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Eun A Seo 5 Articles
Determining the Frequency of Obesity and Eating Habits of Older(4th, 5th, 6th grade) Elementary School Students in Iksan City by Some Obesity Indices
Eun Jung Joo, In Sook Kim, Eun A Seo
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(1):16-27.   Published online February 28, 2001
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The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of obesity and to examine the eating habits of elementary school students in Iksan dity. The study was carried out on 292 students(male: 151, female : 141)in May of 1997. The average height and weight of the subjects were 141 cm and 37 kg in males and 142 cm and 36 kg in females, which were similar to the average of Chonbuk. A Weight/Length Index(WLI), Broca Index, Rohrer Index(RI), Body Mass Index(BMI) and Waist Hip Ratio(WHR) were used as an obesity index to classify degree of obesity. WLI, Broca Index and RI were proper for judging child obesity and strict judgments were conducted in the order of RI, WLI and Brcoa Index. The subjects were classified as 30.8% underweight, 43.5% normal, 8.2% overweight and 17.5% obese by WLI and there were significant differences between height(p<0.05) and weight(p<0.01) according to obesity degree among the four groups. 50.3% of the boys and 55.3% of the girls are regularly, and the main reason they didn't ate regularly, and the maim reason they didn't eat breakfast(78.4%) was due to lack of time. The frequency of snacks were 1-2 times a week(40.4%), fruits(40.4%) from market and supermarket(68.2%). According to the survey 84.6%, 77.45, 78.1%, 69.9%, 59.9% and 86.6% of subjects didn't eat meat, fish, soysauce, instant food, sugar and seaweed respectively. Seaweed, meat, and soysauce showed low preferences. 69.5% and 74.75 of the subjects drink milk and ate kimchi respectively. By analyzing eating habits according to the degree of obesity, the rate of skipping breakfast(p<0.01), and eating meat or fish(p<0.05) were high in the overweight and obese groups of girls. In the boys case, the rate of not eating food in sugar(p<0.05) was high in the obese group. Obese children need to correct their eating habit. This reasserts the importance of nutrition education in children though teachers, parents, and dietitions. The findings of this study may be applied to nutrition education to ensure better physical fitness for chi......
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Nutritional Status of Iron of Elderly in Jeon-Ju Area
Eun Jung Joo, In Sook Kim, Eun A Seo
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(3):493-501.   Published online September 30, 2000
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The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status of iron of the elderly residing in the Jeonju area. The anthropometric parameters, nutrient intake and biochemical status of iron, were measured for 60 Korean elderly(23 elderly men and 37 elderly women aged 60 - 79 years old). The level of hemoglobin(Hb), hematocrint(Hct), serum iron(Fe), total iron binding capacity(TIBC) and serum ferritin(Ferritin) were measured and transferrin saturation(TFsaturation) was calculated. Mean values of Hb, Hct, Fe, TIBC, TFsaturation and Ferritin were 14.49+/-0.93g/dl, 42.47+/-2.59%, 125.48+/-52,.46 microgram/dl, 338.13+/-45.92 microgram/dl, 193.00+/-125.03 microgram/l in elderly men and 12.82+/-0.99 microgram/dl, 37.66+/-2.90%, 100.08+/-42.82 microgram/dl, 356.41+/-54.65 microgram/dl, and 99.35+/-117.22 microgram/l in elderly women, respectively. Prevalence of iron deficiency varied greatly with biochemical indices of iron. It was 13.0% when judged by Fe(60 microgram/dl) and TFsaturation(15%) whereas 34.78% by Hct(41%) in elderly men. However 13.5% of the elderly women showed iron depletion(Ferritin<20 microgram/l) and 43.2% showed suppressed erythropoiesis with iron deficiency(TIBC>360 microgram/dl). The anemic subjects assessed with TFsaturation(<15%) represented 13.5% of the elderly women, whereas 18.9% of the subjects possessed less than 12g/dl of Hb. The Hb concentration was positively correlated with Hct(r=0.980, p<0.001), Fe(r=0.384, p<0.01) and TFsaturation(r=0.349, p<0.01). On the other hand, Ferritin concentration showed a significantly negative correlation with TIBC(r=0.349, p<0.05) and a positive correlation with TFsaturation(r=0.362, p<0.01). Major food groups of iron intake in the elderly were vegetables, cereals, and fish. The mean daily intake of iron was not significantly different between elderly men and women(12.82mg vs 10.35mg). Intake of heme iron however, was significantly higher(p<0.01) in elderly men(1.03mg) than women(0.42mg). Total absorbable iron caculated by the method of Monsen was 0.55mg, 0.40mg in elderly men and women, respectively and bioavailability of dietary iron 4.29% and 3.87%.
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A Long Term Observation of Total Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, BMI and Blood Glucose Concerned with Dietary Intake
In Sook Kim, Eun A Seo
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(2):172-184.   Published online July 31, 2000
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To establish a basic cohort which can survey the nutrient and food intake related to the health status of the middle and old-aged vertically, a longitudinal survey of 110 adults over forty years old was conducted three times in Chon-ju city over 5 years (1994-1999), and the influences of health status by changes in their nutrient and food intake were examined in this study. The results were as follows ; The number of subjects was 110(43 man, 67 women), 10.0% in their forties, 28.2% in their fifties, 45.4% in their sixties 6.4% over seventy, and their average age was 61.4. There were decrease of height about 1 cm, increase of body fat % and few changes of BMI during the testing period. As the subjects were aging, the percentage of anemia increased, but averages of blood pressure and blood glucose(men : 91.8 mg/dl, women : 90.3 mg/dl) were constant. Total cholesterol increased from 196.7 mg/dl to 212.6 mg/dl(P 0.05) over five years, and the numerical values for women were higher than that of men. In many cases, lack of nutrient intake was shown, as compared with the Recommended Dietary allowance(RDA) especially calcium and vitamin A(71.7%, 64.9% of RDA). Grains intake showed a tendency to decrease(P 0.01). On the contrary, fruit intake showed a tendency to increase(P 0.001). On whole meal, plant foods were 85.1% and animal foods were 14.9%. As dietary factors influencing health status were investigated, blood glucose was influenced by vitamin B2, potatoes and triglyceride, DBP and SBP were affected by vitamin B1, vitamin C, legumes, fishes, triglyceride and age. Total cholesterol was under the influence of triglyceride, milk, seeds and fat. BMI was influenced by iron, SBP, animal food, and age.
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Change on the Food and Nutrient Intake Patterns of Men over Thirty Years Old in Jeon-ju Area
In Sook Kim, Hyeon Hee Yu, Eun A Seo
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(3):382-393.   Published online September 30, 1999
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The objective of this study was to estimate changes on the flood and nutrient intake patterns of men over thirty years old in Jeon-Ju area. The first survey was conducted from December in 1991 to January in 1992, tile second one from January to February in 1994 and the third one from July to August in 1997. The nutrition survey using 24-hour recall method was executed to 303 subjects : 89, 82, 132 in 1991, 1994 and 1997, respectively. Results of the study are as follows : Kimchi, rice, garlic and onions were the most frequently eaten food items. Total daily intakes of foods were 85 : 15, 81 : 19 and 81 : 19 in 1991, 1994 and 1997, respectively. The average numbers of foods per person were 15.7, 20.1 and 21.9 daily in 1991, 1994 and 1997, respectively and tends to increase significantly(p<0.05). The minimum numbers of foods per person were 4, 7 and 9 and the maximum numbers of foods per person were 27, 35 and 39 in 1991, 1994 and 1997, respectively. KDDS(Korean's Dietary Diversity Score) is determined by how many among the five food groups (cereals, vegetables, meats, milks, oils groups)were consumed per day. Most subjects earned the KDDS "3" ; 61, 46 and 42% in 1991, 1994 and 1997, respectively. Average daily energy intakes wee 1,62 kcal(72% of RDA), 2,063 kcal(89% of RDA) and 1,818 kcal (79% of RDA) in 1991, 1994 and 1997, respectively. Energy intake rates of cereals : total energy intake were 65, 59, and 60% in 1991, 1994 and 1997, respectively, which were decreasing. Protein intakes were 58g(72% of RDA), 79g(107% of RDA) and 71g(97% of RDA), respectively and animal protein comprised 46, 53, and 59%, respectively ; which were increased. Fat intakes were 12g, 20g and 20g, respectively and animal protein comprised 38, 46, and 48% ; which were increased. Fat intakes were 12g, 20g and 20g, respectively, of which animal fat comprised 46, 53, and 59%, respectively ; which were increased, too. Malnourished (under 75% of RDA) rates were respectively 64, 34, and 47% in terms of energy ; 64, 31 and 33% in protein ; 67, 51, and 61% in calcium ; 53, 26, and 18% in iron ; 85, 74 and 84% in Vitamin A. Super-nourished(above 125% of RDA) rates were respectively 1, 13, and 3% in energy ; 1, 29, and 21% in protein ; 5, 18, and 7% in calcium ; 16, 31, and 7% in iron ; 16, 31, and 7% in Vitamin A, 42, 76, and 62% in Vitamin C. The percentages of calories from protein : fat : carbohydrate were 14 : 12 : 74, 15 : 16 : 69 and 16 : 17 : 67 in 1991, 1994 and 1997, respectively. KDDS(number of five food groups per day), Meal Balance(number of five food groups per meal), DVS(average numbers of foods per person), amount of foods correlated positively with all the nutrient intakes(p<0.05). KDDS was positively correlated with energy, protein, fat, calcium, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin(p<0.05)
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A Longitudinal Study on the Change of Nutrients and Food Consumption with Advance in Age among Middle-aged and the Elderly
In Sook Kim, Eun A Seo, Hyeon Hee Yu
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(3):394-402.   Published online September 30, 1999
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The purpose of this study is to investigate diet quality and changes in nutrient and food intake with increase in age. Subjects were 69 patients(28 males, 41 females) living in Jeon-ju city, over middle-aged, and they were the same patients studied 4-7 years ago in a previous study. Dietary survey with one day 24-hour recall method was used. Energy, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin B2 intakes were lower than the RDA and vitamin C was in excessive status in pre-test and post-test. In food groups examrned, the consumption of potatoes, beans, vegetables, seaweeds, beverages, seasonings, oils, fish & shells and milks was increased amount than 4-7 years before but the consumption of cereals(p<0.01), sugars, seeds, fruits, processed food, meats and eggs was decreased. Diet quality was assessed by %RDA, nutrient adequacy ratio(NAR), mean adequacy ratio(MAR), dietary diversity score(DDS), meal balance and food group pattern. In %RDA, those proportion of appropriate intake in post-test in were higher than those in pre-test. For most nutrient except vitamin A, the levels of NAR in post-test were higher than in pretest. The MAR, an index of overall dietary quality, was 0.77 for pre-test and 0.83 for post-test(p<0.05). When we counted the major food groups consumed(KDDS), 62.3% of subjects had a KDDS of 3 in pre-test and 42.0% of subjects had a KDDS of 4 in post-test. Based on these results, in terms of variety and balance, total diet quality was improved with advancing of age
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