- [English]
Antioxidant Nutrient Intakes and Health Behaviors of Rheumatoid Arthritic Patients
Ju Hee Lee, Eun Jung Chung, Young Ho Lee, Jong Dae Ji, Hong Seok Ahn
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(2):253-262. Published online April 30, 2008
- Previous studies have indicated that incidence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is partly related to the damage of antioxidant systems, but etiology of RA is not fully identified. This study was performed to evaluate nutrient intakes including antioxidants, health related behaviors and food habits of RA patients and controls. RA patient group (n = 68) and sex-matched healthy controls (n = 68) were joined in this study. Nutrient intake was estimated using a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. As mean age of RA (52.9 +/- 13.8 years) was significantly higher than those of controls (48.7 +/- 5.9 years), data were analyzed by using Student's t-test, adjusted for age. There was no significant difference between two groups in body mass index. Compared with those of controls, frequencies of drinking (p < 0.001) and coffee consumption (p < 0.05) of RA groups were lower. RA groups had lower frequencies of fruit (p < 0.01), vegetable (p < 0.05) and fatty meat (p < 0.05) consumptions and balanced diet (p < 0.01), and higher frequencies of fried dishes (p < 0.01), and salty dishes (p < 0.01), compared to controls. The most nutrient intakes including energy intake of RA were tended to be lower than those of controls. Vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin C intakes were significantly lower in RA than controls (p < 0.001). Daily vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin C intakes of RA were lower than those of control (vitamin A: RA 360.6 +/- 252.23 microgram RE, control 844.5 +/- 426.2 microgram RE, p < 0.001; beta-carotene: RA 1450.9 +/- 1019.0 microgram, control 3968.8 +/- 2248.21 microgram, p < 0.001; vitamin C; RA 40.6 +/- 21.48 mg,control 84.7 +/- 40.29, p < 0.001) These results suggest sufficient consumption of antioxidant nutrients may prevent and improve RA status.
- [English]
Levels of Serum Antioxidant Minerals and Enzyme Capacities of Korean Male Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Eugene Shim, Soo Yeon Kim, Eun Jung Chung, Seung Yun Cho, Yang Cha Lee-Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):396-404. Published online August 31, 2007
- Increased oxidative stress contributes to the progression of atherosclerosis. We measured serum antioxidant mineral concentrations, capacities of serum antioxidant enzymes and fasting lipid profile in 97 male patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and 21 male controls. Nutrient intake was assessed by the semi-quantitative food frequency method. CAD patients were divided into single-vessel disease (SVD, n = 66) and multi-vessel disease (MVD, n = 31) groups on the coronary angiography. The ratio of serum LDL- to HDL-cholesterol elevated with an increasing number of diseased vessels compared to the control (control < SVD
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Comparison of Nutrient Intakes Regarding Stages of Change in Dietary Fiber Increasing for College Students in Kyunggi-Do
Eun Jung Chung
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(5):592-602. Published online October 31, 2005
- This study was conducted to compare nutrient intakes regarding stages of change in dietary fiber increasing behavior. Subjects were consisted of healthy 383 college students (250 females and 133 males) in Kyunggi-Do. Stages of change classified by an algorithim based on 6 items were designed each subjects into one of the 5 stages: precontemplation (PC), contemplation (CO), preparation (PR), action (AC), maintenance (MA). Nutrient intakes were assessed by 24-hr recall method. Regarding the 5 stages of changes, PR stage comprised the largest group (39.4%), followed by AC (33.7%), MA (14.6%), PC (7.6%), CO (4.7%). Female were more belong to either AC or MA. The higher stage of change in dietary fiber increasing behavior, the higher self-efficacy. In all male and female, there were no differences in energy, protein, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol intakes across the 5 stages. But, fiber, potassuim (K), vitamin A and vitamin C intakes of AC or MA were higer than those of PC, CO and PR. Energy% from fat of PR (25.4 - 26.5%) was higher than 20%, and those of AC and MA was lower than the other groups. Dietary P/S and omega6/omega3 ratios of AC and MA were similar to the recommended ratio. Female of PR had the most total saturated fat and palmitic acid and those of MA had the least. Male of PR had the least alpha-LNA (omega3) and total omega3 fatty acids and those of MA had the most. In male and female in AC or MA, fiber and K intakes from breakfast, dinner and snack and vitamin C intakes from all meals were higher than those of the other stages. These results of our study confirm differences in stages of change in fiber intake in terms of nutritional status. To have lower energy% from fat, higher intakes of K, fiber and vitamins, desirable ratio of dietary fatty acids, it needs consistent nutritional education leading to the AC or MA of fiber increasing behavior.
- [English]
Mineral Intakes and Serum Mineral Concentrations of the Pregnant and Lactating Women
Woon Ju Kim, Hong Seok Ahn, Eun Jung Chung
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(1):59-69. Published online February 28, 2005
- The purpose of this study was to estimate the mineral intakes and serum mineral levels of pregnant and lactating women. The subjects consisted of 34 non-pregnant, 56 pregnant and 20 lactating women. Nutrients intakes were investigated by the 24-hr recall method, and serum major and trace minerals were analyzed by the ICP-spectrometry. Calcium (Ca) and zinc (Zn) intakes were observed lower than RDA especially for both pregnant and lactating women. Iron (Fe) intake of pregnant women was 85 - 139% RDA through Fe supplementation, and that of lactating women was lower than RDA. Compared with non-pregnant women, the pregnant women had similar Ca intake and higher magnesium (Mg) intake. Comparing with the non-pregnant women, serum Ca level in pregnancy was lower, and that of lactating women was not significantly different. Serum phosphorus and Mg levels were not significantly different among the groups. Serum Fe level of pregnant and lactating women was lower than that of the non-pregnant women. Serum Zn level of pregnant women was lower than those in the lactating and non-pregnant women. Serum copper level decreased as the pregnancy progressed. Serum sodium (Na) level was higher in 2nd- and 3rd trimester and potassium (K) level was higher in 3rd trimester and lactating period than other groups. Na/K ratio was not significantly different among the groups. During all periods, there was no correlation between dietary intakes and serum levels in each minerals. Serum Ca level positively corrleated with serum Mg level, especially in 3rd trimester and lactating women. In general, serum mineral levels in pregnancy were changed compared to the levels in non-pregnancy and restored in lactation to the levels for non-pregnancy.
- [English]
Studies on Fatty Acid Intake Patterns, Serum Lipids and Serum Fatty Acid Compositions of High School Students in Seoul
Eun Jung Chung, Hong Seok Ahn, Young Sook Um, Yang Cha Lee-Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(3):263-273. Published online June 30, 2004
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the pattern of individual fatty acid intake and to compare serum lipid levels and total serum fatty acid composition of high school students in Seoul (total:234;male:91;female:143). In serum lipid levels, total cholesterol (Chol.), HDL -Chol. and LDL-Chol. levels of female students were significantly higher than those of male students and there was no significant difference between High Fish & Low Meat intake (HFLM) and Low Fish & High Meat intake (LFHM) groups. The average fat intake was 22 - 25 energy % of total subjects and especially, that of LFHM group was 29%, which were over the recommendation level. Although the average P/M/S ratio of dietary fat was 1.1/1.2/1.0, the average range of omega 6/omega 3 fatty acid ratio of dietary fat was found to be 17.9 - 20.7, which was far beyond the suggested range, 4 - 10. The average intake of cholesterol of total subjects was 360mg. LFHM group had more meats and beverages such as carbonated drinks and tended to have less beans, vegetables and mushrooms. In addition, LFHM group had more energy and fat intake than those of HFLM group, the P/S ratio of dietary fat (0.73) was lower than the recommended ratio. Serum C16:0 composition of LFHM group was significantly higher than that of HFLM group, and EPA and DHA composition of HFLM was significantly lower than that of LFHM. Therefore, in HFLM group, the P/S ratio of serum fatty acids was significantly higher and the omega 6/omega 3 ratio was lower. Dietary C18: 0 was negatively correlated with serum EPA and DHA composition. Individual PUFA intake was negatively correlated with serum C16:0 and sum of SFA, and positively correlated with serum C18:2omega 6 (LA), sum of omega 6 and sum of PUFA. Serum C18:1, C18:3omega 3 and C20:4omega 6 (AA) compositions were not correlated with dietary fatty acid. Only serum triglyceride (TG) levels were significantly correlated with serum fatty acid compositions. Sum of SFA, C14:0, C16:0, sum of MUFA and C18:1 compositions were positively correlated with serum TG levels, but LA, AA, sum of PUFA and P/S ratio were negatively correlated with it.
- [English]
Serum Concentration of Major Minerals, Trace Elements, Lipids and Fatty Acids Composition Related to Whole Cow's Milk Feeding in Infancy & Young Childhood
Hong Seok Ahn, hyun Sook Bai, Sung Hye Park, Eun jung Chung, Kyung Hwan Oh
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(4):477-485. Published online October 31, 1997
- This study was conducted to determine the effect of large amounts of whole cow's milk intake on serum levels of minerals and lipids. Subjects were normal infants who were brought to the pediatric hospital for vaccination at the age of 7-26 months after birth, living in Eumsung-Choongbuk area. The serum concentrations of the imnerals(calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper), lipids and fatty acids composition were analyzed in 38 infants which consumed large amount of whole cow's milk(over 700ml/day). The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1) The mean levels of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the serum of the total subjects were 7.56+/-0.51mg/dl, 11.12+/-0.72mg/dl and 1.62+/-0.13mg/dl respectively. The serum concentrations of iron, zinc and copper in total subjects averaged 72.42+/-1.62 microgram/dl, 76.29+/-3. 62 microgram/dl and 86.44+/-2.98 microgram/dl respectively. 2) The mean serum concentrations of triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL in the total number of subjects were 96.84+/-9.22mg/dl, 133.45+/-6.30mg/dl, 32.79+/-1.77mg/dl and 81.29+/-4.81mg/dl respectively. 3) The average percentages of SFA, MUFA and PUFA inth total serum fatty acids were 38.98+/-2.42%, 25.82+/-0.98% and 37.30+/-1.09% respectively and the mean omega6/omega3 fatty acids ratio was 13.48. In general, the levels of serum minerals and omega3 fatty acid composition in the subjects of this study, who were whole cow's milk fed infants were lower than those reported in breast milk or formula fed infants. Therefore, the intake of large amount of whole cow's milk in the weani ng period should be controlled and adequate for the infant's nutritional status.