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Bokyung Lee 3 Articles
Examination about the Television's Role of Nutrition Education through Content Analysis of Nutrition-related Programs
Joung Won Lee, Bokyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(4):642-654.   Published online October 31, 1998
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In order to examine the television(TV)'s role of nutrition education and the nutritional interests and problems of the general public in the 1990s, a comtents analysis was done on two nutrition-related TV programs, a regular round-table talk show and a newscast. Broadcast from January 1993 to July 1997 and from January 1997 to July f1997, respectively. Nutrition-related information was classified into five categories. Food and nutrient(39.5%) and diseases(34.7%) were most frequently telecasted, which were followed by food habits and general health(13.0%), traditional dishes and cookery(8.2%), and food sanitation and safety(4.6%). In becoming the latest year, some trends in the issues displayed increased telecasts about disease, dish and cookery, and food safety, while the telecasting of food and nutrient decreased. The contents about the relations hip between life-style(including diet) and chronic degenerative diseases and the importance of balanced diets and regualr meals for health promotion became particularly emphasized. Overall, two TV programs provided the public with positive, practical, and sometimes practive nutrition education messages for improving eating life and health care. They also raised the public's awareness of the nutritional importance of Korean staple foods such as rice, kimchi, seaweed, and soysauce, and they sometimes satified the audience's curiosities by introducing Korean food culture or foods of Buddhist priests. When the accident of food toxicity occurred concrete information about how to manage it was rapidly given to the public. In addition they played a role in food balance policy by telecasting over-product foods such as garlic and onion. However some negative points appeared. Telecasts on milk and its products and diabetes mellitus showed the least frequently. These shows should be broadcast more often considering the present nutrition and health problems in Korea. Some functions or effects of foods were mostly explained by only physicians of Chinese medicine. Sometimes misinformed, unclear, overemphasized, biased, or unfair information was televised to the public. If these problems could be solved through the sincere cooperation between nutrition faculty and TV produces, become televison could a more complete and effective medium for educating the public about nutrition.
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Analyzing the Producer's Attitudes toward Specialist's Advice and the Panelist Constitution of Nutrition related TV programs
Joung Won Lee, Bokyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):317-328.   Published online May 31, 1998
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In order to investigate if nutrition-related TV programs give the public correct and useful imformation, 26 producers(PD) having worked for any one of the nutirtion-related TV programs were surveyed by using questionnaire on the attitudes toward seeking an expert's advice about the issues and the panelist's constitution of one typical nutrition-related TV show program broadcasted during the last 5 years was analyzed. The most important reason for selecting the nutrition-related issues was to satisfy the interests and demands of audiences. Both being motivated by food-related accidents and to educate people for the health promotion were the second ones. In the process of nutrition-related program production, 53.9% of PDs always requested expert's advice, while 46.1% occasionally did. Professors in food and nutrition were regarded as the most proper advisor. Dietitians, physicians and physicians of Chinese medicine wer the next in order. The similar pattern were shown in the rankd of specialists actually invited as panelists to the program. Both the speciality and being well-known were less positive and favorable for participating in the program compared to experts in other areas. The number of programs about food and nutrition broadcasted on the TV show during 1993-1997(July) was 361(about 30%). The total of 1,043 specialists appeared, 2.9 persons per program on the average. Of these, only 12.9% were professors in food and nutrition as well as dietitians. The largest(20.2%) was physicians or medical professors, and 13.6% cooks and 12.6% physicians of Chinese medicine. Of 361 programs 45 were thought to be undesirable on the panelist constitution. Particualrly in 19 programs, where nutritionists were not invited, physicians or physicians of Chinese medicine explained diet therapy, food, nutrient or dietary habit.
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A Study of the Dietary Intake Status and One Portion Size of Commonly Consumed Food and Dishes in Korean Elderly Women
Sang yeon Kim, Kyungah Jung, Bokyung Lee, Yukyung Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(4):578-592.   Published online October 31, 1997
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The use of semiquantitative food frequency to estimate dietary intake has become widespread in nutritional epidemiologic studies. It had been suggested that knowledge about a person's usual portion size of each meal in addition to consumption frequency will improve the accuracy of this method. This study was performed to investigate the dietary intake status(nutrient, food, and dish intake) and one portion size of commonly consumed food and dishes to develop a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire that will be used to expore the relationship between the incidence of cardiovascular disease and diet in Korean women after menopause. Intake of food or dish in 123 elderly women were measured by 3-day food records in March to May, 1996. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follow : 1) Calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin E intakes were less adequate than Recommended dietary allowances(RDA). 2) The subjects who consumed more than 20% of the energy from fat were 35% and the subjects consumed dietary cholesterol more than 300mg were 18%. 3) The most frequently consumed foods or dishes by the subjects were Korean cabbage kimchi
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