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Hyo Jee Joung 4 Articles
Snacking Behaviors of Middle and High School Students in Seoul
Seul Ki Choi, Hyeon Jeong Choi, Nam Soo Chang, Sung Hee Cho, Young Sun Choi, Hye Kyung Park, Hyo Jee Joung
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(2):199-206.   Published online April 30, 2008
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The purpose of this study was to investigate snacking behavior in adolescents. We selected one middle school and one high school in 11 school districts in Seoul. The subjects were 1,813 students (904 boys and 909 girls) in 21 schools (11 middle schools and 10 high schools). Subjects reported their snacking behavior: snack frequency, snack type, snack time, with whom to eat snack, place to purchase snack. The subjects were classified into four groups by gender and schooling. The mean snack frequency was 2.8. Girls ate snacks more frequently than boys (p < 0.001). More than half of subjects ate 1 to 3 snacks a day. Only 9.3% of them did not eat any snack. Tangerine was highly ranked in snack type. Each subject groups had different snack time (p < 0.01) and type of snack (p < 0.001). Most snack was consumed alone (46.6%), however they mainly ate fruits and other foods with family. 46.9% of snacks were purchased outside. A typical snack time was 'before dinner' for most snacks except fruits. Unhealthy foods like soft drinks, cookies, chips, candies, chocolates, ice creams had relatively high proportion in snack consumption with friends. In conclusion, adolescents had different snacking behaviors by their age and gender. These results indicate necessities of multi-dimensional efforts at home, school, media and government level considering adolescents' age and gender for their healthy snacking behavior.
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The Dietary Intake of Pregnant Women in Daegu Area
Hyo Jee Joung, Bong Soon Choi, Joung Ja Shin, Sung Do Yoon, Hwak Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(4):538-546.   Published online August 31, 2003
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This study was carried out to figure out the dietary intake of pregnant women in Daegu area. A total of 467 pregnant women was recruited at two hospitals in this area to collect the information on dietary intakes, general characteristics, and anthropometric measurements using an interview. Forty-seven women (10.1%) were in the first trimester, 101 women (21.6%) in the second trimester, and 319 women (68.3%) in the third trimester. The mean age, prepregnant weight and height of subjects were not significantly different among the trimester groups. The mean daily nutrient intakes of energy, fat, protein, carbohydrates, phosphate, sodium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C were significantly different among the trimester groups, but the other nutrients were not different. For the calcium and iron, the percentage of subjects consumed less than 75% of the Korean RDA was over 80%, and for other nutrients such as energy, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2 over 50% of subjects consumed less than 75% of the Korean RDA in the first trimester. The correlations between nutrient intakes and weight gain during pregnancy showed different patterns among the trimester groups. The mean adequacy ratio and dietary variety scores were not significantly different among the trimester groups. The amount of food intake from cereals and cereal products were higher during the second and the third trimester compared to the first trimester, but those of the other food groups were not significantly different. In conclusion, nutrient intakes of the pregnant women for iron, calcium and some vitamins were inadequate and nutritional management programs for these nutrients are necessary.
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Common Functional Problems during Pregnancy and Association with Nutritional Status and Weight of Newborns
Bong Soon Choi, In Sook Lee, Joung Ja Shin, Myeung Hee Park, Hyo Jee Joung
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(2):138-148.   Published online April 30, 2003
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Morning sickness during pregnancy is a very common functional problem with different kinds of symptom, but little data are available concerning the nutrition intervention program for pregnant women in local area. A total of 152 pregnant women who had experienced morning sickness were surveyed to investigate the relationships between morning sickness, nutrient intakes and pregnancy outcome. The results showed that prevalent symptoms were nausea (68.4%), heartburn (59.2%), morning sickness (48.7%), vomiting (42.1%), and constipation (44.7%). The onset of the symptom occurred during the first 3 months (9.3 +/- 2.3 weeks); 21.1% of the subjects was experienced two symptom at the same time. This significantly correlated with vomiting (p < 0.01), nausea (p < 0.001), morning sickness (p < 0.001), and heartburn (p < 0.01) with pregnancy weight. There were also correlations between the four symptoms and nutrient intakes. Mean birth weight of 21 newborns was 3.06 +/- 0.42 kg, and the one and five minutes of Apgar scores were 7.74 +/- 0.99 and 8.84 +/- 0.69, respectively. There were negative correlations between vomiting and pregnancy outcomes (p < 0.05). Our data support that morning sickness, especially vomiting during pregnancy is associated with Apgar score and body weight of newborn.
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A Study on the Development of Programs for the Nutrition Education of Preschool Nursery Facilities
Nan Hee Lee, Hyo Jee Joung, Sung Hee Cho, Young Sun Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(2):234-242.   Published online May 31, 2001
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This study was aimed at development of a nutrition education program, which was designed for children, their parents and personnel in preschool nursery facilities and carried out by dieticians. The program was conducted at 6 preschool nursery facilities for 3 months from July to September 1998. Four-hundred thirty-three children aged 2 to 7 years were engaged in the program. Children in each class were given nutrition education practice once a week by dieticians using education materials and a guide book based on a 12-week program. The themes of nutrition education for children consisted of 'knowledge of food sources and foods', 'relations between food and health', 'other roles of food', 'right eating habit', and 'cooking practice'. Each of five leaflets on nutrition education for parents was delivered eery three weeks in a series and leaflets were posted on a bulletin board. Nursery school teachers were educated by their participation in the class with dieticians using education materials. Evaluation of nutrition education by children, parents and personnel was carried out by interviewing and using questionnaires before and after the program. Children responded more positively more positively on their eating behavior and sanitary behaviors after nutrition education. Parents'opinions on the nutrition education program were positive : 72.3 described the nutrition education program as 'very good'and 'good'. In addition, 71.3% answered that the education materials for parents were helpful. A majority(93.8%) of personnel in facilities evaluated the nutrition education program effective. Nursery personnel evaluated the importance of general nutrition knowledge, childhood nutrition, and obesity control for nutrition management and nutrition education more highly after nutrition education. This study indicates that nutrition management and nutrition education programs for preschool nursery facilities are necessary and they would be effective when implemented by dieticians.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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