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Ji Hye Shin 1 Article
A Survey on Nutrient Intakes by Infant Formula and Supplemental Foods of Formula-Fed Infants in Seoul Area
Soo Jung Jang, Ji Hye Shin, Yeon Sook Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(3):251-262.   Published online June 30, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The aim of this study was to assess the nutrient intakes from infant formula and supplemental foods of 246 healthy infants fed infant formula, aged from 5 to 18 months. Subjects were devided into two groups depending on supplemental food type for weaning, Domestic supplemental foods (mainly home-made, n = 129) and Delivery supplemental foods (mainly commercially-delivered, n = 117). Four subgroups were assigned to 5 - 6 months, 7 - 8 months, 9 - 11 months, and 12 - 18 months by ages, respectively. Dietary assessment was carried out using 24-hour-recall method. Formula intakes in the delivery group tended to decrease accordingly with the ages. However, in the domestic group, formula intakes up to 8 month were similar and decreased after 9 month. Energy, protein, calcium and iron intakes from infant formula and supplemental foods were assessed. Energy intake at 12 - 18 months were lower than the RDA in both groups. Daily intake of protein and calcium at all ages were much higher than the RDA in both groups. Therefore, protein and calcium overnutrition were elucidated. Especially, protein intake at 5 - 6 months, calcium intake at all ages from infant formula was higher than the RDA in both groups. Iron intake at 5 - 6 months from infant formula were higher than the RDA. Consequently, as for infant formula, it was suggested that not only formula intakes but also nutrient content in formula should be reconsidered. On the other hand, nutrient intakes from supplemental foods in the domestic group tended to be higher than that of the delivery group. Especially at 9 - 11 months, significant differences between the two groups were observed. This may be due to high dependency on commercial powdered baby food in the domestic group. This study revealed that daily nutrient intakes of formula-fed infants are desirable but nutrient intakes from infant formula are too high. Conclusively, this study suggests that as the age of infants increases, formula intakes should be controlled and various supplemental foods besides commercially powdered baby food should be appropriately provided.
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