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Ilsun Yang 7 Articles
The Effects of Individual Emotional Characteristics on Emotional Labor of School Dietitians
Woo Jong Cho, Ilsun Yang, Hang Sok Choi, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(5):592-601.   Published online October 31, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of individual emotional characteristics (empathetic concern and emotional contagion) on emotional labor (frequency of emotional display, intensity and variety of emotional display, surface acting, and deep acting) of school dietitians. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey of 309 school dietitians and then analyzed statistically by SPSS 18.0 package program. The results of this study were as follows: empathetic concern (3.93) occurred more often than emotional contagion (3.22) in school dietitians. The older (p < 0.001) and more experienced (p < 0.01) they were, the higher empathetic concern they had. It showed that married dieticians (p < 0.001), nutrition teachers (p < 0.01), and dieticians who were working in elementary schools (p < 0.01) had a higher rate of empathetic concern than single dieticians, non-nutrition teachers, and dieticians who were working in middle and high schools, respectively. Their level of emotional labor was the highest in deep acting (3.32), followed by surface acting (3.28), frequency (3.12), intensity and variety (3.09). According to multiple regression analysis, emotional contagion proved to be strongly significant and positively related to frequency of emotional display (beta = 0.257, p < 0.001). Both empathetic concern (beta = 0.117, p < 0.05) and emotional contagion (beta = 0.162, p < 0.01) were positively related to intensity and variety of emotional display, and empathetic concern (beta = 0.173, p < 0.01) had also an effect on deep acting. These results suggested that the emotional labor of school dietitians should be managed on the organizational viewpoint, not a personal matter.


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Investigation of the Conditions and Evaluation of the Benefits of the Foodbank Program from the Recipients' Perspective
Hye Seung Kang, Ilsun Yang, Young Sun Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(2):231-239.   Published online April 30, 2003
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The purposes of this study were to: (a) investigate the characteristics of recipients' of the non-government foodbank program, (b) examine the health and dietary related conditions of them, and (c) evaluate the benefits and effectiveness of the foodbank program from the recipients' perspective. A total of 21 groups (n = 755) and 75 individual recipients participated in the survey. The main results of the study were as follows; (a) Generally, the individual recipients were 74-year-old female, livelihood protectee, and those who received government assistance or funds from private donators as their source of livelihood. (b) The ages of group recipients varied widely, and they also received government assistance or funds from private donators as their source of livelihood. (c) Most of the donated foods were bakery and confectionery items, rice, and milk and other dairy products. (d) Benefits such as the decrease in the recipients' food expenses and an enhancement of their nutritional statuses were identified.
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An Analysis of Food Donators' Attitudes to the Foodbank Program in Korea
Ilsun Yang, Hye seung Kang, Seung hee Kye
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):571-577.   Published online August 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The foodbank program is one of the social welfare programs that collects donated food and grocery products from the nation's food and grocery industry and distributes them to people who are in need. The purposes of this study were to: (a) investigate the food donators' perceptions of the foodbank program, (b) analyze the attitude toward the program by businesses, (c) compare the opinions on whether to donate or not, and (d) examine the frequency and category of the donated food. This research was conducted on three donator groups, such as contract foodservice management companies, franchising restaurant companies, and food manufacturing and grocery companies. A total of 63 donators participated in this survey. The main results of the investigation on the operating conditions were as follows; (a) From the donators' perspective, 73.0% and 71.0% of the respondents recognized the definition and purpose of this program, respectively. (b) Only 33.3% of respondents recognized the tax benefits of donating. (c) Contract foodservice management companies, and food manufacturing and grocery companies recognized the program more than franchising restaurant companies, and food manufacturing and grocery companies donated more than any of the others. (d) Most of the donated foods were bakery and confectionery, rice, and milk and dairy products.
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Customer Perception Levels towards Service Quality Attributes of University Residence Hall Foodservice by Importance-Performance Analysis
Ilsun Yang, Hyeaung Kang, Chihyun Weon
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(4):662-671.   Published online December 31, 2000
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to analyze university students' perception of service quality attributes in residence hall foodservice. Questionnaires were hand delivered to 1,210 university students residing in a residence hall. A total of 1,011 was usable, resulting in an 83.6% response rate. The survey was conducted between October, 1998 and May, 1999. A statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS/Win 6.12 for Descriptive Analysis, chi2-test, t-test, ANOVA, Spearman Correlation, and Common factor Analysis, and Importance- Performance Analysis(IPA) was completed. Significant negative correlations between importance and performance were found with 'abundance of foods'(p<0.001), 'discontent handling'(p<0.001), and 'availability of new menus'(p<0.01). factors including food, menu, sanitation, atmosphere, facilities, employee's attitude, and convenience were rearranged and a new dimension was created with the service. Employee's attitude and service factors received the highest scores in customer perception of importance and performance. Food, menu, and convenience factors were included in Quadrant A. female students had significantly higher importance mean scores than males, while males had significantly higher Performance mean scores.
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Price Elasticity Analysis of University Students in Foodservice Operations for Pricing Policy
Ilsun Yang, Seunghee Baek, Seoyoung Shin
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(4):587-593.   Published online December 31, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study were to : (a) analyzed price elasticity of university students in foodservice operations and (b)provide insight for price decision-making. Questionnaires were composed of price elasticity, the utilization and opinions of students on university foodservice operations, and demographic information regarding respondents. The questionnaires were distributed to 600 university students of 6 universities located in Seoul. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS package for descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: The average price for lunch was 1,663 won for campus food, and 2,965 won for off-campus restaurants. The frequency of utilizing the university cafeteria was fairly high. Students felt that the proper price for lunch was 1,446 won, presenting a lower price than the actual average price for lunch. The price elasticity was investigated in relation to the change in utilization rate when these was a price increase. The price elasticity was 2.03, with significant differences between sex, age, and major. The groups utilizing the university cafeteria frequently, taking longer time to go to off-campus or that were satisfied with the university cafeteria, had a lower price elasticity than those that did not. The results of this study suggest that predicting the price elasticity of the target market would assist the pricing policy, and the fact that the same students have different price elasticity by place and atmosphere can be used in marketing strategies.
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Analysis of the Service Quality Provided by Foodserice Workers in Restaurants
Ilsun Yang, Sunghye Kim, Donghoon Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(3):454-465.   Published online September 30, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
Consistently delivering good service quality is a complex and dynamic process. In this matter, service differs from tangible products and is highly dependent on the business and service provider. Therefore, efficiently managing the process of delivering service quality can contribute to profits for organization and satisfaction to customers. This study was performed to define service quality, and to investigate the personal and operational characteristics that impacts the service quality provided by foodservice provider. The responses from 278 foodservice providers and 427 customers in 82 fast-food and family restaurants were used in this analysis. Descriptive, Factor Analysis, T-test, ANOVA, and Correlation Analysis were used for statistical Analysis. The Results of this study were as follows : 1) The perception of foodservice provider was significantly higher than that of the customers in most of the 21 service quality attributes. 2) The 6 dimensions derived from Factor Analysis explained 56.8% for service quality. 3) Among the personal characteristics of the foodservice provider, the level of education and the position in the job led to a significant difference in some of the service qualities. 4) The type of restaurant played an important role in foodservice providers' perception of service quality. 5) Month since opening had a negative correlation with 'Atmosphere' and a positive correlation with 'Reputation', while the number of seats showed a positive correlation with 'Atmosphere' and a negative correlation with 'Food' and 'Convenience'. 6) In general, the characteristics of sales had a positive correlation with service quality. 7) The proportion of part-time employees showed a negative correlation with 'Atmosphere' and 'Food', and a positive correlation with 'Reputation'.
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Examination of the Gap between Customer's Perception and Foodservice Provider's Perception of Service Quality in Restaurants
Ilsun Yang, Sunghye Kim, Donghoon Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(3):466-478.   Published online September 30, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
A significant gap can exist between what customers expect in foodservice and what service providers deliver to customers. Reducing the gap and enhancing service quality plays a key role in increasing customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the personal and operational characteristics that affect the customer perceptions of service quality, to analyze the overall satisfaction and repurchase intention of customers, and to study the service quality gap between customer and foodservice provides. 427 customers and 278 foodservice providers in 82 fast food and family restaurants were surveyed. T-test, ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, and Multiple Regression were used for statistical analysis, The results of this study were as follows: 1) Among the personal characteristics of customers, sex affected the preception of 'General Management' and 'Reputation', and the expense per person showed a correlation with service quality. 2) Among the operational characteristics, the type of restaurant, months since opening, and the number of seats had a significant impact on service quality, while the seat turnover rate showed a negative correlation with service quality. 3) Among the human resource characteristics, the proportion of part-time employees had a negative correlation with service quality, and in general, the training program for full-time employees led to a higher degree of customer perception of service quality. 4) Six dimensions of service quality accounted for 38.39% of customer satisfaction in Multiple Regression. 5) The overall satisfaction of customers willing to repurchase was significantly higher than that of the non-repurchase customers. 6) The operational characteristics explained over 35% for the service quality gap among the customers and the service providers in Multiple Regression.
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