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Eun Mi An 1 Article
A Study on the Status of Beverage Consumption of the Middle School Students in Jeonju
Moon Ja Song, Eun Mi An, Hee Sook Shon, Suk Bae Kim, Youn Soo Cha
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(2):174-182.   Published online April 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF
To investigate how the beverage consumption of middle school students are different in some respects; favorite kinds, drinking time and so on. 579 middle school students in Jeonju were participated in this study. This study shows the frequency of drinking beverage and the correlation between the frequency and the various factors to have effects on the frequency. The students usually drink water 8.55 times, milk or yogurt 3.01 times, sport beverage 2.13 times, soft drink 1.93 times, and fruit and vegetable juice 1.85 times for one week. The boy students prefer more soft or sport drink to the girl students. However the drinking of other beverages such as water, milk, juice, traditional ones don't have any meaningful differences between the boys and the girls. The students drink water mostly when they have meals. And the second consuming beverage is milk at table. It explains the students who drink more milk than water with bread. There is a big difference according to their excercise frequency. The students who excercise regularly or excercise over 3 hours drink more soft or sport drink and milk or yogurt than the students who exercise less than 1 hour. The beverages are firstly needed during the exercise because they sweat. And the second beverage time is when they have snacks and when they take a break. It should be suggested that nutrition education targeted to middle school students and their parents should encourage limited consumption of soft drinks. Therefore, policies that limit students' access to soft drinks at schools should be promoted.
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