- [English]
Development and Evaluation of a Nutrition Education Program on Sodium Reduction in Elementary School Students
Yun Young Jung, Eun Kyung Shin, Hye Jin Lee, Nan Hee Lee, Byung Yeol Chun, Moon Young Ann, Yeon Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(6):746-755. Published online December 31, 2009
- This study was to develop and evaluate a nutrition education program to reduce dietary sodium. The school children (218 boys, 226 girls), from 8 elementary schools in the city of Daegu, Korea, were involved in this study. This research was based on the data from two groups of elementary school children, the "education" group (n = 240), and "no-education" group (n = 204). Educational media and programs were developed to educate the education group for four weeks and were presented on the web (www.saltdown.com). After education, the preference for a non-salty taste in the education group increased 10%, compared with those who preferred a non-salty taste before education. There was a significant change away from a preference for a salty taste and a rise in the mean score for nutrition knowledge and dietary attitude in the education group compared to the no-education group (p < 0.05). This study indicates that school children can reduce their dependency on preference for a salty taste and change their high-salt dietary behavior after the education.
- [English]
Development and Evaluation of Nutrition Education Program for Sodium Reduction in Foodservice Operations
Eun Kyung Shin, Hye Jin Lee, So Yoon Jun, Eun Jung Park, Yun Young Jung, Moon Young Ahn, Yeon Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(2):216-227. Published online April 30, 2008
- The purpose of this study was to develop a nutrition education program for dietary salt reduction using various nutrition education materials. The effect of a 5-week nutrition education program on salty taste assessment, nutrition knowledge, salt attitude for a high-salt diet, salt content in food, and individual satisfaction with the salt concentration of meals during the education period was evaluated. Nutrition education materials included two animations, a pamphlet, panels, and a website, as well as other training resources. Subjects participating in this study were 335 employees (164 male, 171 female) at 15 foodservice operations in Daegu. Preference for higher levels of salty taste and food containing higher amounts of salt were lowered. Knowledge regarding the necessity for dietary salt reduction was higher (p < 0.001) than before nutrition education, and salt content in a meal was reduced. As the program progressed, average salt concentrations of soups were significantly lowered (p < 0.05), and there was greater satisfaction with the lower concentration (p < 0.001). This was a positive indication of the program's success. In addition, it was found that subjects who participated in the program several times have changed their preference to lower levels of salty taste and have increased their nutrition knowledge (p < 0.05, p < 0.001). Thus, the positive effect of this 5-week nutrition education program developed for, and applied to, foodservice employees, concerning dietary salt reduction was confirmed.
- [English]
Effect of Nutrition Education Program in Obese Children and Their Parents(II) : Focus on Nutrition Knowledge, Eating Behaviors, Food Habit and Nutrient Intakes
Eun Kyung Shin, Hye Sung Lee, Yeun Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(5):578-588. Published online October 31, 2004
- The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of nutrition education program on nutrition knowledge, eating behaviors, food habit, nutrient intakes in obese children and their parents who live in Gumi city. The subjects were 16 obese boys, 20 obese girls with obesity index over 130% and 36 of their parents. The nutrition education for the subjects was carried out by the professional personnel such as doctors, professors, and dietitians. The children were provided with well-balanced lunch meals and had 40 min-lectures on the reasonable weight management, 40 min-games and also had regular exercises (stretching, swimming) for 90 mins everyday during 2 weeks of the program. The parents had 90 min-lectures on childhood obesity, diet therapy, behavior modification, and exercise for 6 times. The nutrition knowledge, eating behaviors and food habits were surveyed by using questionnaires before and after the education. The nutrition intakes of the children were surveyed before and after the education by 3-day food record method. The nutrition intakes of the parents were surveyed before and after the education by using semi-quantity questionnaires. After the education, the mean nutrition knowledge scores were significantly improved compared with the pretest scores in both children and parents. After the education, all subjects' eating behaviors were significantly changed positively and calorie and carbohydrates intakes were significantly decreased and vit. C was significantly increased in obese children. The food habits of the parents were significantly improved after the education. These findings show that the well-designed nutrition education program for obese children and their parents can be an effective approach to help them to improve their nutrition knowledge and to establish desirable food habits and eating behaviors.
- [English]
Effect of Nutrition Education Program in Obese Children and Their Parents(I): Focus on Anthropometric Values and Serum Biochemical Index
Eun Kyung Shin, Hye Sung Lee, Yeun Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(5):566-577. Published online October 31, 2004
- The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of nutrition education program on anthropometric values and boichemical index in obese children who live in Gumi city. The subjects were 16 obese boys, 20 obese girls with obesity index over 130 and 36 of their parents. The nutrition education was carried out by the professional personnel such as doctors, professors, and dietitians. The children were provided with well-balanced lunch meals and had 40min-lectures on the reasonable weight management, 40 min-games and also had regular exercises (stretching, swimming) for 90 mins everyday during 2weeks of the program. The parents had 90 min-lectures on childhood obesity, diet therapy, behavior modification, and exercise for 6times. After the program, obesity index, BMI, % body fat were significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in boys and obese index, BMI, % body fat and WHR were significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in girls. Blood cholesterol and TG levels of girls were significantly decreased (p < 0.05). These findings show that the well-designed nutrition education program for obese children can be an effective approach to help them to improve their anthropometric values and biochemical index.