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Development of the Computer-Assisted HACCP System Program and Developing HACCP-Based Evaluation Tools of Sanitation for Institutional Foodservice Operations
Jaung Sook Lee, Hee Jung Hong, Tong Kyung Kwak
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(4):655-667. Published online October 31, 1998
- The Computer-assisted Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point(HACCP) program has been developed for a systematic implementation of HACCP principles in identifying, assessing and controlling hazards in institutional foodservics operations. The HACCP-based sanitation evaluation tool has been developed, based on the results of the computerized assisted HACCP program in 4 service sites of C contracted foodservice company, including 2 general hospitals with 650-beds, one office operation of 400 meals per day, and one factory foodservice of 1,000 meals per day. All database files and processing programs were created by using Unify Vision tool with Windows 95 of user environments. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. This program consists of the pre-stage for HACCP study and the implementation stage of the HACCP system. 1) The pre-stage for HACCP study includes the selection of menu items, the development of the HACCP recipe, the construction of product flow diagrams, and printing the HACCP recipes and product flow diagrams. 2) The implementation of the HACCP system includes the identification of microbiological hazards, the determination of critical control points based on the decision tree base files. 3) The HACCP-based sanitation evaluation tool consisted of 3 dimensions of time-temperature relationship, personal hygiene, and equipment-facility sanitation. The Cronbach's alphas calculation indicated that the tool was reliable. The results showed that the focus groups rated the mean of importance in time-temperature relationship, personal hygiene, and equipment-facility sanitation as 4.57, 4.59 and 4.55 respectively. Based on the results, this HACCP-based sanitation evaluation tool was considered as an effective tool for assuring product quality. This program will assist foodservice managers to encourage a standardized approach in the HACCP study and to maintain a systematic approach for ensuring that the HACCP principles are applied correctly.