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Gun Soon Lee 2 Articles
The Nutrient Intakes of Rural High-Schoolers with Depressire Tendencies
Seung Gyo Rhie, Gun Soon Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(3):356-365.   Published online September 30, 1999
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This study was carried out to evaluate high-school students' nutrient intakes according to the status of depressive trends, and to analyse the in physical and mental health status. The volunteers were 560 high school students selected from 8 provinces, but 511 students were analyzed. A was used for evaluation, The questions were composed in consideration of socio-demographic characteristics, physical health condition by CMI, mental condition assessed by a modified Zung's self-rating depression scale (SDS), and the evaluation of food consumption by a 24 hours recall method. The family situations of the subjects were mostly nuclear family(73%), agricultural work(53%), and having religion(53%). Only 3% of the students suffered depression where as 19% showed depression trendencies. The individual factors that affected their mental condition were family farming and consciousness of academic accomplishment. The health status counted with CMI was 6.2/20 scores. The non-depressed trend group of students had a lower score of CMI than others. The overall nutrient intakes of students were low compared with the Korean RDA for adolescents. The Mean Adequacy Ratio(MAR) of nutrient intakes was only 0.45 +/- 0.23. Iron, vitamin A, and riboflavin intakes were significantly low and correlated with depressive trend score. The result from the regression analysis showed that CMI, study accomplishment, and vitamin A were the most significant factors influencing mental condition. We concluded that Korean rural high-school students were healthy in mental condition and showed lower rates of depression academic. For there more we could say that the intakes of iron and vitamin A also influenced mental health. Findings confirmed the need of becoming hopeful job of farming and better nutritional status. These situations would be necessary for students to ameliorate the quality of rural living.
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The Dietary Behavior and Nutrient Intake Status of the Yooth in Rural Areas of Korea
Gun soon Lee, Young Sang Yoo
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(3):294-304.   Published online August 31, 1997
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The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between dietary behavior and the nutrient intake status in the youth of rural areas, based on their personal characters such as their sex, age, family type, number of family members, mother's age, occupation, and school career. This study was made by use of a self-administrated questionnaire with a 24-hour recall for 5days as an instrument with 439 randomly selected students. Statistical methods applied to analyze the data were frequency, percent, Willcoxon Rank-sum test, Kruskal-wallis test, x2-test by contingence table, and Spearman's correlation coefficient in non parametric statistical cases. Some of the interesting results are as follows : 1) The correlation between sex and breakfast is highly significant. That is, over 80% of male students had breakfast every day, whereas only about 60% of female students had breakfast every day. Bad table manners and some other problems are insignificant with respect to the personal characters in the relations between the personal characters and eating behaviors. However, the regularity of every meal, the frequency of having meals with other family members, and the frequency of meals eaten out and snacks show significant differences. 2) The mother's occupation does not have any influence on the nutrient intake of their students when the relationship between personal characters and nutrient intake was analysed. On the other hand sex, the mother's school career, the numbers of family members, the type of family, and the income of the family showed significant differences nutrient intakes. 3) The regularity and the frequency of having meals, meals eaten out with their family members, and the table manners during meals showed significant differences in the intake of nutrient elements such as calorie, protein, fat, fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin and vitamin C. However some consideration during meals and problems in eating habit are insignificant with regard to nutrient intake.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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