- [English]
The Development of Website-based Food and Nutrition for Women
Ah Ram Jung, Na Mi Joo
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(3):359-366. Published online June 30, 2008
- This study has two section, one is design and development of website, the other is evaluation of website quality. The website was designed to have three web contents, Nutrition education for women's health, Food information for women, and Menus for women's health. In nutrition education for women's health, women were divided by healthy women, pregnant and nursing women, and patients. In Food information for women, I offer food information for the purpose of inducing women to have food intake for healthy lives. In Menus for women's health, 299 menus were selected by preference evaluation and menu evaluation. The website was developed through this study. The main menu consists of 3 web contents of nutrition education for women's health, food information for women, menus for women's health and this site also contain Q & A. In the quality valuation process by a group of experts, all respondents highly esteemed the quality of the website used in this study reward grading in higher than 3 points (in general).