- [English]
Estimated Iron Intakes from Simulated Fortification to Selected Grain Products in the Korea Food Supply
Hae Rang Chung, Min Ji Hong, Rafael Perez Escamilla, Se Young Oh
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(6):808-813. Published online December 31, 2006
- Until now, South Korea does not have either fortification or enrichment program as intervention tools, although the addition of micronutrients to foods is for the most part not regulated. The aim of this study was to determine which scenario would most effectively reduce the proportion of the population with low iron intake while not putting other population groups at risk of excessive intakes. In order to investigate potential dietary consequences of iron fortification, we analyzed 2 day dietary record data (n=3,955) from the 2001 National Nutrition Surveys. The Proportion of the population consuming dietary iron less than the estimated average requirement (EAR) ranged from 12.4~87.5% depending upon gender and age group. Iron fortification at the level of 100% of Recommended Intake (RI) per 100g to breads and instant or dried noodles was estimated to result in a 15% decrease of proportion of those with iron less than EAR, while putting 1.4 % of the population greater than the Upper Limit (UL). Iron fortification appeared to be the most effective for the 15~19 year old age group, showing 39% reduction of iron intake insufficiency. The results suggest that carefully designed fortification or enrichment to staple foods may contribute to increase dietary iron intakes of Koreans, especially for the young population with a high prevalence of iron inadequacy. As the estimation in this study was based solely upon dietary intake data, iron intake from supplements should be considered in further studies.
- [English]
Development of a Theory Based Nutrition Education Program for Childbearing Aged Women in Korea
Se Young Oh, Kyung A Kim, Hye Eun You, Hae Rang Chung
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(6):725-733. Published online December 31, 2004
- It was well received that well grounded behavioral theories were important in the development of effective nutrition education programs, but there are only a few programs available for Korean women. The objective of this study was to develop nutrition education programs for childbearing-aged women in Korea. Based on the findings of the needs assessment for the program and theoretical backgrounds, we developed behaviorally oriented tailored nutrition education program including motivation (MT), modifying (MD) and maintenance (MA) stages. The key concepts of the stages were motivation promotion for MT, increasing behavioral capabilities for MD, and strengthening self-management and building favorable environmental condition for MA. The education program was intended to be need in individual nutrition counseling, but it could be well used for group education by developing materials using the relevant contents. The primary users of the program were nutrition educators, however it could be also used by clients as needed. The introductory chapter provided dietary assessment tools and nutrition education tips. MT chapter included subjects such as nutritional status screening, costs of inappropriate nutrition and weight management, benefits of eating right, and activities for motivation promotion. MD stage chapter dealt with topics of healthy weight, knowledges and skills for better eating habits and physical activity status, and activities related to setting tailored behavioral objectives. MA stage focused on facilitating self management skills and building helping relationships. Each stage underlined activities using various educational tools in order to promote active participation of the client (s). For better use of this program, it was recommended to conduct program validation study.
- [English]
A Study on the Current Nutrition Labelling Practices for Processed Foods
Hyun Jung Lee, Hae Rang Chung, Young Ai Jang
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):585-594. Published online August 31, 2002
- This study examined the status of current nutrition labelling and claims for the processed foods that were purchased in the supermarket. They were assessed in the aspects of frequency and content of nutrition labelling and claims. The results are summarized as follows; The percentage of products contain the nutrition labelling or claims of processed foods of investigation were 18.7% and 18.8% respectively. In the nutrition labelling method, the format separated by expression contents with 'only liability indication nutrient' or 'liability indication nutrients plus discretion indication nutrients' were 44.7% and 43.4% respectively. In the case of type and title, 'table' and 'nutrition composition' were used most frequently, 83.9% and 83.2% respectively. And in the case of expression unit, 'per 100 g or 100 ml' was higher (56.8%) than others. Nutrition claims were divided into 'nutrition content claim' and 'comparative claim', in the former the most claim was 'containing' and in the other 'more or plus' used most frequently. 'Nutrient function claim' was 13.4% and 'Implied nutrient claim' was 7.3% of all the claims. Results of the evaluation of current nutrition labeling system, nutrition labelling was less advanced and variable in content and format and also the information was not easy for consumers to understand and use them. To support achievement of the nutrition label, there must be program and initiatives for better understanding and communication and guidances on food labelling and nutrition for food manufactures.