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Mi Hyun Park 1 Article
A Study on the Status of Recognition and Intake of Saeng Shik among Urban Housewives
Mi Hyun Park, Ji Yeon Lee, Hwa Young Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(5):708-715.   Published online October 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of recognition and intake of Saeng shik among housewives in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Kwangju and Daejeon during February, 2002. Saeng shik is an uncooked freeze dried powdered food made from grains and vegetables. We interviewed 800 housewives, aged 30 to 49 years, living in urban areas. The survey was conducted using individual interviews on demographic characteristcs, status of recognition of Saeng shik, and the intake of Saeng shik. The data was analyzed using a SPSS program. The results were summarized as follows: Forty percentage of the subjects were well acquainted with Saeng shik. More than 60% of the subjects understood that Saeng shik is 'the thing of grains and vegetables in the form of freeze-dried powder without heating process'. Saeng shik was taken by 16.9% of subjects. There was a significant regional and economic level difference in Saeng shik intake (p < 0.05). Among the reasons given for Saeng shik intake, meal substitution ranked the highest. Other reasons were prevention of adult diseases, or it being a low calorie food. The survey questioned which the subjects considered before buying Saeng shik, taste, effect, constitution, sanitation and safety, satiety. 'Taste' ranked the highest. Among the subject who had experienced taking Saeng shik, 35.6% answered that they would continue taking Saeng shik. The reasons given for stopping taking Saeng shik included its high cost and taste. The subjects recognized it not only as a meal substitute, but also as a nutrient supplement. Based on these results on urban housewives' status of recognition of Saeng shik and their intake of it, more research is needed to improve Saeng shik.
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