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Min A Park 1 Article
Glycemic Index Lowering Effects of Breads Supplemented with Resistant Starch, Whole Rye Grain and Fructooligosaccharide
Min A Park, Joung Won Lee, Mal Shick Shin, Sun Yung Ly
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(2):189-197.   Published online April 30, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
Low glycemic index (GI) foods have been reported to be very important in the control of blood glucose levels in diseases such as diabetes mellitus and obesity, which are becoming more prevalent in Korea. Bread consumption at breakfast and as a snack is also on the rise. To provide low GI alternatives, breads supplemented with dietary fibersfructooligosaccharide (FOS), ground whole rye, and 2 types of resistance starch (RS2 and RS4)-were developed. The GIs for these breads were evaluated with 13 healthy college students (M6, F7) and sensory tests were done. Four kinds of breads were made through the modification of a basic recipe for white bread (the control, B) as follows: for Bf, the entire amount of sugar was replaced with FOS. For Ryef, 50% of the white wheat flower was replaced with roughly ground wholerye (20 mesh: 12-20 mesh = 1 : 3) in addition to replacing sugar with FOS. For RS2f and RS4f, 20% of the white wheat flower was replaced with RS2 or RS4, in addition to replacing sugar with FOS. The overall preference score of Bf was similar to that of B, while those of Ryef, RS2f and RS4f were lower than that of B, but showed the acceptable degree of the overall preference. The glycemic indices of Ryef and RS2f were 46.1 and 45.9 respectively, which were significantly lower than the GI of B, 67.8. The GIs of Bf and RS4f were, however, 66.7 and 80.5 respectively, showing no significant difference compared to B. The glycemic loads for a 30 g serving were 9.5, 5.9, 6.2, 11.0 and 9.0 for B, Bf, Ryef, RS2f and RS4f, respectively. In conclusion, addition of RS2 or roughly ground whole rye to the dough formula significantly lowered the GI. Since the preferences shown for those two breads were acceptable, they may be recommended as a substitute for white bread for persons who need blood glucose management. More studies on the bread making process are required to improve preference and acceptance. Although GI lowering effects for F and RS4 were not found in this study, further studies are needed to verify their effects.
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