- [English]
The Nutritional Status of Various Populations Living in Selected Areas for Model Nutritional Work in Korea
Ae Ja Shin, Seoung Hee Kye, Dong Yeon Kim, Haeng Shin Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(4):529-538. Published online December 31, 1999
- It is very important to collect information on the nutritional status of the Korean population for the development of health promotion programs including nutrition. The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status of various population living in selected areas for model nutritional work. Seven hundred eighty households(30 households per each area)from 26 areas participated in this study from November 1 to November 20, 1996. Dietary intake data for two consecutive days were collected at household level by a weighting method. The mean energy intake of the subjects(1,934 kcal) was higher than that resulted from the '95 Korean National Nutrition Survey(1,839 kcal). The proportion of energy derived from cereals was 60.1%. The proportion of total protein intake from animal sources was 49.4%. These results were similar to those found in the '95 Korean National Nutrition Survey. Most nutrients(except iron, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, and crude fiber) were higher than the result of the '95 Korean National Nutrition Survey. However, the average iron intake was about 68% of the result of '95 Korean National Nutrition Survey. This may be due to the adjustment of iron content in rice(3.7mg/100g-->0.5mg/100g) included in nutrient database for calculating nutrient intakes. The mean energy contribution from carbohydrate, protein, and fat were 64.2%, 16.4% and 19.4%, respectively. Significant differences of nutrient intakes were noted among some areas, which may be due to different food intake patterns according to the needs of the particular area. Therefore, the result of this study indicates that there are significant differences in food and nutrient intakes among the areas, suggesting that nutritional improvement programs may need to be developed differently by areas.
- [English]
Evaluation and Categorization of Commercially Prepared Enteral Nutrition Formulas
Dong yeon Kim, Hee Jae Suh
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(5):729-738. Published online November 30, 1998
- In order to investigate the types of enteral nutrition formulas currently used in hospitals and evaluate and categorize the commercially prepared enteral nutrition formulas formulas available in the domestic market, we asked dietitians working in 6 hospitals in Seoul to complete the questionnaire and obtained compositional characteristics of 12 commercially prepared enteral nutrition formulas. The average proportion of patients receiving the commercially prepared enteral nutrition formulas(60.6%) was greater than that of patients receiving the in-hospital preparations(31.9%). In the group of patients receiving the in-hospital prepared formulas, the enteral feeding was mainly administered orally, whereas, in the group of patients receiving the commercially prepared formulas, tube feeding was the primary route of formula administration. In both groups, however, a greater proportion of patients received the formulas as total replacements of their meals and for the purpose of dietary supplementation. On the basis of major criteria for evaluation of the commercially prepared enteral nutrition formulas, the 6 products out of the 9 nutritionally complete products formulated for the purpose of dietary supplementation were grouped into the same category(standard protein, caloric density of 1kcal/ml, and tube/oral), so they were considered therapeutically comparable. However, the remaining 3 products were different in protein content(high protein) or route of administration(tube only). Of the 3 nutritonally complete products formulated specifically for the purpose of dietary therapy, 2 products were formulated for patients with renal disease, and the one product was formulated for diabetic patients. Therefore, the data in this study showed that the commercially prepared enteral nutriton formulas became an important part of the enteral nutrition for hospitalized patients in Korea, but the domestic market has not yet generated a wide variety of the formulas, not providing many choices for clinicians to manage the diets for their patients. The results of this study would be helpful for clinicians in choosing appropriate products for their patients, for manufactures in developing new products, and for regulatory authorities to establish the regulation for the broad group fo heterogeneous products that are marketed and will be developed as medical foods. In addition, the process of maintaining the categories for evaluation of the commercially prepared enteral nutrition formulas should be dynamic because new products may not reasonably fit any of the existing categories.
- [English]
Study on the Establishment of Nutrient Requirements for Commercial Supplementary Foods for Infants and Young Children
Dong Yeon Kim, Kyung Hee Kim, Haymie Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(4):624-632. Published online October 31, 1997
- This study was conducted to evaluated the nutrition quality of the commercial supplementary foods for infants and young children and to seek a solution to the establishment of standards of nutrient requirements for supplementary foods in Korea. Information on food ingredients, nutrient contents, claims about usefulness of food components and instructions for feeding preparation were obtained from the labels of 33 commercial supplementary foods manufactured by 4 different domestic companies. According to the standard of supplementary foods for infants and young children described in the Korean Food Code, the commercial supplementary foods were categorized into two different types, weaning food and baby food. All the commercial weaning foods were in powder form and mainly composed of cereals, whereas all the baby foods were mainly composed of fruits in the form of canned juice. The weaning foods contained more nutrients than the baby foods did, and the nutrient levels of the weaning foods expressed as nutrient density on energy basis were higher than the RDA for infants aged 5 to 11 months, suggesting that the commercial weaning foods provide adequate amounts of nutrients. If one followed the instructions for feeding preparation appearing on the label, however, recommended amounts of intake of the weaning foods would provide too much energy as well as nutrients. There were many differences in nutrient standards of weaning foods between the Korean Food Code and Codex international food standard. In conclusion, the establishment of standards for nutrient requirements for the supplementary foods requires significant scientific studies on what nutrients are the most inadequate in Korean infants and young children feeds and what levels of nutrients should be added to the foods in order to supplement their nutrition. In addition, it is very important to have a strong scientific basis to support our standard when discrepancies exist between our standard and the international standard.