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Joon Ho Lee 2 Articles
The Housewives' Purchase Behaviors on Environment-friendly Agricultural Products in Daejeon Area
In Jung Kim, Joon Ho Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(3):386-397.   Published online June 30, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was to investigate the housewives' purchase behaviors on the environment-friendly agricultural products (EFAP) by survey in Daejeon area housewives. 390 questionnaires were used and analysed. Most of the subjects were female (92.6%) distributed evenly in their 40's (55.4%), and graduated from high school (43.6%) or college (36.4%). Subjects' occupation was most housewives (64.1%) and 77.4% of the subjects had monthly family income of 2 million won or more. 76.9% of the subjects had purchased EFAP already. The reason of purchasing EFAP was mainly "good for health" (80.3%), and reason for non-purchasing was "high prices" (28%) or "not so trustworthy" (25.6%). The most purchasing frequency was "once a week" (29%). 46.7% of the subjects spent 20% of their agricultural product cost for EFAP and 38.7% of them spent less than 30,000 won per month for EFAP. On checking of EFAP labeling, the housewives scored 3.59 for the validate date, 3.25 for the place of origin, 2.8 for the quality certification mark by 4-point Likert scale. 65.1% of the subject had intention to increase purchasing of EFAP in future. To promote the consumption of EFAP, the improvement factors were price-cutting (47.9%), trust on producers (18.2%) and quality betterment (17.7%). Accordingly, the consumers prefer EFAP for wellbeing health of families; however, they hesitate to buy due to their high price and the low reliability on producers of EFAP. Thus the producers and the related organization of EFAP should contrive proper countermeasures to increase consumer's satisfaction level on their credibility and price of EFAP.


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Elementary School Children's Intake Patterns of Health Functional Foods and Parent's Requirements in Daejeon Area
Jin Seon Park, Joon Ho Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(4):463-475.   Published online August 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study investigated intake patterns of health functional foods (HFF) in elementary school children and requirements of their parents in the Daejeon area using a questionnaire by 432 parents. Participating parents were composed of female, 83.6% and male, 16.4%. Most of the parents were in their 40's (53.0%) and 30's (45.8%). 47.9% of the children were male and 52.1% were female. The school year of the children was distributed evenly, ranging from the first year to the sixth year. The intake rate of HFF for parents appeared to be 65.3% and for children it appeared to be 63.2%. The primary reason of using HFF to their child was 'For health promotion' (54.4%); the largest reason of non-using HFF was 'Do not feel necessity because is healthy' (48.8%). In regards to purchase place, 'Drugstore' was most selected by 26.1%, while the largest amount of purchase motive was 'Decided by oneself for children's health' (37.7%). The average expense per month was, 'Less than 50 thousand portion' (20.3%). The intake period, 'less than 6 months' was won' for 54.9%. For intake items, 'Vitamin supplementation products' was the largest portion' (20.3%) was indicated. The intake period, 'less than 6 months' was the most selected by 51.3%. Most people (66.7%) selected '1 kind' of intake item. As for intake effect, 45.4% claimed 'A little help'. In regard to experiencing side effects, 'Is not' was 92.7%, however, diarrhea, nettle rash, nausea etc. were a little. The biggest problem of HFF was 'Falsehood/exaggerative advertisement' as identified by 53.1%. For improvement of the HFF system was, 'Verify by more strict formality' as selected by 55.8%. In regards to experience of nutrition education on HFF, 'Is not' was most selected by 51.0%. The most desirous form of nutrition education was, 'Simple paper material' (31.3%). The most desirous content of nutrition education was, 'nutritional management of classified by life cycle' (37.2%). Therefore, HFF must be used properly to promote the health and growth development of children by acquiring scientific and reasonable information about the ability and usage of the food.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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