- [English]
The Association between hs-CRP Concentration of Blood and Metabolic Syndrome in the Residents of a Rural Community
Jong Im Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(6):796-805. Published online December 31, 2010
- This study investigated the correlations and risk distribution differences between high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and the diagnosis factors of metabolic syndrome among the residents of a rural community. Two thousand adults aged from 40 to 70 were recruited and 1,968 subjects were included in the study after excluding those with infectious disease or with hs-CRP higher than 10 mg/L in blood. The subjects were then divided into three groups of hs-CRP to examine the correlations and risk ratio with the risk factors of metabolic syndrome. There was a tendency of hs-CRP increasing according to the number of risk factors of metabolic syndrome. The risk ratio with hs-CRP according to metabolic syndrome significantly increased by 2.0 and 2.2 times in the intermediate and high risk group, respectively, compared with the low risk group. The risk ratio with the risk factors of metabolic syndrome according to hs-CRP rose in abdominal obesity, triglyceride, and W/Ht in the intermediate risk group of hs-CRP. The risk ratio also surged in high pressure, W/Ht, ex-drinking (1.7 times), exsmoking (2.0 times) and current smoking (2.0 times) in the high risk group. The results indicate that hs-CRP is related to the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and that it's very important to manage obesity including abdominal obesity and W/Ht and everyday habits including drinking and smoking.