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Na Young Kim 3 Articles
A Study on Dietary Behaviors, Nutrients Intake Status and Hematological Status of Middle School Football Players in Busan
Jeong Sook Lee, Na Young Kim, Young Wha Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(5):601-609.   Published online October 31, 2008
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The study was carried out to investigate the dietary attitude and hematological status of the middle school football players in Busan. The survey was conducted from September 15 to October 15, 2006 by questionnaires and data analyzed by the SPSS program. The results are summarized as follows: The weights and body mass indices of the football players were significantly lower than those of the control. Dietary attitude scores showed no significant differences between the groups. Nutrition knowledge scores of the football players were lower than those of the control. Both football players and the control preferred the sweet taste rather than others. The football players preferred the hot taste, meats, and fish rather than the control did. Serum triglyceride level of the football players was significantly lower than that of the control. Blood iron level was significantly lower in the football players than in the control. Blood urea nitrogen concentration was higher in the football players than in the control. Therefore proper nutritional education programs are required for middle school football players to improve their nutritional status and physical strength.
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A Study on Dietary Behaviors, Nutritional Status and Hematological Status in Female Ballet Majors in University
Na Young Kim, Hee Kyung Kim, Seog Ji Kim, Myoung Ju Park, Seok Hwan Kim, Jeong Sook Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(6):835-844.   Published online December 31, 2005
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This study was carried out to investigate the dietary behaviors, nutritional status and hematological status of female ballet majors a university. The study was conducted from May 11 to June 20, 2004 by questionnaires, anthropometry and blood analysis and data analyzed by SPSS program. The results are summarized as follows: The body mass index (BMI) and body fat rate of the ballet majors were significantly lower than those of the controls. Eighty-six point four percent of the ballet majors and 58.3% of the controls had weight control experiences. Intakes of the nutrients were lower than those of the Korean recommended dietary allowances (RDAs), except vitamin C in the ballet majors. Intakes of calories, calcium and iron were lower than those of the RDAs in the controls. Serum triglyceride levels of the ballet majors were significantly lower than that of the controls. HDL-cholesterol concentration was higher in the ballet majors than in the controls. No differences were found in the serum total cholesterol level, hemoglobin level, and hematocrit value between the groups. Total iron binding capacity of the ballet majors was higher than that of the controls. Serum iron level was significantly lower in the ballet majors than in the controls. Nutrition knowledge scores and dietary attitude scores were lower in the ballet majors than in the controls. Self esteem and body-cathexis of the ballet majors were higher than that of the controls. These results indicate that the ballet majors should be given more nutritional education to improve their nutritional status and the dancing performance.
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Studies on Lipid Intake, Serum Lipid Profiles and Serum Fatty Acid Composition in College Women Who Smoke
Hong Seok Ahn, Geum Ja Lee, Na Young Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(1):102-110.   Published online February 28, 2002
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Cigarette smoking has long been recognized as a major risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease. Several investigators have reported the strong association between smoking and high serum cholesterol, triglyceride concentration, SFA and low HDL cholesterol, PUFA and omega6 concentrations. Therefore, this study was done to investigate the effect of smoking on the serum lipid profile and fatty acid composition of college women. Sixty-one non-smokers and twenty-seven smokers were selected from college women students in the Seoul area. Their lipid intake, serum lipid concentration and fatty acid composition were examined. There were no differences in the general characteristics and anthropometric indices between the smokers and non-smokers. However, alcohol consumption was significantly higher in smokers than non-smokers (p<0.001). The daily caloric intake of smokers and non-smokers were 1875.84 kcal and 1915.53 kacl, respectively. On the other hand, the mean daily intake of lipids and cholesterol were significantly lower in smokers (p<0.05). In smokers, the mean concentrations of serum total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio were higher, and the compositions of EPA and DHA were lowe than in non-smokers. There was a negative correlation between the serum triglyceride and PUFA levels in the two groups. Also, serum HDL-C correlated negatively with MUFA in smokers and non-smokers (p<0.01). These results suggest that smoking cause inadequate changes in serum lipid profile and serum fatty acid composition, thereby increasing the tendency for coronary heart disease.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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