- [English]
A Study of the Lifestyle Factors Related to Constipation among Food Habits of College Students in Seoul and Gyunggi
Hea Jung Chung, Hye Won Park, Eun Jung Choi, Ji Jeung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(5):654-663. Published online October 31, 2002
- The purpose of this study is to investigate how the lifestyles of food habits of college students relate to constipation. The results were as follows : 1) All the total respondents were 541 college students. 220 (40.8%) respondents were male and 321 (59.2%) respondents were female. Based on their BMIs, 55.5% of the female respondents were under-weight (BMI < 20), 16.8% of the male respondents were under-weight, as well. These results point out the fact that a high percentage of female college students are under-weight, compared to male of students. 2) Of the respondents, 59.0% reported having 1 or 2 meals per day, but their eating patterns were irregular. Of the respondents, 71.2% preferred white rice with their meals. Of the respondents, 51.2% reported that they skipped breakfast. The main reasons why these respondents skipped breakfast were either that they were in a busy (44.7%), or it was their habit (38.4%). The response that their meals were nutritionally balanced was 34.6%, and the student who thought that their own meal pattern was healthful was 8.0%. 3) This research also focused on body image among female college students, and the results indicate that the majority of female respondents (62.5%) felt that they were overweight (very fatty or fatty) and 90.1% of the female respondents indicated they were interested in dieting (interest or very interest). Most of the students were involved in light or medium activity (94.2%) or no exercise (75.6%). The ratio of those who exercised was everyday only 33.6%. 4) Of the respondents, 48.7% reported that they had difficulty evacuating (every time very difficult, every time difficult and sometimes difficult) and 50.3% of the students reported that their bowel movements were irregular. 5) Of the females, 8.2% and Of the males, 0.5% were regarded as constipated. 6) The life habit factors that influenced constipation were skipping breakfast, the amount of water intake and exercise.