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Hyesun Hwang 1 Article
A Study of Teachers' Breakfast and Ideal Breakfast Types
Hyesun Hwang, Jinsil Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(4):575-586.   Published online December 31, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
We studied teachers' breakfast habits and their preferences on various breakfast types so that we will furnish data to nutrition education including ideal breakfast habit and development of various menus. The meal considered as most importantly were dinner (66.2%), fellowed by lunch(21.6%), all three meals(6.4%) and breakfast(5.8%). Men considered breakfast more importantly than women. On the contrary, women considered dinner more significantly compared to men. The group aged 45 and over emphasized breakfast and all three meal. 78.1% of subjects answered that breakfast is necessary and 61.5% of subjects ate breakfast regularly. Those who have breakfast regularly was lower in women(50.0%) than in men(71.3%). Instead, those who eat breakfast irregularly or skipping it was higher among women(50.0%) than among men(29.7%). The percentages of having breakfast regularly was higher in older groups. For breakfast, 82.1% of subjects had conventional meal which included rice, soup and Kimch. On the other hand, 13.9% of subjects had Western style breakfast such as bread, cornflakes and milk. The major reason for eating breakfast regularly was answered as 'maintain health(71.8%)'. The major reason for eating breakfast irregularly or skipping was 'don't have enough time to eat(48.0%)', 'poor appetite(28.6%)'. The major physical discomfort after skipping breakfast was 'experience brash(35.6%)', 'lack of physical strength(35.1%)'. Subjects answered that breakfast served as 'source of physical strength(64.9%)', 'provides nutritional balance for a day(21.1%)' and 15.0% of subjects ate out breakfast. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers as well as school children be provided breakfast and snack in school. The preference and opinion regarding breakfast types wer conventional food including rice, soup and Kimch(67.0%). There was a little preference in Western style food such as bread, milk and coffee(14.3%), cereals mixture and porridge(10.7%). It was noticeable that 49.1% of females and those who reside in Seoul(42.2%) selected various breakfast types excluding conventional food. Therefore it will be accepted to working women as breakfast if it is nutritionally balanced and cook well in short time.
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