- [Korean]
Consumption Values of Fast Food according to Health Consciousness in American Consumers
Kiwon Lee, Youngmi Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2022;27(4):309-320. Published online August 31, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2022.27.4.309
- Objectives
This study aimed to analyze the consumption values of fast foods among American consumers and compare the consumption values according to the levels of health consciousness. Methods An online survey using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted on 351 American consumers. Based on the median health consciousness score (3.83 out of 5 points), the subjects were classified into the low health-conscious group (Low group) and the high health-conscious group (High group). Factor analysis was used to extract factors for the five consumption values (functional, social, emotional, conditional, and epistemic values).
The differences in the consumption values between the two groups were analyzed. Results A total of 14 factors were extracted for the five consumption values and 9 factors among them (convenience, healthiness, and taste in functional values; health-conscious people, young, busy, obese people, low class, and budget restricted people in social values; guilt in emotional values; accidental situations in conditional values) showed significant differences between the two groups. The Low group had a higher perception of the factor of healthiness (P < 0.001) than the High group. The High group had a relatively higher perception of the factors of convenience (P < 0.001), taste (P < 0.001), and guilt (P < 0.001). In addition, the High group perceived the social values of fast foods more negatively. The High group consumed fast foods less frequently than the Low group and perceived their health status and healthiness of eating habits more positively. Conclusions The results reveal that the health consciousness level significantly influences consumption value perceptions about fast foods in American consumers. Policymakers and marketers can develop effective strategies based on the results of this study.
- [Korean]
Do American Consumers Perceive Corporate Social Responsibility Actions and Exhibit Loyalty Intentions Differently according to the Reputation of Fast Food Restaurants?
Kiwon Lee, Youngmi Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2021;26(3):177-187. Published online June 30, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2021.26.3.177
- Objectives
This study investigated the different perceptions of customers toward traditional and non-traditional fast-food restaurants regarding restaurant healthfulness, corporate reputation, and the impact of corporate reputation on loyalty intentions through corporate social responsibility (CSR) motive. Methods An online survey was conducted on U.S. residents who were aware of fast food restaurants’ CSR activities. Participants selected one fast food restaurant participating in CSR activities, coded as either traditional (n = 117) or non-traditional (n = 48), and answered questions about the selected restaurant’s healthfulness, reputation, CSR motives, and loyalty intentions. The participants’ perceptions of healthfulness and corporate reputation of the two types of fast-food restaurants were compared. A mediation path of corporate reputation – CSR motive – loyalty intention was analyzed. Results Non-traditional fast-food restaurants (5.02 ± 1.26) were perceived to be more healthful than traditional ones (3.93 ± 1.72). The participants perceived that compared to traditional fastfood restaurants, non-traditional ones had a better overall corporate reputation (P = 0.037), were more concerned about their customers (P = 0.029), better workplaces (P = 0.007), more environmentally and socially responsible (P < 0.001), and offered higher quality products and services (P = 0.042). Significant positive correlations were shown between restaurant healthfulness and corporate reputation (P < 0.001 for all reputation items). The suggested mediation path was supported with 95% CIs excluding zero, implying that when fast-food restaurants had a better reputation overall, were customer oriented, good employers, strong companies with a good product and service quality, social and environmental responsibility, the participants were more likely to perceive their CSR activities to be sincere and were hence loyal to that restaurant. Conclusions Overall, participants were more favorable towards non-traditional fast-food restaurants which had a healthier image and better reputation than traditional ones. Therefore, fast food restaurants need to consider offering healthy food and enhance their image, which would maximize the return on their investment in CSR.
- [English]
Status of Children's Breakfast Skipping and Their Mothers' Needs for Breakfast Service at Child Care Centers
Kiwon Lee, Jihyun Yoon, Jae Eun Shim
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(5):682-692. Published online October 31, 2008
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of children's breakfast skipping and their mothers' needs for breakfast service at child care centers. A survey was conducted with mothers of children aged 3 to 5 years and attending child care centers in Gwanak-gu, Seoul. Out of 960 questionnaires distributed to the caregivers at 32 child care centers, 633 were returned (66% response rate), and 449 were analyzed (47% analysis rate) after excluding data from the respondents not meeting the selection criteria for this study: mothers of children aged 3 to 5 years. Over 2/3 (69%) of children ate breakfast every weekday (Breakfast Eaters) and almost 1/3 (31%) of children skipped breakfast one time or more often on weekdays (Breakfast Skippers). The collected data were compared between Breakfast Eaters and Breakfast Skippers. The average Good Dietary Practice Score of Breakfast Skippers was significantly lower than that of Breakfast Eaters, implying poorer dietary habits. A higher percentage of mothers of Breakfast Skippers (62%) responded that breakfast service was 'necessary' or 'very necessary' at child care centers than those of Breakfast Eaters (27%). A multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine factors affecting mothers' needs for breakfast service at child care centers. The result showed that the children's ages, mothers' occupational status, household monthly income, frequencies of eating breakfast on weekdays and satisfaction level with morning snack provided at child care centers affected mothers' needs for breakfast service at child care centers. In particular, mothers who had a full-time job (OR = 2.06) than housewives, mothers whose children did not eat breakfast at al (OR = 3.54), ate 1~2 times (OR = 5.50) or ate 3~4 times (OR = 3.80) on weekdays than those whose children ate breakfast every weekday were more likely to have needs for breakfast service at child care centers than housewives. In conclusion, Breakfast Skippers tended to have poorer dietary habits than Breakfast Eaters and Full-time working mothers had higher needs for breakfast service at child care centers. This study results suggest that child care centers consider serving breakfast to children as the number of working mothers increases.