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Rice Preference Differences in Subjects Taking Breakfast Regularly and Skipping Breakfast in Kyeonggi-do Residence
Mi Yong Choi, Dong Yean Park, Seung Gyo Rhie
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(4):547-555. Published online August 31, 2003
- Carbohydrate intake is decreasing along with the reduction of rice consumption among the Korean population. There is an increasing trend of diet-related degenerative diseases with the increased consumption of animal food, and therefore, the increase of animal food intake can be considered as one of causes of the diet-related disease. The objective of this study is to investigate the differences in rice preference and breakfast patterns between the subjects have breakfast regularly and those skipping it. One thousand participants were selected by the stratified sample method from the primary, middle, high school and college, and company workers from 24 cities of Kyeonggi-do. The interviewing procedure was carried by regional home extension workers. Approximately half participants (49.9%) were under the age of 20. Although 86% of the subjects considered eating breakfast good for health. only 46.4% of the subjects had breakfast regularly (HB). The rest of them skipped breakfast (SB) more than twice a week. The proportion of subjects hiving no breakfast were 9.3% of male and 12.2% of female subjects. The main reason for not having breakfast was due to the limited time. For their breakfast 85% of the HB ate boiled rice with the side dishes. More subjects in SB (27.8%) preferred the boiled rice with various grains for breakfast than those of HB (21.8%). The subjects in HB (65.5%) preferred boiled plein rice more than those of SB (56.9%). In cases they must have breakfast, 47.7% of the subjects wanted rice with the side dishes, 24.2% preferred rice ball or rice roll with laver, 10.5% preferred a rice beverage. More subjects in HB (59.8%) wanted rice with side dishes than those in SB (36.9%). It was found out that selecting rice at the breakfast is still the main choice. Diverse ready-to-eat rice menus have to be developed to increase the rice consumption, specially to increase breakfast eating frequencies of SB through saving time and effort.