- [English]
Effects of Folic Acid or Ascorbate Supplementation on Plasma Homocysteine Levels and Oxidative Stress in Korean Adults with Impaired Fasting Glucose
Mir Ri Hwang, Min Ho Shin, Jung Ae Rhee, Sun Seog Kweon, Hyeon Sook Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(2):263-275. Published online April 30, 2008
- Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) is one of significant risk factors of developing diabetes. The persons with IFG are, thus, an important target group for primary prevention of diabetes. It is well known that plasma homocysteine concentration may be increased in poor folate nutritional status. Elevated level of plasma homocysteine is considered as a marker of enhanced oxidative stress. In addition, the protective effect against oxidative stress may be diminished in poor antioxidative nutrient status as vitamin C. It is, therefore, important to maintain adequate nutritional status of folate and vitamin C in the patients with type 2 diabetes or IFG. This study was performed to determine the effects of supplementation of folic acid or vitamin C on plasma concentrations of homocysteine, oxidized LDL, and lipids and on the activity of plasma anti-oxidative enzyme in patients with IFG. A total of 97 patients with IFG were participated voluntarily with written consents. They were divided into one of the four experimental groups; Control (C), Folatesupplemented (F), Ascorbate-supplemented (A), and Folate plus ascorbate-supplemented (FA). The subjects in C were taken placebo, those in F were supplemented 1 mg of folate, those in A were received 1,000 mg of vitamin C, and those in FA were given 1 mg of folate plus 1,000 mg of vitamin C daily for 4 weeks. No change in plasma concentrations of vitamin C, lipids, and oxidized LDL and the activity of GSH-Px were observed in vitamin C-supplemented group (A + FA) and folate-supplemented group (F + FA) compared to the placebo group (C + A). Only the folate-supplemented group (F + FA) had significantly increased average serum folate concentration and lowered plasma homocysteine concentration compared to the placebo group (C + A). Thus, it should be recommended the patients with IFG to increase folate intake through diets and, if it is not sufficient, to take folic acid supplements to prevent the development of complications induced by hyperhomocysteinemia as well as oxidative stress.
- [English]
Trans Fatty Acids of Breast Milk Lipids of Korean Women from Week 1 to 6 Months of Postpartum
Kyeong A Kong, Hyeon Sook Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(3):223-234. Published online June 30, 2007
- This study was done to determine the trans fatty acid (tFA) composition of human milk from postpartum to sixth months after delivery, to investigate the tFA intake of lactating women, and to estimate the intakes of tFA by infants exclusively fed breast milk. A total of 27 lactating Korean women participated to this study voluntarily, gave their breast milk, and responded to an investigation of their diets. The lactating women consumed 2.3-2.8 g/d of tFAs over the period of the first, second, third, and sixth months postpartum, which was 3.4-4.9% of the total fat intake and 0.8%-1.2% of the total energy intake. The proportions of tFAs in the breast milk were 1.89% in colostrum, 1.78% in transitional milk, and 1.78-2.25 in mature milk of the first, second, third, and sixth months postpartum. The tFAs of the breast milk identified in this study were C16:1n9t, C18:1n9t, C18:2n6t12t, C18:2 n6t12c, C18:2n6c12t and C18:2n6t11t. Among them, C18:1n9t was predominant, which made up 59.26% of all tFAs in colostrum, 62.36% in transitional milk, and 64.42% in mature milk. The proportion of total tFA was unchanged with time, although some significant differences were noted for individual tFAs. The percentages of C18:2n6t12c and C18:2n6c12t decreased over the study period. Estimated tFA intake of the exclusively breast-fed infants was 0.18 g/d when fed colostrum, 0.29 g/d when fed transitional milk, and 0.53 g/d when fed mature milk until the sixth month of postpartum. Those were 0.5%, 0.8%, and 1.1% of the total energy intake. The results in this study indicate that lactating Korean women consume not a large quantity of tFAs, secrete breast milk not containing much tFA, and the estimated intake of tFAs by infants fed exclusively breast milk is not great.
- [English]
Plasma Total Homocysteine, Folate and Vitamin B12 Concentrations in Patients with Coronary Stenosis
Hyeon Sook Lim, Young Ran Heo
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(6):963-970. Published online December 31, 2005
- Recently elevated plasma homocysteine concentration is considered an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and thrombosis with coronary artery disease. Folate and vitamin B12 are cofactors and closely related with metabolism of homocysteine. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the correlation between homocysteine and folate and vitamin B12 in patients with ischemic heart disease. Twenty-six patients, in whom coronary angiographic finding revealed more than 50% of stenosis at least in one coronary vessel were enrolled as the patient group, and thirty subjects, in whom angiographic finding revealed in not significant stenosis, but complained of chest pain, were selected as the control group. Fasting venous blood was obtained and measured the concentration of plasma total homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 by high performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection method. We examined the correlation between homocysteine and folate and/or vitamin B12 in the control group and the patient group, respectively. Compared with the control group, the patient group had relatively higher plasma total homocysteine concentration (10.7 +/- 4.2 vs 9.6 +/- 3.5 umol/L), but showed no significant difference. Folate and vitamin B12 concentration are low in the patient group, but showed no significant difference between patient and control group. Plasma total homocysteine concentration showed negative correlation with folate and vitamin B12 in both the control group and the patient group, and showed significantly negative correlation in patient group {r = -0.550 (p<0.01) vs r = -0.609 (p<0.01)}. We knew that the plasma total homocysteine concentration were relatively elevated in patient group compared with the control group. Because plasma total homocysteine concentrations are closely negative correlated with folate and vitamin B12 in the patient group, folate and vitamin B12 supplement can lower the mortality and morbidity of ischemic heart disease.
- [English]
Minimal Weight and Body Fat Percentage in Relation to the Onset of Menarche in Korean Females
Eun Sook Jeong, Jeong A Lee, Hyeon Sook Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(2):196-204. Published online April 30, 2005
- Menarche is a main indicator of sexual maturity which relates to a reproductive function. The onset of the menstrual cycle differs individually and is influenced by many variables such as socio-economic situation, race, genetics, climate, altitude, nutritional status, and physical growth. Among them physical growth has been known to be the most influencing factor, particularly when expressed as body fat designated by weight. This study intended to investigate the body composition of girls around the menarche period and to evaluate the minimal levels of weight and fat percentage needed for the onset of menarche. A total of 101 female subjects, aged 11 to 13 years, were recruited from the 5th and 6th grades of an elementary school, in Mokpo, Korea. The subjects were placed into one of two groups Pre-menarche and Post-menarche groups according to their experience with menarche. Thereafter, the subjects in the Post-group were placed into 4 subgroups based on the number of menstruations they experienced: Post-I (1 - 3 times), Post-II (4 - 6 times), Post-III (7 - 9 times), and Post-IV (> 10 times). The average age at the onset of menarche of the subjects in Post groups was 11.2 +/- 0.6 years. There were significant differences in the data of anthropometry and body composition between the Pre and Post groups, although the mean ages of both Pre and Post groups were the same. Weight, waist, hip and thigh girths, fat percentage, and lean body mass of the Post groups were significantly higher than those of the Pre group. Height was not significantly different between the groups. Weight was highly correlated with body fat mass (r = 0.92, p < 0.001), fat percentage (r = 0.85, p < 0.001), and body mass index (r = 0.91, p < 0.001). These results indicate that weight, compared with height, reflects body composition well and influences the onset of the menstrual cycle. It could also be suggested that the minimal weight and fat percentage needed for the onset of menarche in Korean females are 41 kg and 17% to 19%, respectively.
- [English]
A Study on the Changes of Maternal Dietary Iron Intakes, Its Bioavailability, and Iron Status during Pregnancy
Jeong A Lee, Jong Im Lee, Hyeon Sook Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(2):142-150. Published online April 30, 2004
- To increase both iron and enhancers for iron absorption through diets should be a basic strategy to sufficiently provide increased iron for pregnancy. Previous studies reported that iron intakes of Korean pregnant women were short and their iron status deteriorated as pregnancy progressed. However, there is little data about the bioavailability of dietary iron during pregnancy. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the changes of dietary iron intakes, its bioa-vailability and iron status during pregnancy longitudinally in Korean women. A total of 151 pregnant women in their first trimester of pregnancy voluntarily participated. Among them, 72 women finished the research protocol during the second trimester and 55 did it during the third trimester. Dietary intakes of total iron, both non-heme and heme iron, as well as enhancers, both MPF (meat, poulty, and fish) and vitamin C, increased significantly as pregnancy progressed. As the results, bioavailability of dietary iron and iron absorbed increased significantly as pregnancy progressed. However, the amount of iron absorbed at each trimester did not meet considerably the iron needed during pregnancy. All five indices examined in the study, Hb level, Hct, serum concentrations of ferritin and sTfR (soluble transferrin receptor), and sTfR:ferritin ratio, showed that iron status of the subjects deteriorated as pregnancy progressed. The rate of anemia of the subjects increased as pregnancy progressed although more than 80% of the subjects took iron supplements after the 20th week of pregnancy. These results imply that it is needed to provide more iron especially, heme iron and dietary enhancers to prevent the deterioration of iron status during pregnancy. Future research on bioavaila-blility of supplemental iron should be performed to determine the iron balance precisely.
- [English]
A Longitudinal Study on Maternal Iron and Folate Status During and After Pregnancy in Korean Women
Jong Im Lee, Hyeon Sook Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(2):182-191. Published online May 31, 2001
- Anemia in women during pregnancy and after delivery has been known to affect the mother, the fetus, and the infant's growth and health status. Studies examining, changes in iron and folate status associated with anemia during pregnancy and during pregnancy, and those supplements are stopped after postpartum. However, the effects of those have not been clearly determined in pregnant and lactating Korea women. Therefore, this study was performed to determine the changes in maternal iron and folate status during pregnancy and six months after delivery longitudinally in six pregnant women who consumed supplements from 20 wk to delivery. We concluded that the iron status deteriorated during pregnancy and especially was weak in the third trimester, but had a tendency to recovery after delivery. On the other hand, the folate status deteriorated in the first and second trimester and was good in the third trimester, but had a tendency to decrease after delivery. These results suggested that the iron status was not improved despite consuming total iron supplements of 50 mg/day through diets and supplements during the second half of the pregnancy. On the other hand, the folate status improved at the end of pregnancy by consuming folate supplements of a total of 800 mg/day through diets and supplements. However, folate status was poor in the first half of the pregnancy, and the tendency of folate status to decrease during postpartum was advanced. At the point in which iron and therefore supplementation is essential. However, the effects of supplement intake time and intake dosage need to be verified and the nutritional status changes of postpartum women should be carefully monitored.
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Characteristics of the Anthropometry and Plasma Lipid Profiles of Patients with Simple and Combined Hypercholesterolemia
Young Rahn Huh, Kum Hee Hwang, Hyeon Sook Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(2):186-193. Published online June 30, 1999
- Recent epidemiologic and clinical students have shown that plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels are independent risk factors for coronary heart disease. However, there is not much data on the characteristics of anthropometry and lipid profiles of hypercholesterolemic patients with hypertiglyceridemia. In this study, 112 hypercholesterolemic subjects(T-C 240mg/dl) were divided into two groups by their plasma triglyceride levels. We compared the anthropometric measurements and lipid profiles of the subjects between the two groups : the simples hypercholesterolemic group(SHC, TG<200mg/dl) and the combined hypercholesterolemic group(CHC, TG 250mg/dl). The distribution of the subjects into the SHC and CHC groups was 36.6% and 47.3%, respectively. The frequency of the CHC patients decreased with age. The subjects in this group had higher weight, BMI, HWR, cricumferences of mid arm, waist, hip and thigh, and skinfold thicknesses of biceps and triceps than those of the SHC subjects. The difference of plasma total cholesterol level was mainly due to the difference of VLDL-C levels. These differences resulted in the CHC subjects having higher atherogenic indexes and T-C/HDL-C ratios than those of the SHC subjects. Also, the former had higher Apo-B and insulin levels than those the latter. However, blood pressure, fasting blood glucose and HDL-C levels were not significantly different between the two groups. These results suggest that hypercholesterolemic patients with hypertriglyceridemia have riskier lipid profiles for CHD than those of patients with normal triglyceridemia. They also indicate that CHC is closely associated with glucose resistance syndrome(obesity, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and hypertriglyceridemia), and more prevalent in young people.
- [English]
Effects of Maternal Anemia on the Iron Status of the Cord Blood and Pregnancy Outcomes
Hyeon Sook Lim, Hee Ah Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(4):565-573. Published online October 31, 1998
- Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women has been of great concern because of its negative effects on the outcomes of pregnancy. Much of evidence has shown that there are associations between pregnancy outcomes and maternal iron status. Maternal iron status might affect pregnancy outcomes through the iron status of the cord blood. In this study, we divided 91 subjects into two groups : the anemic and the normal groups. The groups were classified according to their hemoglobin(Hb) and hematocrit(Hct) values of the maternal blood in the third trimester of the pregnancies. We determined the parameters for the iron status of the cord blood and then analyzed the correlations between these parameters and the pregnancy outcomes. Mothers in the anemic group had a significantly higher parity number and a lower dietary score as well as a shorter duration of iron supplements consumed compared to those in the normal group. Maternal Hb values in the third trimester had positive correlations with the infant's head and chest circumferences, and the Hct values related positively to the infant's chest circumferences. On the other hand, Hb concentrations of the cord blood had positive correlations with the infant's height and head and chest circumferences. The Hct values of the cord blood had positive correlations with gestational periods and the cord lengths. These results suggest that the maternal iron status might influence fetal development through the iron status of the cord blood.
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A Comparision of Normocholesterolemia and Hypercholesterolemia in Middle-Aged Men in Kwang-ju
Young Rahn Huh, Hyeon Sook Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(3):327-337. Published online August 31, 1997
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in anthropometric, hematologic, and lipidologic data between normocholesterolemia and hypercholesterolemia and influencing factors in hypercholesterolemia in middle-aged men in Kwang-ju. 179 middle-aged men were involved. Anthropometric data(body weight, height, body circumferences and skinfold thickness) and hematologic data(blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, albumin and hemoglobin) were measured. Bleed lipid profile(total cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipid, HDI-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and VLDL-cholesterol) were analyzed. To determined using questionnaire. The subjects were classified as hypercholesterolemic based on The Guideline for Korean Hyperlipidemia. body mass index, systolic blood pressure, waist and hip circumference, and triceps, subcostal, abdomen, subscapular and suprailliac skinfold thicknesses of the hypercholesterolemic group were significantly higher than in the normocholesterolemic group. The concentration of cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipod. HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and VLDL -cholesterol of the hypercholesterolemic group were significantly higher than normocholesterolemic group. The concentration of cholesterol has a significantly positive correlation with body mass index, diastolic blood pressure, waist circumference, waist/thigh ratio and skinfold thickness(triceps, subcostal, abdomen, and supraillic skin-fold thickness). The general tendency of socioeconomec status, frequencyu of meat intake, smoking amounts and duration and duration and drinking frequencies and amount were higher in the hypercholesteolemic group but not significant. In conclusion, hypercholesterolemia in middle-aged men was closely correlated with upper body fat obesity and most of them had an accompanied high triglyceride level tendency.
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Cross-sectional Study of Growth of Korean Breast Fed Formula Fed Infants from 1 to 3 Postpartum Months
Kyungsuk Choi, Haymie Choi, Sang Jin Chung, Jaeok Koo, Hyeon Sook Lim
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(1):3-12. Published online February 28, 1997
- One-to three -month-old infants(n=252) were compared their growth performance(weight, length, head circumference, chest circumference) by feeding methods in cross-sectional study. There were two groups : breast-fed(BF) and formula-fed groups(FF). The weights of infants at 1, 2, and 3 postpartum month were 4.50+/-.48kg, 5.76+/-0.62kg and 6.67+/-0.68kg, respectively. The weigh of male infants was higher than females. The length were 53.7+/-2.6cm, 57.4+/-3.3cm, 61.1+/-3.1cm at one to three postpartum months, respectively. The length of male infants was higher than females, too. Overall there were no significant differences between feeding methods in weight, length, head and chest circumferences, and monthly weight and length velocity. But 3-month-old formula-fed male infants showed bigger significantly in weight, monthly weight velocity and chest circumference than the breast-feds. By Korean standards, weight-for-height Z-score were distributed from 0 to +2. Not only was there a few malnourished infants but also overnourished were noticed, especially in formula-fed group.