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Jinsook Yoon 1 Article
The Effect of Eating Habits and Nutrient Intake on the Physical Growth Indices in Preschool Children
Mi Ja Choi, Jinsook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):3-14.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to estimate the nutrient intake, dietary habits, and body indices among preschool children. The study subjects were 166 kindergarten children, aged 4 to 6 years. A measurement of the weight, height, chest circumference, and head circumference of the children was conducted. The general home environment and factors related to the eating habits of children were collected using a questionnaire that included information about physical activity, outdoor playing time, television watching, family income, and parents education and occupations. Underweight, overweight were defined based on a value of less than 110 and more than 140 on the Rohrer Index, or less than 90 and more than 120 on the weight-length index (WLI). The average Rohrer and WLI for the preschool children were 144.3 +/- 23.2% and 104 +/- 13.5%. Using the WLI, 12.7% of the preschool children were underweight, 62.6% were normal, and 24.7% were overweight or obese. On the Rohrer Index, 32.0% of the preschool children were underweight, 34.7% were normal, and 34.1% were overweight or obese. With regard to frequency of regularity of eating breakfast, 2.5% of preschool children skipped breakfast every morning. The risk of being overweight increased in preschool children who had faster eating times. The Rohrer and WLI were negatively related to faster eating times. The average daily energy intake was 1272 kcal, which corresponded to 79.5% of the Korean RDA. In particular, the average intakes of calcium, iron, and vitamin B2 were much lower than the Korean RDAs for each of those nutrients. Children whose mothers had occupations were at greater risk of decreased nutrient intake than those whose mothers were at home. The data presented in this study confirm that, in preschool children, undernutrition remains the nutritional problem of great concern in Korea, even though Koreans are starting to have worrisome rates of overweight. Therefore, during the early years of life, focus should remain on sustaining proper growth and development.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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