Korea, Professor.
4Department of Preventive Medicine, Dankook University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea, Professor.
5Department of Preventive Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Professor.
6Department of Pediatrics, Childhood Asthma Atopy Center, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Professor.
7Department of Food and Nutrition, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, Professor.
Copyright © 2018 The Korean Society of Community Nutrition
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1) Abbrebiations: AD + HD = Attention deficit + Hyperactivity disorder, AD = Attention deficit, HD = Hyperactivity disorder
1) Analysis by T-test
2) Significantly different by student's t-test between ADHD and normal group (p<0.05)
3) Values are means ± SD
1) chi-square test
1) Factor loadings ≥0.3 or ≤−0.3 are shown in bold and shaded
1) Adjusted for age as continuous variables and gender as categorical variables. Significantly different at *: P<0.05 and **: P<0.01
2) Values were shaded, if not significant (p<0.05)
1) Adjusted for age, gender, energy intake
2) Q1–Q5 : The values which estimated nutrient intakes from SFFQ divided into quintile categories. Q1 : the lowset, O5 : the highest
3) In each cell, value were shaded when Q1 is higher than Q5, if significant (p<0.001)
1) Adjusted for area, age, gender, married status, father education and passive smoking
2) Abbrebiations: AD + HD=Attention deficit + Hyperactivity disorder
AD = Attention deficit
HD = Hyperactivity disorder
1) Abbrebiations: AD + HD = Attention deficit + Hyperactivity disorder, AD = Attention deficit, HD = Hyperactivity disorder
1) Analysis by T-test 2) Significantly different by student's t-test between ADHD and normal group (p<0.05) 3) Values are means ± SD
1) chi-square test
1) Factor loadings ≥0.3 or ≤−0.3 are shown in bold and shaded
1) Adjusted for age as continuous variables and gender as categorical variables. Significantly different at *: P<0.05 and **: P<0.01 2) Values were shaded, if not significant (p<0.05)
1) Adjusted for age, gender, energy intake 2) Q1–Q5 : The values which estimated nutrient intakes from SFFQ divided into quintile categories. Q1 : the lowset, O5 : the highest 3) In each cell, value were shaded when Q1 is higher than Q5, if significant (p<0.001)
1) Adjusted for area, age, gender, married status, father education and passive smoking 2) Abbrebiations: AD + HD=Attention deficit + Hyperactivity disorder AD = Attention deficit HD = Hyperactivity disorder