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Hyun Hwa Kim 1 Article
A Study on Middle School Students of Gwangju, Chonnam in Terms of Dietary Life, Dietary Related Self-efficacy According to Body Mass Index
Hyun Hwa Kim, Hee Kyong Ro
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(5):483-494.   Published online October 31, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF
In order to give basic data to teenager's healthcare, we investigated the food habits according to BMI (Body Mass Index), life style, dietary related self-efficacy and food intake through conducting a research surveying 732 middle school students of the Kwang-ju and Chonnam areas. The results of this study were compared groups in under weight (UW), normal weight (NW), and overweight (OW) groups according to BMI levels. In the male students, height was significantly differently in the UW group as 158.2 +/- 0.7 cm compared to other NW and OW groups respectively as 163.7 +/- 0.6 cm and 162.6 +/- 0.7 cm but in the female students there was no significantly difference within groups. Weight was significantly different between the groups in the male students, whereas there were minor differences in the female students. The average of BMI was 20.7 +/- 0.1 on the male students and 20.6 +/- 0.1 on the female students which were all within the average, and their obesity was increased as the school grade was higher. Under less than 30,000 won of pocket money was dominating, and most of the students were in a nuclear family. In all male and female students, the inactive hours like watching TV and using computers had no differences between groups. The difference between groups was minor on breakfast time and most of the students thought their problems on unbalanced diet. There was significant difference in the OW group in female students as they thought their problems on unbalanced diets. The frequency of snack was significantly low in the OW group of male students but there were no differences in snack and eating-out food. All students chose fruits as snack food and Korean-style food as eating out food. The OW group in male students were significantly low in the dietary related self-efficacy when they were with their families and feeling depressed but there were no differences in female students between groups. When all students were getting higher BMI, they evaluated themselves badly in their self-dietary habits. Also the more male students had non-physical activity time, the less they had the dietary related self-efficacy and the more female students had physical activity time, the higher they had the dietary related self-efficacy. In conclusion, the OW group had good habits in physical activities for weekends, meal times, frequency of snack consumption but it showed undesirable when they were low in dietary related self-efficacy. Therefore we will provide the systematic nutrition education to them through this study.
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