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Ju Young Seo 4 Articles
Study of Food Intakes and Eating Patterns among Preschool Children in Daegu Area: Nutrient Intakes and Dietary Habits Associated with Body Weight Status
Ju Young Seo, In Sook Lee, Bong Soon Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(6):710-721.   Published online December 31, 2009
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This study was conducted to investigate the body weight status (by WLI: Weight-Length Index) and dietary habits and to assess the nutritional status among preschool children in the Daegu area. Dietary habits including dietary attitude and behavior were investigated using questionnaire answered by mothers of 680 subjects aged 4 to 6 years old (508 completed). Also, dietary intake survey using 24-hour recall method was performed by mothers of the children. According to WLI, the underweight, normal, overweight and obesity level of subjects were 9.1, 62.0, 19.5, and 9.4%, respectively. As well, the number of girls was higher than boys in underweight, overweight, and obese group. There were significantly different on overeating, eating fast, and preferring eating-out by body weight status, and overweight group got higher score than underweight or normal-weight group (p < 0.01, p < 0.001). As well, there was significantly different on not moving around during mealtime by body weight status, and underweight group have lower score than obese group (p < 0.001). From the 24-hour recall survey, it was found that intakes of all the nutrients were higher than the %KDRI except energy, calcium and folate. The energy intake of underweight group of 4~5-year old (1338.2 kcal) and 6-year old was lower than Koreans %DRI for those age group. Folate and dietary fiber intakes of obese group were significantly lower than underweight (p < 0.01, p < 0.05). For 4~5-year old, vitamin B(6) intakes of obese group were significantly higher than obese group (p < 0.05). For 6-year old, obese group showed that intake of vitamin B(1) was significantly higher than the other three groups, and intake of vitamin B(1) of overweight group was significantly higher than the other three groups. Taken together, these results indicate that there were significant differences in the nutrient intake level and dietary habits of preschool children by body weight status in Daegu area. Therefore, parents (family) and caregivers should be aware of the prevalence of obesity and nutritional status of preschool children, and start nutrition education as soon as possible.
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Study of Food Intakes and Eating Patterns among Preschool Children in Daegu Area: Assessment of Dietary Pattern and Dietary Diversity
Ju Young Seo, In Sook Lee, Bong Soon Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(5):521-530.   Published online October 31, 2009
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This study was conducted to assess dietary pattern and dietary diversity of preschool children by investigating their food consumption. To accomplish this, dietary intake survey (24 hour-recall food diary) was administered to 508 children aged between 4 to 6 years old from 4 kindergartens in the Daegu area (415 were completed). By using CAN pro 3.0 for professionals, the dietary patterns and dietary diversity scores of each food group were examined by age and sex. Data were analyzed with SPSS 12.0, and chi-square t-test and Anova test, and Duncan's multiple range test used for verifying significance. For 4~5- year-old group, boys had significantly more fruit and meats than girls (p<0.05), but girls had more dairy food than boys with no ignificance. For 6-year-old group, boys had significantly more foods, milk and dairy foods than girls (p<0.05), and also boys had more vegetables and fruit than girls with no significance. For DDS (Dietary Diversity Score), the score of 6-year-old group was significantly higher than that of younger children (p<0.05) and the older the age was, the higher the score was. Dietary Pattern (GMVFD) was verified by 8 types, and the ratio of taking all five food groups (GMVFD = 11111) of the 6-year-old group was 48.8%. Children with older ages had more various foods than younger ones (p<0.05). In addition, the ratio of taking less than the minimal intake of dairy foods of girls (48.1%) was higher than that of boys (41.3%). As results, unbalanced diet, overeating and not eating unbalanced diet were revealed as the problematic dietary habits among preschool children, and those habits may change positively with knowledge on nutrition grow on. Therefore, nutritional characteristics and importance of preschool children should be taught to parents and caregivers, and it must be practical and ready to use in cooking for these children to healthy dietary habits.
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Comparison of Nutrient Intake and Meal Service Satisfaction of Elderly at the Local Community Centers:Free and Reduced Meal Service Charge
Bong Soon Choi, Sun Young Kwon, Ju Young Seo, In Sook Lee, Hee Ja Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(3):303-310.   Published online June 30, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to compare the nutrient intake and foodservice satisfaction of homebound elderly had lunch at the local community centers by the difference of meal service charge. Two local community center with congregate meal service program located in Daegu and Gyongsan were selected; one with free of meal service charge (F), and the other with 500-1,000 won for meal service charge (K). According to the dietary assessment, energy and nutrient intakes of the 156 elderly subjects were as a whole under the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Elderly of F service center showed higher % RDA for the selected nutrients and MAR (mean adequacy ratio) than those of K service center (p<0.001). Participants were satisfied with most of the congregation meal service from community center with different reasons such as 'tasty (K service center)' and 'free of charge (F service center)'. In conclusion, elderly had the lunch at the community center with free of meal service charge was poor nutrition status and lower socioeconomic level than the other type of community center in this area. Therefore, healthy menu for elderly should be developed and managed by professional dietitian, as well as its impact on health status of this group, and congregate meal service system might be extended to the homebound elderly of whole community with free of charge.
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A Study of Dietary Behavior and Serum Leptin Levels in Obese Children: The Relationship between the Obesity Index and the Serum Leptin Levels Based on Eating Habits and Eating Behaviors
Su Jin Son, Hee Ja Lee, In Kyu Lee, Bong Soon Choi, Myeung Hee Park, Eun Ju Lee, Ju Young Seo
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):475-483.   Published online August 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among eating habits, eating behaviors, obesity indices and serum leptin levels of 97 school children in the Daegu and Kyungpuk areas. The subjects consisted of 42 boys and 55 girls from the 4th and 5th grades. The prevalence rate of obesity was 63.6% in the males and 36.4% in the females. The nutritional status of the subjects was assessed using 24-hour dietary recalls and blood analyses. The mean serum leptin levels of the obese group (12.84 +/- 6.97 ng/ml) were significantly higher than those of the non-obese group (2.43 +/- 1.53 ng/ml)(p < 0.001). The mean eating behavior scores and MAR were significantly different in the two groups. Nutrient intakes were low and fell short of the RDA. Serum leptin levels showed a significant negative correlation with eating habit (r = -0.24) and eating behavior scores (r = -0.40)(p < 0.05, p < 0.001). It was speculated that nutritional intervention and education about the appropriate nutrient intake requirements of developing children might be necessary.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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