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Keum Jee Kang 3 Articles
A Study on Food Habits, Nutrient Intakes and Nutritional Quality of Preschool Children in Seoul
Keum Jee Kang
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(4):471-483.   Published online August 31, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to investigate food habits, nutrients intakes and nutritional quality of the preschool children living in Seoul. The study was performed by analyzing a questionnaire answered by the mothers of 233 subjects aged 2 to 6 years old. A three-day dietary intakes survey, using a 24 hour recall method was used by both the mothers and teachers of the children in day care centers. Twenty eight, 65.9 and 21.8% of preschool children were underweight, normal and overweight or obese, respectively. It was found that 19.8% of preschool children replied that they skipped breakfast sometimes. The major reasons for skipping breakfast were 'snacks'(38.3%) and 'no appetite' (32.6%). The proportion of subjects having unbalanced meals was 61.6%. From the 24-recall survey, it was found that all nutrients intakes were higher than those of the Korean RDA except zinc. The proportions of carbohydrate, protein and fat from total calories were 56,1, 17.2 and 30.7%. The P/M/S ratio was 0.62 : 0.86 : 1. Nutrient adquacy (NAR), mean of nutrient adequacy ratio (MAR) and index of nutritional quality (INQ) were considered adequate. In conclusion, the dietary intakes of children aged 2 to 6 were assumed adequate judging from nutrient intakes, although some attention should be paid to fat intake in this age group.
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A Study on the Intake Patterns of Health Food of the Elderly Aged over 60 Years in the Chuncheon Area
Hee Seoup Rhee, Hai Sook Lee, Jung Ae Yee, Keum Jee Kang
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(4):635-644.   Published online October 31, 2001
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This study was carried out to investigate the intake patterns of health food according to the kind of disease of the elderly aged over 60 years living in the Chuncheon area. This study was conducted by using a questionnaire from December 1999 to the March 2000. The data was analyzed using a SPSS program. The results were summarized as follows : The poorer the self-perceived health condition, the lower the level of activity of daily living(ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living(IADL) were the higher. the frequency score of health food intake. The incidence of disease, such as arthritis(44.7%), hypertension(18.8%), digestive diseases(17.1%), diabetes(10.5%) were found to be higher. than other chronic diseases among the elderly. The frequency score of health food intake was not significantly different according to self-perceived health status, disease status, or the level of ADL and IADl.. The must important source of information for health food intake was the recommendation of friends and relatives(68.7%). Twenty eight point two percent of the elderly considered health foods to be effective, however 8.3% of the elderly considered them to be ineffective. The elderly with chronic diseases had taken health floods in the descending order of neuralgia-arthritis, hypertension, digestive disease, diabetes. The elderly with digestive diseases, diabetes, renal disease, neuralgia-arthritis and respiratory disease were inclined to habitually take health floods once or twice per year. Intake of Korean traditional folk food was as high as intake of registered health food and Chinese tonic medicine. The most frequently taken health food was tonic medicine, which is fo11owed by pumpkin, ginseng products, herbal tea formula with black goat, deer antler and Kye-so-ju. Intakes of health food such as tonic medicine, blood of the deer, royal jelly, aloe were found to be higher among the elderly with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and digestive disease. However, intakes of ginseng products, deer antler, pumpkin, herbal tea formula with black goat and Kye-so-ju were found to be higher among the healthy elderly. The elderly with neuralgia-arthritis had taken sixteen kinds of health foods. From these results, a wide consumer education program should be developed to convince people of the importance of well-balanced diet and to choose proper health foods according to the elderly's health conditions. Also, comprehensive and scientific research into Korean traditional folk foods are needed for the correct use.
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A Study on Health Related and Eating Related Behaviors by Self-Recognized Health Status
Hai Sook Lee, Jung Ae Yee, Ahn Soo Yeon, Keum Jee Kang
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(3):340-353.   Published online August 31, 2001
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The aim of this study was to investigate health-related and eating-related behaviors as part of self-recognized health status. The survey was conducted among 304 elderly people in Chunchon city in 1999. Fifty two percent(52%) of the respondents recognized they were healthy, 32% felt so-so and 16% thought themselves unhealthy. When they felt healthy, they engaged in more social work and regular exercise, had better appetites, lower conflict scores with their children, lower depression, higher satisfaction in life, better physical condition(eye, ear, tooth, mentality and walking), and higher ability of ADL(activities of daily living) and IAD(instrumental activities of daily living). Also, the self-recognized group consumed each food groups (meats, green, yellow and white vegetables, fruits, milks, seaweeds, beans) more often and showed a higher preference of food. The results of this study indicate that self-recognized health status affects every pattern of life among the elderly. As a result, comprehensive education(such as nutrition, health, physical and psychological education) should be offered to the elderly.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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