- [English]
Effects of Job Characteristics, Job Performance and Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction of Hospital Dietitians in the Taegu Kyungpook Area
Min Ji Lee, Yeon Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(4):672-682. Published online December 31, 2000
- The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of job characteristics, job performance and organizational commitment on job satisfaction of hospital dietitians. The first survey was carried out on 74 hospital dietitians to determine their demographic characteristics, job characteristics, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. The second survey was carried out on 47 hospital foodservice dietitians to determine their job performance. Thirty-two percent of the subjects were aged between 26 and 30, and 62.2% had Bachelor's degrees. The dietitians felt most satisfied by their co-workers, followed by the work-itself, supervision, pay, and promotion possibilities. Dietitians who had a higher education were satisfied with pay and supervision. The longer the length of employment, the more the satisfaction with the work-itself and pay, plus the higher the monthly wage the more the satisfaction with the work-itself, pay, supervision, and co-workers. lob satisfaction was high in the group that scored high on autonomy, feedback, task identity, and friendship of in the job characteristic inventory. The job performances of nutrition counseling(r= 0.469, p<0.01), nutrition education(r= 0.446, p<0.01) and management of therapeutic diet(r= 0.394, p<0.01) were positively correlated with job satisfaction. The R2 for the multiple regression model was 0.677, indicating that 67.7% of the variance in job satisfaction could be accounted for by feedback, organizational commitment, nutrition counseling performance, and nutrition education performance. In conclusion, the level of job satisfaction for hospital dietitians would appear to improve with increased feedback, organizational commitment, and opportunity for nutrition counseling and nutrition education.
- [English]
The Effect of Job Characteristics and Work Values on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of the School Foodservice Dietitians
Eun Kyung Sin, Min Ji Lee, Yeon Kyung Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(3):441-453. Published online September 30, 1999
- This study aims to investigate the effects of job characteristics and work on both organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the school foodservice dietitian for the purpose of providing information for quality improvement in productivity of school foodservice. The subjects were 401 school foodservice dietitians in Taegu and the Kyungpook area. The survey questionnaires consisted of five parts including demographic characteristics, job characteristics(JCI), work values, organizational commitment(OCQ) and job satisfaction(JDI). More than half of the subjects(65.3%) were between the age of 26 to 30 years. Seventy-one percent of the participants had bachelor's degrees and monthly wages of 83.2% ranged from 700,000 to 1,200,000 won. The education of thedietitians was found to have a significant relatinship with job satisfaction in all fields. Job characteristics such as feedback, job characcteristics such as job autonomy, feedback and friendship were positively correlated with job satisfaction. The group of dietitians with high work value scores for work as a central life interest had significantly high scores in organizational commitment(p<0.01) and overall job satisfaction(p<0.05). Job satisfaction such as work-itself, pay, supervision, promotion and co-workers were positively correlated with organizational commitment. According to the Lisrel program, organizational commitment was affected by educational level(-0.23). Job satisfaction was also affected by educational level(-0.18), autonomy(0.24), friendship(0.12), feedback(0.08), individualism(-0.07) and organizational commitment(0.44) directly. In conclusion, school foodservice dietitians may increase the level of their commitment to organization and job satisfaction by increasing autonomy, feedback adn friendship of job characteristics and work values.