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Mee Kyung Woo 9 Articles
Reproducibility of Nutrient Intake Estimated by Three-Day 24-Hour Dietary Recall of Middle-Aged Subjects for 6 Month Intervals
Mee Sook Lee, Mee Kyung Woo, Sung Ae Kim, Se In Oh, Chung Shil Kwak
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(4):603-609.   Published online August 31, 2003
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This study examined the reproducibility of nutrient intakes estimated by the 24-hour recall method in a prospective cohort study (Longitudinal study of aging and health monitoring of Korean elderly) of middle-aged volunteer subjects (42 males and 49 females) in the Seoul area. The three-day 24-hour recall was administered twice at an interval of approximately 6 months. The first data were collected and a corrective procedure was performed by interviewing of the subjects and a trained dietitian. The second data were collected by mail from the subjects without the performance of any corrective procedure. The mean age of the subjects was 53.5+/-9.6 for the males and 52.2+/-8.9 for the females. The subjects who had above college education were 95% in the case of the males and 60% in the case of the females. The characteristics of the male subjects in this study were that they were highly educated and held professional jobs and were from the middle or upper class. Comparing the first and second 24-hour recall data, the second data showed relatively lower intakes of all nutrients, except vitamin A, vitamin Bi and cholesterol. There was no difference in the nutrients of the first and the second data with respect to vitamin A, vitamin B1 and cholesterol in the males and calcium, iron, sodium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and cholesterol in the females. This data may indicate that the 24 hour retail method without a dietitian's help may result in lower reporting of the subject's intakes. The men had a tendency to remember less than the women. Pearson's correlation coefficients with unadjusted nutrient intakes values were ranged from 0.24 to 0.66. When energy intake was adjusted, there was a slight increase (from 0.26 to 0.71). Intra-class correlation coefficients with nutrient-unadjusted values ranged from 0.22 to 0.66, and the energy-adjusted values were ranged from 0.23 to 0.69. The weighted Kappa statistical values ranged from 0.10 to 0.40. On the average,46.3% of the subjects who were found in the lowest quartile of the nutrient intake levels based on the first 24-hour recall, were in the lowest quartile based on the second 24-hour recall. Therefore, there was a low reproducibility between the first and the second 24-hour recall. We should examine the factors influencing low reproducibility. Also, strategies should be developed to maximize the reliability of the assessment, with regard to portion-size training and telephone validation.
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Differences in the Dietary and Health-Related Habits and Quality of Diet in University Students Living in Daejeon
Mee Sook Lee, Mee Kyung Woo
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):33-40.   Published online February 28, 2003
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This study was investigated the differences in the dietary habits and quality of diet among 148 university students in Daejeon between 1993 (71 subjects) and 2000 (77 subjects). Among male students, there were increases in height and decreases in weight, but the number in the normal weight group assessed by the BMI, increased. Significant increases in meal regularity and the rate of considering a balanced diet at meal time and significant decreases in the rate of eating unbalanced meals were noted over time among the male students. The number of male students drinking alcohol and those drinking alcohol frequently decreased significantly. When considering differences in the nutrient intake of males according to the Korean RDA, the percentages of energy, iron, and Vitamin B2 decreased, while those of Vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus increased over time. The NAR (Nutrient Adequacy Ratio) of most nutrients, especially in iron and Vitamin C were higher, than those of 1993, but the NAR of calcium, iron, Vitamin B2, niacin and MAR (Mean Adequacy Ratio) were lower than 0.75 in the males. The INQ (Index of nutritional quality) of Vitamin C was higher than that of 1993, and the INQ of calcium and Vitamin B2 were lower than 1 among the males. Among the females, there was no change in height and weight between 1993 and 2000, but the normal weight group, as assessed by the BMI, increased as among the males. However, unlike among the males, significant decreases in meal regularity and significant increases in the rate of alcohol drinking were noted over time. The intake of energy and nutrients showed trends similar to those among the males. The NARs of most nutrients were lower than those of 1993 among in the females. The INQs of protein, calcium, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin C increased significantly, but the INQs of calcium, iron, and Vitamin B2 were lower than 1 among the females. From these results, we found that male students showed relatively desirable changes over time in their dietary and health-related habits and the quality of their diets, while female students showed undesirable changes in their dietary and alcohol drinking habits and the quality of their diets.
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A Study of Health-related Habits, Dietary Behaviors and the Health Status of the Middle-aged and the Elderly Living in the Chonju Area (II)
Mee Sook Lee, Mee Kyung Woo
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(6):749-761.   Published online December 31, 2002
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This study investigated the anthropometric and biochemical indices, and the health and nutritional factors influencing the two indices among 194 middle-aged and elderly subjects (108 middle-aged and 86 elderly) residing in a medium sized city for more than 10 years. In the examination of their dietary habits, 8.3% of the middle-aged subjects and 14.0% of the elderly subjects had two meals a day, and more female subjects had two meals per day. Of the subjects who ate meals at regular times, 75.0% were middle-aged and 79.1% were elderly, and the degree of irregularity of meals was greater for female subjects. The study of the dietary behavior of the subjects indicated that 71.3% and 66.3% of the middle-aged and elderly, respectively responded that the amount of food in each meal was sufficient. The subjects ate alone comprised 19.7% of the middle-aged females and 31.5% of the elderly females. The prevalence of smoking among the subjects was 28.1% for the middle-aged, 18.8% for the elderly male and 7.4% for the elderly females. The percentage of the subjects who drank alcohol was 34.4% of the middle-aged males and 13.2% of the middle-aged females. Slightly less than half of the subjects exercised more than once a week, with the male subjects showing a higher rate than the female subjects. The average body mass indices (BMI) were 24.5 and 24.6 for the middle-aged male and female, respectively, and 22.6 and 24.0 for the elderly male and female, respectively. BMI assessment showed that underweight subjects (BMI < 20) comprised 3.7% of the middle-aged, 14.0% of the elderly, and that 40.7% of the middle-aged and 24.4% of the elderly were overweight (25 < BMI < 30); and 0.9% of the middle-aged and 1.2% of the elderly were classified as obese (BMI > or = 30). A waist/hip ratio (WHR) greater than 0.8 was found in 89.5% of the middle-aged females and 90.7% of the elderly females, showing high abdominal fat deposition in the majority of females. The average systolic blood pressure of females was 121.1 +/- 17.1 mmHg for the middle-aged and 129.6 +/- 21.3 mmHg for the elderly subjects. The systolic blood pressures showed a significantly difference between the two age groups. Those defined as anemic subjects based on hemoglobin values comprised 13.0% of the middled-aged group and 16.3% of the elderly group. There was a tendency for higher fasting glucose levels among the elderly subjects. An increase in total plasma cholesterol levels with age was shown. The female subjects had higher cholesterol levels than the males'. The study of the correlation between the daily habits and health status showed that the amount of food eaten at each meal, the frequency of eating out, and the use of dietary supplements appeared to influence BMI, WHR, the plasma triglyceride and plasma cholesterol levels; omitting one meal had a positive correlation with the systolic blood pressure and plasma cholesterol. These results suggest that desirable dietary habits and concerns for health are contributing factors for maintaining good health, as indicated by normal blood lipid levels.
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A Study on the Factors Influencing Food Consumption by Food Frequency Questionnaire far the Middle Aged and Elderly Living in the Chonju Area
Mee Sook Lee, Mee Kyung Woo
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(5):789-797.   Published online December 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to find the differences in food consumption frequency of the middle aged(male 20, female 50) and the elderly(male 15, female 15) living in Chonju in December, 1998 according to food habits, smoking, alcohol drinking and exercising habit, health status, and the levels of nutrition knowledge and attitude store. The foods frequently consumed among the subjects were kimchi(15.4/week), mixed rice(11.5/week), rice(7.6/week), vegetables in soup, jjigae and jorim(5.0/week), mandarins and oranges(5.e/week), and seasoned laver(4.3/week). There were several factors influencing food consumption patterns. These were age, regularity of meal times, the status of smoking, alcohol drinking and exercising, and the level of nutrition attitude. The elderly ate cooked rice more frequently, while the middle aged ate fish, especially blue fishes more frequently. The middle aged who had breakfast regularly ate milk and milk products, legumes and fruits frequently. Those who smoked seemed to eat less cereals and starches and fats, while those who didn't smoke ate more sugars. The alcohol drinking group also ate less fats and the exorcising group ate almost all of food groups frequently. The status of health showed to be related with food consumption patterns. The normal group in hemoglobin ate eggs more frequently than the anemia group and the high risk group in blood pressure ate almost all of food groups more frequently. The high level group for nutrition attitude score chose vegetables, fruits, and milk and milk products more frequently than the other groups. On the other hand, low level group for nutrition attitude score was apt to eat ramyun, ham-sausage, and carbonated beverages more frequently. Therefore, nutrition education to improve the food habits find to change nutrition attitude is necessary to promote health status anti mole attention should be taken to the high risk group in blood pressure to guide proper food and nutrition intakes.
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Factors Influencing Food Consumption by Food Frequency Qustionnaire of University Students in Taejon
Mee Sook Lee, Joung Won Lee, Mee Kyung Woo
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(2):172-181.   Published online May 31, 2001
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study is to analyze the foods which 424(male 171, female 253) university students surveyed consumed frequently and to evaluate and the factors affecting their food consumption patterns. The survey was conducted at the beginning of nutrition courses each semester, March and September, 1998, with the questionnaire composed of general information, food, drinking and smoking habits, nutrition knowledge/attitude and food frequency questionnaire. The rates of alcohol drinking in male and female students were 89.2% and 78.1% respectively, and the rates of smoking were 68.1% and 1.6% in males and female. The nutrition knowledge score was higher in females than in males, but the nutrition attitude score was not significantly different between the male and female groups. The foods frequently consumed among students were cooked rice(14.3/week), kimchi(11.1/week), coffee(5.7/week), vegetables in soup, jjigae and jorim(3.5/week), carbonated beverages(3.3/week), cooked mixed rice(3.2/week). Ramyun and chocolate candies biscuits were frequently consumed, too. There were several factors influencing food consumption patterns. These were gender, regularity of mealtimes, the status of alcohol drinking and smoking, residence type and the levels of nutrition knowledge and attitude. Males ate more frequently cooked rice, coffee, carbonated beverages, ramyun, functional beverages and ham sausage, while females ate more frequently cooked mixed rice and fruits. Those who had the habits of irregular mealtimes seemed to eat more soft drinks, instant foods and snacks. These trends were also found in the alcohol drinking and smoking groups. High level groups for nutrition knowledge of attitude score chose raw yellow green and green vegetables, cooked mixed rice, soybeans and seaweeds more frequently than the other groups. On the other hand, low level groups for nutrition knowledge or attitude score were apt to eat carbonated beverages and ramyun more frequently. Therefore, more attention should be taken to males, having habits of irregular mealtimes, alcohol drinking and smoking, and low level groups for nutrition knowledge or attitude score so as to improve their health.
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Content Analysis of the Questionnaires Used in Dietary Surveys
Ki Nam Kim, Ae Jung Kim, Eun Sook Park, Mee Kyung Woo, Bo Kyung Lee, Taisun Hyun
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(4):697-708.   Published online December 31, 2000
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of the questionnaires used in dietary surveys and to evaluate each item in relation to the item construction strategy. Articles of which the contents were related to food, nutrition, diet, dietary behavior, and related areas. Published from 1997 to 1999 were searched fir and a total of 121 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The questions in the questionnaires were classified into related areas and sub-areas. Among the keywords in the title of the articles, the term 'nutritional status'(or 'dietary intake status') was most frequently used. The terms such as dietary status, obesity, health, food habit, and dietary behavior were also frequency used. Major topics of the items in the questionnaires varied according to the life cycle of the subjects of the study. The topics most frequently asked in each lift cycle were as follows : overeating, snack, and food preference for preschool- and school-aged children ; anthropometry, weight control, and snack for middle and highschool students : meal skipping, smoking, and drinking for college students : disease, smoking, drinking, and exercise for adults : and smoking, drinking, disease and perceived health for the elderly. Inappropriate questions with complicated language, typographic and grammatic errors, unnecessary words, and negative questions were found. Therefore, care should be taken to construct each question so as to avoid possible misinterpretation. Also, a standardized questionnaire be developed for survey researchers.
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Follow-up Study of Health-Related Habits and Health Status of Middle-Aged Men and Women in Chonju
Mee Sook Lee, Mee Kyung Woo, In Sook Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(2):185-192.   Published online July 31, 2000
AbstractAbstract PDF
As the percentage of the elderly in the population increases, research to identify the nutritional and health status of the elderly, to understand the factors influencing on them, and to delay aging have been done actively. It is necessary for these studies to be longitudinal. This study was carried out to assess the change of health-related habits such as dietary behaviors and smoking, alcohol drinking and exercising habit, and health status between previous study(1991/1994) and post study(1998) for middle-aged men and women living in Chonju. For the present study, the data of 63 pairs(23 men and 40 women) were analyzed. They were 11 men and 12 women followed up from 82 men and 100 women surveyed in 1994. Mean ages in the 1991/4 and 1998 studies were 53.6y(range 42-63y) and 59.0y(range 46-72y) respectively. The survey was conducted with interview using a questionnaire including dietary behaviors and health-related habits, and anthropometric measurement and blood test for analyzing biochemical indices in 1991/4 and 1998. To understand these changes over time, chi2-statistics, t-test and paired t-test were analyzed with an SAS package program. As people age, there were significantly decreases in the proportions to eat lightly salted foods and drink alcohol. Significant longitudinal increases in triceps skin fold thickness, gamma-GPT and HDL-cholesterol and significant decrease in hemoglobin value were noted over time in both men and women. In addition a significant decrease in blood glucose level was noted over time in women. Weight, blood glucose and total cholesterol increased significantly with age in those had had breakfast regularly or those had not used more slat at the table in the past. From this study, were found out the subjects of this study had relatively desirable health-related habits. But as improper health-related habits are likely to result in inappropriate health status(eg, increase in WHR, triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol), it is recommended that nutrition education in necessary as soon as possible to meet the health elderly.
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Development and Evaluation of Nutrition Education Program for Middle Aged Men at Worksite
Mee Kyung Woo, Sung A Jegal, Seong Ai Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):261-272.   Published online May 31, 1998
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The purpose of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a nutrition education program for middle aged men at a worksite. To be read easily, induce interest, and selected at need, seven 6-page leaflet aets were developed, which was the most preferable from chosen by the subjects. The contents of leaflet set were [Changing life style], [Good food habit],[Weight control and diet],[Cardiovascualr disease and diet], [Alimentary disease and diet],[Diaabetes and diet],and [Liver disease and diet]. Nutrition education was provided for 61 middle aged men(30 professors, 31 office workers) at a worksite from 40 mins to one hour. And the level of nutrition knowledge and nutrition attitude were tested to evaluate the effects of the nutrition education program with a developed leaflet set before and after nutrition education. After the nutrition deucation. the nutrition knowledge score had increased significantly at p<0.001, from average 9.3 point to 11.4 point. The level of nutrition knowledge was increased significantly at p<0.001, and the prevalence of misconceptions and the uncertainty of knowledge were decreased significantly at p<0.05. There was a significant difference between professors and office workers both before and after the program. Also, there was a significant increase in the attitude about nutrition score after the program and this means that the subjects were flexibly more open minded about nutrition than before(from 39.9 point, at p<0.001). The difference in the nutrition attitude score between professors and office workers was not significant both before and after the nutrition deucation. The developed leaflet set was evaluated very positively in understanding, interest, timing, and usage by the subjects.
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The Health and Nutritional Status of Middle Aged Men at Worksite in Taejon
Mee Kyung Woo, Seong Ai Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(3):338-348.   Published online August 31, 1997
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was conducted to investigate the health and nutritional status of 123 middle aged men at their worksite in Taejon. The results of this study on the factors that influence their health and nutritional status were as follows : 1) 74.8% of the subjects had history in the order of alimentary, heat, liver, diabetic and pulmonary diseases. 30.3% stopped smoking at 42.3% yrs. and 74.5% smoked more than 10 cigarets per day. Also 71.9% drank 2-3 times per week and 35.3% drank 1-2 times per week. 91.4% exercised more than 30min every day. 2) 54.4% showed concerns about their health whereas 20.3% were afraid that they night get sick. 3) 90.4% ate regularly and 54.5% worried about their cholesterol, salt, fat and MSG intakes. 48.7% ate out 1-2times per week and their favorite foods eaten outside were Korea. 4) 41.5% were classified as 'normal A', 30.9% 'normal B' group and high blood pressure and liber diseases in 'doubtful for disease' group were pointed out from their 1996 health check ups. 5) By Broca index, 39.8% were overweight and 9.8% were obese however by BMI only 23.6% were overweight. According to the relationship between calculated and self recognized obesity, 62.4% categorized themselves into the right weight range but 34.3% thought they were thinner than they were. 6) 43.9% were border line in cholesterol intake and 12.1% needed medical care for high blood cholesterol. 7) The Average energy intake was 1970.6 kcal(80.9% RDA) with a 65 :19 : 16 ratio of carbohydrate : protein : fat. Protein, Fe, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and Vit. A. 8) Occupation, regularity of meals, partner's job, income. smoking, alcohol drinking, health concerns and eating out were the factors that influenced the subject's nutrient intakes and health status. from this study, it was found that middle aged men needs to know their health and nutritional status and to be educated correct health and nutritional information through formal or informal channel. The worksite is the vest place to do this and we want these results to be used to develop the nutrition education program for middle aged men at the worksite.
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