- [English]
Stress Level and Health-Related Behavior of Nurses Working in the Kyungnam Area
Hyun Sook Yoon, Yun Young Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(5):781-793. Published online October 31, 2003
- This study was performed to investigate the stress level and health-related behaviors of nurses and to provide basic information for developing educational programs in the health care field. The subjects of this study were 197 nurses and 94 nursing assistants working at hospitals in the Kyung-nam area. A survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire in November, 2002. The results were as follows : The average age and work experience of the subjects were 26.9 and 5.6 years, respectively. The number of respondents in the shift and non-shift operations was equally distributed. The mean height and weight were 161.2 cm and 52.7 kg, respectively. Even though the average body mass index (BMI) and obesity index were normal in the subjects, 9.2% of the subjects were overweight/obese, while 28.9% of the subjects were under weight, according to the obesity index. The mean score of stress was 27.5 +/- 4.6 out of 50 points. Most of the subjects were highly stressed about the amount of their work, problems regarding their future, and relationships with their superiors. With regard to changes in food intake due to stress, 44.1% showed an increased intake, while 32.3% showed a reduced intake. The degree of health consciousness of the married nurses, those over 36 years of age, and those with over 10 years of nursing experience was significantly higher than that of the unmarried nurses, those under 35 years of age, and those with under 10 years of nursing experience (p < 0.01). Fifty-one point three percent of the subjects thought their health status was unhealthy. Fifty-seven percent of the subjects had tried weight control. Their main reason for trying weight control was to have a slender figure (62.3%), and their methods of weight control were moderation in intake (45.6%), exercise and dieting (36.9%). TV/radio (49.5%) and newspaper/magazines (47.1%) were the primary sources of nutritional and health information for the subjects, and professional (25.1%) and the internet (13.4%) were ranked relatively highly. The food components of most concern to the subjects during meal time were (in order of importance) fats (51.9%), calories (40.2%) and salt (35.1%). The subjects considered 'taking a rest' (73.5%) as the most important factor in maintaining an optimal health status, followed by self-relaxation (56.4%), moderation in diet (39.5), bathing or using a sauna (25.7%) and exercising (22.7%).
- [English]
Nutritional Education Status and Recognition of the Importance of Elementary School Dietitians in the Gyeongnam Area
Eun Sil Her, Hal La Yang, Hyun Sook Yoon, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(6):781-793. Published online December 31, 2002
- This study was carried out to investigate the nutritional education status and the recognition of the importance of elementary school dietitians (N=183) in the Gyeongnam area. The results are summarized as follows. All subjects took part in nutritional education program, but the educational methods were passive, as in the case of "home correspondence" (80.8%) and "bulletin board poster" (16.4%), and the education frequency was very low as in "one time/month" (90.2%). The subjects thought "as an independent subject" (41.5%) and "as a related subjects" (35.1%) were suitable teaching venues for the nutritional education. They were very low in individual counseling (4.5%) for school children because of "lack of opportunity" (42.2%) and "heavy work load" (24.1%). However, most of the subjects wished that nutritional counseling could offered in the future (95.5%). The parents' experience of nutritional education was also low (34.3%). Information sources for nutritional education were mainly the "internet" (53.1%) and "re-educational materials" (25.0%). The available instructional materials included "printed materials" (96.7%), "exhibition bulletin materials" (70.3%) and "electronic materials" (46.4%). The preferred education materials were "exhibition bulletin materials" (32.2%), "printed materials" (29.2%), and "electronic materiaThis study was carried ls" (27.7%). However, materials they wished to purchase were "electronic materials" (54.5%) and "cubic materials" (26.0%). These results show a difference between the preferred materials and the possessed materials. Most school dietitians (98.4%) recognized the necessity of nutritional education with respect to "good table manners" (42.0%), "correction of food prejudices" (30.3%), and "proper nutrition for growth" (21.0%). Although they had a great interest in nutritional education, they had difficulty in cutting their learning into practice because of "heavy work load" (30.9%), "lack of a systematic curriculum" (25.2%), and "lack of a educational opportunity" (22.8%). Ninety five percent of subjects wished to have nutrition education taught as an independent subject. They pointed out "kindergarten" (60.0%) and "lower grades in elementary school" (33.9%) as the optimal starting times for nutritional education and "school dietitians" (91.3%) as suitable teachers for these programs. The required topics chosen by the subjects for nutritional education for children were "proper eating habits" (54.2%) and "nutritional problem" (31.5%). The dietitians thought "food prejudices" (44.7%), "eat too much processed and instant foods" (36.5%), and "obesity" (11.8%) were the most common nutritional problems among elementary school children. These results suggest the necessity of solving the nutritional problems in children by developing a nutritional education program. Along with this program, if dietitian assisted programs for parents were developed, the effects of nutritional education could definitely be increased.
- [English]
A Study on the Health and Nutritional Status of Bus Drivers in the Masan Area
Hyun Sook Yoon, Gi Ryun Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(3):316-326. Published online June 30, 2002
- This study was carried out on 178 bus drivers in the Masan area to investigate their health and nutritional status. THe nutritional status of the subjects was surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire, and blood analyses were conducted through annual health examinations in June, 1999. The results were as follows: About 51% were classified as normal, 33% as health-concerned, and 17% as disease-suspected. The levels of total serum cholesterol were significantly higher in the over 20 year group (194.64 +/- 41.42 mg/dl) than in the under 10 year group (175.00 +/- 31.33 mg/dl) with respect to the length of their driving careers. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was significantly higher in the 51 to 60 age group than in the other groups (p < 0.05). The total serum cholesterol increased with increasing age (p < 0.001), and SBP increased with increasing Body Mass Index (BMI)(p < 0.001). Diastolic blood pressure (DBP), total cholesterol (p < 0.01), hemoglobin (p < 0.05)and glutamate-pyruvate-aminotransferase (GPT)(p < 0.05) were significantly higher in the BMI of over 20, than in the BMI under 20. The GPT was significantly higher in the BMI over 25 than in the BMI under 25. In The mean daily energy intake was 1912.7 kcal (76.5% of the RDA) and the protein intake was 74.3 g (106.2% of the RDA). Compared with the recommended allowance, the energy, calcium, thiamin, and riboflavin intakes were below, and the Fe, vitamin A, vitamin C intakes were above the Korean RDA. The average carbohydrate, protein, fat ratio of energy intake was 66 : 15 : 19, respectively. The length of their driving careers had a positive correlation with their ages and total serum cholesterol levels, and their ages had a positive correlation with their blood pressures, total serum cholesterol and hemoglobin levels and BMI. Their BMI had a positive correlation with their ages, blood pressures, total serum cholesterol, hemoglobin, GPT and GOT levels. The results of this study indicate that bus drivers needed regular exercise, and control of their body weights to prevent chronic diseases, and that their health status should be monitored as the length of their driving careers and ages increase.
- [English]
An Analysis of the Correlation between Health-related Habits and the Biochemical Characteristics of the Blood of Bus Drivers in the Masan Area
Gi Ryun Kim, Hyun Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(2):232-244. Published online April 30, 2002
- This study investigated the correlation between health-related habits and the biochemical characteristics of the blood of Korean bus drivers. A total of 178 bus drivers working in the Masan area participated in this study. The general characteristics and health-related habits of the subjects were surveyed using a serf-administered questionnaire. The biochemical date were collected from regular health check-ups done through their workshop health insurance company in lune, 1999. The results were as follows : The average age of the subjects was 38 years, and 44.2% had a driving career of between 10 and 19 years. About 90% of the subjects ate irregularly, and 36% ate. health floods. Their rates of drinking, smoking and exercise were 74.6%, 83.6% and 70.8%, respectively. Their frequency of drinking was significantly increased as the length of their driving career increased (p<0.001). Their levels of total serum cholesterol, in relation to the length of their driving career was significantly higher in the over 20 year group than in the below 10 year group (p<0.05). Their systolic blood pressures, according to age, were significantly higher in the 51 to 60 age group than in the other groups (p<0.05). Their total um cholesterol levels signiscantly increased with increasing age (p<0.001). Their diastolic blood pressures (p<0.001) and blood glucose levels (p<0.05) were significantly higher among the subjects who drinking alcohol almost everyday, than among other subjects. Their systolic blood pressures who significantly increased with increasing frequency of their drinking (p<0.001). The systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were positively related to age, the amount of drinking, the frequency of drinking and the obesity index, and negatively related to exercise and the duration of exercise. The hemoglobin was positively related to age, preference for a meat diet and the obesity index. The blood glucose was positively related to the amount of drinking, and the total serum cholesterol was positively related to age, length of driving career, period of smoking and the obesity index. The results of this study indicated that bus drivers need regular exercise, moderation of their drinking and smoking, and control of their body weights so as to prevent chronic diseases.
- [English]
Nutrient Intake According to Dietary Attitudes of School Foodservice Dietitians
Hyun Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):306-316. Published online August 31, 2001
- This study investigated the correlations between nutrient intake and dietary attitudes in Korean school dietitians. A total of 493 school dietitians working in the Kangwon and Kyungnam areas participated in this study. The subjects were classified as the good group(33.5%), fair group(36.9%) and bad group(29.6%) based on dietary attitude score. The results were as follows. The average intake of energy, calcium, and iron were lower than the Korean RDA and average CPF ratio of energy intake was 64 : 17 : 19. The percent RDAs of nutrient intake of energy, calcium, iron and vitamin B1 were lower in the bad group than those in the fair group and good groups(p<0.001). The mean adequacy ratio(MAR), an index of overall dietary quality, were different among the three groups(p<0.001), the highest was 0.96 in the good group, the lowest was 0.88 in the bad group. The index of nutritional quality(INQ) was significantly higher in the good group than the other groups. The nutrient intakes were positively correlated with dietary attitudes(p<0.01). The nutrient intakes, INQ, NAR and MAR were significantly increased as the dietary attitude score increased.
- [English]
Perception of Elementary School Teachers about Nutrition Education in the Kyungnam Area
Hyun Sook Yoon, Jung Suk Ro, Eun Sik Her
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(1):84-90. Published online February 28, 2001
- The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher's perceptions about the nutrition education of elementary schools. A total of 226 elementary school teachers within Changwon and Milyang city participated in this study. The results of this study were as follows. 90.8% of the teachers responded that nutrition education is necessaty in the elementary schools, and positive responses in the Milyang urban area were higher than that of the Changwon rural area(p<0.001). The main reason for the necessity of nutrition education was for proper growth and good table manners and the Milyang urban city was significantly higher than three other classes in 'for proper growth'(p<0.05). The starting period for nutrition education was supported by 72.1% of the teachers as beging when the children are in kindergarten, proving that this early nutrition education is supported. Especially in the Changwon urban support was higher than in the three other classes(p<0.01). The perceptions about a suitable person to teach nutrition indicated parents(39.6%), dietitions(35.5%), class teachers(24.9%), and the beliefs about nutrition specialists or dietitions was very low. 53.6% of the teachers responded that they would not teach nutrition education themselves and the main reason for this was that believed the teacher's work would be too hard(32.0%), lack of nutrition knowledge(29.4%), and that such courses should be taught courses by specialists(29.4%). However, 51.6% of the teachers disagreed with having a separate course for nutrition education. Proper eating habits(62.7%) and growth and nutrition(28.6%) were the main categories within nutrition education. The teacher recognized that elementary students' nutrition problem is to eat too much processed and instant foods(39.1%), deviated foods(36.9%), and lack of table manners(19.4%). The most effect method was to link the subject matter with the parents(38.7%), use of audio visuals and education materials(28.3%), and need of nutrition education teachers(10.1%) was low.
- [English]
Effect of Nutrition Education Program on Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Diversity of Elementary School Children
Hyun Sook Yoon, Hal La Yang, Eun Sil Her
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(3):513-521. Published online September 30, 2000
- The purpose of this study was to promote health for elementary school children. It was conducted with a 7 week program focused on the teaching of the food tower and evaluation of its educational effects. Subjects consisted of 75 boys and girls (control group : 37, treatment group : 38) in the 4th grade of elementary school. The results showed as follows. The proportion of boys was a little higher than that of girls. Of their mothers age, the thirties and forties were 66.7% and 33.3%, respectively. 61.3% of mothers had jobs and 86.7% of mothers prepared meals. The average of the anthropometric data of the 2 groups show were all in the normal range. The degree of nutritional knowledge in treatment group after education was significantly increased in all concepts, however, the degree of the control group appeared to show significant increase in only two concepts, such as "snack" and "one-sided diet". The diversity of dietary intake was investigated to evaluate the educational effect using food picture cards. The treatment group showed significant increase in all food groups except "cooked rice", "potatoes" and "fruits", but the control group showed no significant change. The level of nutrition knowledge has a significant correlation with the diversity of the food intake in the treatment group. The preferred lesson for children were "games", "doll playing" and "role playing". The impressive lesson contents were "diverse food intake without one-sided diet", "eating breakfast everyday", "choosing good snacks for health" and "eating less procesed food". These findings indicate that a well-designed program for nutrition education can help to change food habits, and that childrens education helps them to grow and to live as healthy adults. The performance of an educational program for preventive nutrition is more beneficial for children than for the adults based on the cost reduction and effect of this education.
- [English]
Study on Nutrition Education for Elementary Schools in the Kyungnam Area
Hyun Sook Yoon, Jung Suk Ro, Eun Sil Her
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(1):63-73. Published online March 31, 2000
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of nutrition education at elementary schools. A total of 226 elementary school teachers within Changwon and Milyang city participated in this study . The results of this study are as follows. The average score on a test of nutrition knowledge was 4.40 out of 10, and teachers of Milyang districts type scored significantly higher on nutrition knowledge than teacher of Changwon rural and Milyang rural districts. Only 9.0% of the teachers had nutrition education training. 64.1% of th total had teaching experience in nutrition, 91.0% of that was being taught as a part of physical education and home economics. The information source for nutrition education was mainly guide books and magazine and newspaper articles. Current nutrition education was being taught mainly by lecture(85.0%) but the preferred methods of teaching in nutrition education were small group discussion(44.3%), role-playing(22.9%) and lecture(21.4%). Audio visuals aids were used by 45.5% of the teachers and the most common of them were VTR(43.1%) chart(22.4%) as preferred audio visuals aids of them were VTR(71.9%) adn actual model(14.1%).