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Kyung Soo Han 4 Articles
Importance, Support and Application for Contract Foodservice Management Company's Infra-System in the Viewpoint of Headquarters and Branch Office
Il Sun Yang, Moon Kyung Park, Kyung Soo Han, In Sook Chae, So Hyun Park, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(2):233-240.   Published online April 30, 2004
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This study was design to grope the suggestions leading synergic effects by bridging the gap between headquarters and branch office, and so to identify the infra-system of contract foodservice management company (CFMC) necessary for operating any kind of branch office including school, hospital and business and industry (B&I). Among 8 categories consisted of infra-system in CFMC, 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation' was the most important category in the headquarter's viewpoint, while 'C3. Sanitation management system' was the most important category in branch office's viewpoint. In support and application, 'C3. Sanitation management system' was the highest category in both headquarters and branch offices including school, hospital and B&I. As a result of analysis on gap between main and branch office in importance, support and application in 8 categories, the efforts of communication and community of perception for infrastructure were needed, because 'C4. Education & training for human resource management (HRM) system' and 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation' in importance, 'C2. Menu management system', 'C4. Education & training for HRM system', 'C6. Facility & utility support system' and 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation' in support had a gap. Correlation analysis to grasp the relation between importance of infra-system and headquarters' support or branch office's application showed that headquarters's importance and support were correlated positively in 'C3. Sanitation management system', 'C6. Facility & utility support system', 'C7. Customer satisfaction management system' and 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation' and branch office's importance and application were correlated positively in 'C1. Procurement & food processing system', 'C5. Management Information system', 'C7. Customer satisfaction management system' and 'C8. Evaluation & analysis for branch office's operation'. Lastly, 'C6. Facility & utility support system' in the branch office of school and hospital and 'C2. Menu management system' in the branch office of B&I were high in importance, low in support and application, therefore intensive support for these categories was needed. In conclusion, continuous check and improvement for categories, which were identified as an urgent problems to be solved in this study, among infra-structure qualifying for CFMC,would enable contract foodservice industry that has grown quantitatively till now to grow qualitatively.
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The Effect of the Food Service Industry up on the National Economy of Korea
Hee Sook Cheon, Kyung Soo Han
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(5):763-769.   Published online October 31, 2003
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The food-service industry in Korea has experienced remarkable growth during the past few decades. The objectives of this study were to analyze the influence of the food-service industry upon the national economy by using an inputoutput analysis and to find the industrial position of the food service industry. This paper analysed the economic effect of the food-service industry using 168 items arranged in a transaction table based on producer's prices in the 1995 input-output tables. The results of this study showed that the food-service industry had a major influence on the national economy of Korea. Based on the calculation of the following five coefficients; Korea's production inducement coefficient ranked as 50, its import inducement coefficient ranked as 28, its value added inducement coefficient ranked as 32, its worker inducement coefficient ranked as 2 and its employee inducement coefficient per final demand ranked as 5 in a total of 168 industries.
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A Study of the Operation of Contract Food Service Management and Menu Preferences of Middle School Students in Seoul
Kyung Soo Han, Sook Hyun Hong
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):559-570.   Published online August 31, 2002
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This research was to investigate the operation of contracted food service management and menu preferences of middle school students in Seoul. Questionnaires were distributed between Dec. 1 and 20, 2000 in 10 middle schools. Statistical data analyses were completed using the SAS package, including the mean, standard deviation and frequency analysis. The results can be summarized as follows: The average number of meals per middle school was 1,000 and only lunch was served in each school. In terms of facilities and equipment, low rates of the possession of cooking equipment and food carts were the major hindrance to work and production efficiency. The students' main demands were taste, sanitation, variety of food, the introduction of brand foods, the price of foods, and the speed of reaction to their dissatisfaction. Most of the schools provided rice for lunch, while the students preferred noodles, mandu and bread. beef-rib soup was preferred to broth. For side dishes, fish, roasted meat and fried foods were highly favored, along with processed foods, with low preferences for vegetables. The middle school students favored fruits. Lastly, they requested that the quality of school meals be improved through the development and supply of various desserts.
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Analysis on Production Processes between Conventional and Commissary School Foodservice Systems in Kyunggi-do
Il Sun Yang, Jin Mee Lee, Bo Sook yi, Kyung Soo Han
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(2):206-217.   Published online May 31, 1997
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This study was designed to analyze and compare production management practices and labor productivity between conventional and commissary school foodservices and 46 dietitians of commissary school foodservices in Kyunggi-do. The response rates were 89.7% and 91.3%, respectively. The number of meals served was ranged from less than 100 to over 1,900 in conventional school foodservices and from 200 to 1,600 in commissary foodservices. Thirty three conventional foodservices(42.3%) produced less than 300 meals per day. Numbers of satellite school per central kitchen were ranged from 1 to 5 schools ; fifty percent of commissary foodservices have contained 3 satellite schools. Meals for satellite schools were transported between 11:00 a.m.and 12:00 a.m ; transportation time was from 10 to 90 minutes. Waiting time before service in satellite schools was between 10 minutes and 80 minutes. Part time employees supported by parents were hired in 37.3% of conventional and 50% of commissary school foodservices. Voluntary workers were supplied for 64.9% of conventional and 52.4% of commissary school foodservices. Labor productivity was calculated from work schedule. Labor productivity(labor minutes per meal)was lowest in foodservices with 101-4-- meals(8.48 min)was lower than that of foodservices with above 401 meals ; no significant differences were found among 401-700(6.02 min), 701-1,100(4.01 min), 1,101-1,500(3.41 min), and 1,501-1,900(3.15 min)meals in conventional foodservices. Labor minutes per meal of foodservices which served less than 400 meals(6.90 min) per day was significantly lower than those of foodservices which served 401-1,900 meal(3.41-4.92 min) in commissary foodservices(p<0.05)
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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