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Jung Hyun Hwang 3 Articles
Dietary Life, Vitamin D Status and Blood Clinical Indices of University Laboratory Workers
Jung Hyun Hwang, Hong Mie Lee, Jung Hee Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(3):245-256.   Published online June 30, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
Although the number of laboratory workers is constantly increasing every year, few studies have been conducted on the health and nutritional status of these research workers. This study determined the health status of laboratory workers by analyzing their anthropometric indices, dietary life, vitamin D status and blood clinical indices.
The subjects consisted of 100 female laboratory workers. This study investigated their diet, anthropometric indices, vitamin D status and blood clinical indices. The subjects were divided into two groups according to their duration of working in a laboratory (<1 year,≥1 year).
The average age and body mass index (BMI) of subjects were 23.18 years and 21.51 kg/m2, respectively Those subjects with over 1 year employment (≥1 year) had a significantly higher waist-hip ratio than that of the subjects with the less than 1 year employment (<1 year). The mean serum vitamin D level of all the subjects was 10.04 ng/mL, which is close to a level of vitamin D deficiency. There was a significantly higher average intake of calories in the over 1 year employment group as compared to that of the less than 1 year employment group. The frequency of eating sweet snacks was significantly higher for the over 1 year employment group. The correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between the serum 25-(OH)-vitamin D level and the time of exposure to sunlight, while dietary intake of vitamin D did not show correlation with the serum 25-(OH)-vitamin D level. However, the serum 25-(OH)-vitamin D level was also negatively correlated with both the percentage of body fat and visceral fat.
Laboratory workers are a very high risk group in terms of their nutritional status of vitamin D. Therefore, they need greater time of exposure to sunlight as well as increasing their dietary consumption of vitamin D. In addition, it is important for laboratory worker to practice regular and balanced dietary habits in order to maintain a healthy life.
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Status and Needs Assessment on Nutrition Management and Meal Service for Elementary · Middle · High School Athletes among Athlete's Parents
Jung Hyun Hwang, Ji Yeon Kim, Kyung A Kim, Kyung Won Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(1):47-59.   Published online February 28, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
Young athletes require adequate nutrition to maintain their athletic performance, growth and health. This study examined the status and needs of nutrition management and meal services for student athletes among the athlete's parents.
The subjects were parents of elementary, middle, and high school athletes (n=323) from 18 schools participating mainly in the Sports Food Truck. The questionnaire included general characteristics, status and needs on nutrition management and meal service for student athletes, and satisfaction with the Food Truck. The survey was done during 2018. The data were analyzed according to the school groups using a χ2-test or ANOVA.
Approximately 45% of subjects had difficulty in the nutrition management of athletes, and 87.1% had not received nutrition education. Approximately 74% wanted nutrition education held for athletes, and mainly wanted topics on nutrition management for health and eating for athletic performance. The preferred methods were lectures and cooking activity. The responses on the necessity of nutrition education for athletes, desired education topics, and desired times for education differed significantly according to the school groups (p < 0.05). Most subjects also wanted nutrition information mainly through SNS. In the athlete's meal, breakfast and snacks were highlighted as the meal to supplement. Approximately 90.3% responded that providing a meal service is necessary. The subjects preferred snacks before/after exercise and dinner if a meal service was provided. They preferred Korean food, followed by snacks, and a dish meal. As the meal type, the subjects wanted the Food Truck and packed meal. The responses on necessity of a meal service (p < 0.05), preferred food (p < 0.001), and meal type (p < 0.001) in the meal service differed significantly according to the school groups. Approximately 43% were satisfied with the Food Truck and 50.8% responded as average. They made suggestions for the Food Truck in terms of foods, operations and frequency.
Based on the study results, nutrition education and meal service may support nutrition for student athletes considering the needs of the parents according to the school groups.
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A Study on Lifestyles, Dietary Habits, Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary behaviors of Male University Students According to Residence Type
Jung Hyun Hwang, Hong Mie Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):381-395.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
For the purposes of participation in research projects, living in a laboratory has become popular among male university students who tend to have less opportunity for nutrition education and overestimate their own health, suggesting possibilities of many undesirable practices of lifestyle and dietary habits. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate and compare health-related lifestyle practices, dietary habits, nutrition knowledge, food preference and dietary behaviors of the male university students according to residence type. The subjects were 260 (34, 15, 44, and 167, respectively for lab-living, self-boarding, dormitory and commuting) male engineering majors in the Gyeonggi area. Self-administered questionnaires consisted of general characteristics, health-related lifestyle practices, dietary habits, fast food consumption, nutrition knowledge, preference for foods and tastes, and selfexamination of dietary behaviors. Lab-living subjects showed many undesirable practices, particularly with more smokers (p < 0.05), irregular eating (p < 0.01), overeating (p < 0.05) and skipping breakfast (p < 0.01), compared to the dormitory students and more time in computer/TV usage (p < 0.05), overeating (p < 0.05), more frequent use of fastfood (p < 0.05), less nutrition knowledge (p < 0.01) and less intake of milk/dairy products (p < 0.01) and fruits (p < 0.01), compared to commuting subjects. More smokers (p < 0.05) and irregular (p < 0.01) and unrelaxed meal times (p < 0.05), compared to the dormitory group, and less intake of fruits (p < 0.01) and dietary fiber (p < 0.01), compared to the commuting group were shown as undesirable practices of the self-boarding group. Therefore, continuous effort should be made to correct undesirable health- and diet-related practices found in this study in order to improve nutritional status as well as general health by developing a nutrition education program and contents of lectures focusing on more specific problems according to each subgroup such as lab-living and self-boarding male university students.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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