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Hyun Mee Oh 5 Articles
Relationships between Nutrient Intake Status and Sugar-containing Food Intake of Elementary School Students in Daegu-Kyungbook Area
Hyeon Jung Kim, Hyun Mee Oh, Young Ji Cho, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(5):573-581.   Published online October 31, 2010
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This study was conducted to investigate the association of nutrients intake with sugar-containing food consumption of elementary school students in Daegu-Kyungpook area. We analyzed the dietary information from 164 elementary school students (82 boys, 82 girls) participated in "Dietary Intake Survey of Infants, Children and Adolescents" conducted by Korea Food & Drug Administration and Korea Health Industry Development Institute. Information on habitual dietary intake of sugar-containing foods was collected by food frequency questionnaires. Daily nutrients intake of each subject was calculated from 24-hour recall data for two non-consecutive days. As a result of average daily intake of major foods of elementary school students was analyzed from 1 to 50 ranking that show up higher ranking of white milk and white rice but include many kind of sugar-containing food. Dietary intake of energy, carbohydrate, Ca, P, Fe and riboflavin were significantly lower for girls with higher sugar-containing food frequency scores. Significantly negative associations between Index of Nutrition Quality (INQ) and sugar-containing food frequency scores were observed for calcium (r = -0.34) and iron (r = -0.32) among girls. Mean Adequacy Ratio (MAR) was significantly lower for girls with higher sugar-containing food frequency scores (r = -0.26). Our results indicated that nutrition education for elementary school students should focus on the importance of reducing the sugar-containing food consumption with more attention for girls.
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Nutritional Status of Zinc and Copper in Type 2 Diabetic Patients after Short-term Zinc Supplementation
Hyun Mee Oh, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(2):229-235.   Published online April 30, 2009
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This study was carried out to determine whether a short-term zinc supplementation could improve the zinc status without adverse changes in copper status among type 2 diabetic patients. Seventy-six diabetic subjects and 72 normal adults participated in this study. Subjects were randomly divided into supplemented and control groups. Forty-four diabetic patients and 34 normal subjects were supplemented with 50 mg zinc gluconate daily for 4 weeks. Dietary intakes of participants were measured for two non-consecutive days by 24-hour recall method. Nutritional status of zinc and copper were also evaluated by biochemical measurement of fasting plasma samples and spot urinary collection. At baseline, diabetic patients showed significantly lower levels of dietary zinc intake and higher urinary zinc excretion than the normal adult group (P < 0.05, P < 0.0001). Plasma level of zinc was not significantly different between diabetic and normal adults at baseline. However, plasma zinc level increased significantly in both diabetic patients and normal adults after zinc supplementation. The changes in plasma copper levels following zinc supplementation were not statistically significant in diabetic subjects as well as in normal adults. These results indicated that four weeks of zinc supplementation did not influence Cu status and that it may contribute to improving the zinc status. Therefore, we suggest that Zn supplementation for a short-term period may improve marginal zinc status of diabetic patients without interfering with their copper status
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The Effect of Individualized Nutritional Education on Adults having two or more Symptoms of Chronic Degenerative Disease
Jin Sook Yoon, Young Hye Jeong, Jung A Park, Hyun Mee Oh
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(6):794-802.   Published online December 31, 2002
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This study was intended to evaluate the overall effects of nutritional education on adults having two or more symptoms of chronic degenerative disease. A nine week nutritional education program was provided for 65 adults with chronic diseases. We assessed the changes in dietary knowledge, eating behavior and socio-psychological factors. When we evaluated the nutrient intakes of the subjects, their energy intake was 79.4% of the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). Their dietary intake of other nutrients was also below the RDA level except for Vitamin C. Their knowledge of dietary therapy was slightly improved after the implementing of nutritional education. The dietary behavior of 'night snacks before sleep' was significantly improved. While the overall fear due to disease was significantly increased, self-efficacy was not improved. Self-efficacy for eating "three regular meals" and "choosing fruit, vegetable and grain" were significantly decreased. Family support for "buying food which is good for my health" was also significantly increased, whereas "advises me to eat appropriate foods for health" was decreased. Biochemical analysis indicated that blood levels of triglyceride, cholesterol and blood pressure improved after nutrition education. Therefore, we concluded that nutritional education program for people with chronic degenerative diseases could change the diet therapy knowledge, dietary behavior, and the fear due to disease, support from family and behavior intention toward the direction to improve the chronic disease condition. However, it did not improve self-efficacy. Our study also indicated that nutritional education strategies to improve self-efficacy should be an important aspect in a long term education plan for patients to establish desirable eating habits.
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Health and Nutritional Status of Industrial Workers
Hyun Mee Oh, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(1):13-22.   Published online March 31, 2000
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The study was curried out to collect information to establish a framework for nutrition education for the prevention of chronic degenerative disease. We analyzed differences in diet quality, food habits and health status of workers by work condition. Anthrometric parameters of height, weight and body fat were measured and biochemical parameters including glucose, total cholesterol, GOT, GPT and hemoglobin were determinded for 194 subjects. To assess the nutrient intake and diet quality of workers, dietary intake was measured by the day 24-hour recall method, Average daily nutrient intake, except for phos-phorous and vitamin C was lower than Korean RDA. The obesity related behavior score was significantly better in laborers than in office workers, while chronic degenerative diseases related to food habit score was significantly better in laborers than in office workers, while chronic degenerative diseases related to the food habit score was beet in offices workers than in laborers. Blood pressure, blood glucose levels were significantly higher in laborer than in office workers. Dietary variety score (DVS) food composition group score(FCGS), mean adequacy ratio(MAR) of office worker were better than those of labor workers. When diet quality was evaluated by FCGS(food composition group score) 16.0% of the subjects acquired 5 points and 14.4% of the subjects acquired 2 points. MAR and INQ showed a significantly positive correlation with DVS and FCGS . This results indicated that the onset possibility of hypertension and diabetes mellitus among chronic degenerative disease was higher in laborers than in office workers, while the onset possibility of obesity was higher in office workers than in laborers. In conclusion the overall diet quality of office workers is betters than that of laborers, therefore, nutrition education for prevention of chronic degenerative disease of industrial workers needs to be more focused on the improvement of the health status of laborers.
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Zine Status of Adult Female in the Taegu Region as Assessed by Dietary Intake and Urinary Excretion
Hyun Mee Oh, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(1):52-62.   Published online February 28, 1997
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This study was intended to examine the zinc status of free-living adult women living in the Taegu region. Zine intake of 102 female subjects was measured by food frequency method for 3 consecutive days. Urinary zine was assessed from urine samples collected fir twenty four hours. Average dietary zinc intake of adult female subjects using food record was 5.9+/-1.8 mg which was 49% of Korean RDA. When zine intake by frequency method was higher than by food record. Average urinary zine intake by frequency method was higher than that by food record. Thus, it appeared that zinc intake by frequency method was higher than that by food record. Average urinary zinc excretion of 102 adult female subjects was 0.28+/-0.16 mg, which belonged to marginal zinc deficiency range. Fifty nine of 102 subjects showed marginal zinc deficiency as assessed by urinary zinc excretion. If we compare the zinc status of adult female subjects by age group, zinc intake in the 50s was significantly higher than any other age groups. However, there were no significant differences in zinc status according to BMI groups and BMI groups. Significant correlations were found between zinc intake and energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat intake. Based on dietary zinc intake and urinary zinc, we concluded that zinc status of adult female living in the Taegu region is marginally deficient.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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