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Eunmi Kim 2 Articles
The Outcome of Nutrition Support of Surgery Patients with Hypermetabolic Severity by Total Parenteral Nutrition and Enteral Nutrition and Biochemical Data
Miyong Rha, Eunmi Kim, Young Y Cho, Jeong Meen Seo, Haymie Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(2):289-297.   Published online April 30, 2006
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This study evaluated the nutrition intake and changes in laboratory data of surgery patients with hypermetabolic severity on nutrition support. From January 2002 to September 2002, 66 hospitalized surgery patients who had received enteral nutrition (EN, n=19) and total parenteral nutrition (TPN, n=47) for more than 7 days were prospectively and retrospectively recruited. The laboratory data was examined pre-operatively, and on the post-operative 1, 3, 7 day and at the time of discharge. The characteristics of the patients were examined for the hypermetabolic severity, The hypermetabolic scores were determined by high fever (> 38 degrees C), rapid breathing (> 30 breaths/min), rapid pulse rate (> 100 beats/min), leukocytosis (WBC>12,000/microliter), leukocytopenia (WBC<3,000/microliter), status of infection, inflammatory bowel disease, surgery and trauma. The scores for the hypermetabolic status were divided into three groups (mild 0-10, moderate 11-40, severe>41). According to the results of the study, 38.3% (n=23), 45.4% (n=30) and 19.6% (n=13) were in the mild, moderate, and severe groups, respectively. There was a decrease in the serum albumin level and weight loss according to the hypermetabolic severity. However, the white blood cells (WBC), fasting blood sugar (FBS), c-reactive protein (CRP), total bilirubin, GOT, and GPT increased. The nutritional intake was TPN (32.5 kcal/kg, protein 1.2 g/kg, fat 0.25 g/kg), EN (28.1 kcal/kg, protein 1.0 g/kg, fat 1.01 g/kg). The serum albumin, hemoglobin and cholesterol were higher in the EN group than in the TPN group. But the FBS, total bilirubin, GOT and GPT were higher in the TPN group than the EN group. In conclusion, there was a negative correlation between the changes in the laboratory data and the hypermetabolic severity. There was an increase in the number of metabolic complications in the TPN group.
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Effects of the APACHE III Score, Hypermetabolic Score on the Nutrition Status and Clinical Outcome of the Patients Administered with Total Parenteral Nutrition and Enteral Nutrition
Miyong Rha, Eunmi Kim, Young Y Cho, Jeong Meen Seo, Haymie Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(1):124-132.   Published online February 28, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical outcome. Between January 1, 2002 to September 30, 2002, we prospectively and retrospectively recruited 111 hospitalized patients who received Enteral Nutrition (ENgroup n = 52) and Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPNgroup n = 59) for more than seven days. The factors of clinical outcomes are costs, incidences of in-fection, lengths of hospital stay, and changes in weight. The characteristics of patients were investigated, which included nutritional status, disease severity (APACHE III score) and hypermetabolic severity (hypermetabolic score). Hypermeta-bolic scores were determined by high fever (>38 degrees C), rapid breathing (>30 breaths/min), rapid pulse rate (>100 beats/min), leukocytosis (WBC > 12000 mm3), leukocytopenia (WBC < 3000 mm3), status of infection, inflammatory bowel disease, surgery and trauma. There was a positive correlation between hypermetabolic score and length of hospital stay (ICU), medical cost, weight loss, antibiotics adjusted by age while APACHE III score did not show correlation to clinical outcome. Medical cost was higher by 18.2% in the TPN group than the EN group. In conclusion, there was a strong negative correlation between the clinical outcome (cost, incidence of infection, hospital stay) and hypermetabolic score. Higher metabolic stress caused more malnutrition and complications. For nutritional management of patients with malnutrition, multiple factors, including nutritional assessment, and evaluation of hypermetabolic severity are needed to provide nutritional support for critically ill patients.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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