- [English]
Consumers' Response and Purchasing of Traditional Fermented Foods Marketed in Taejon
Nam Sook Koo
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(3):388-395. Published online August 31, 1997
- A survey was conducted to investigate housewives' perception and consumption of Korean fermented foods marketed in Taejon. Most subjects know how to prepare Kimchi(seasoned and fermented vegetables), 65-67% can make Kochujang(fermented red pepper soybean paste), Toenjang(Korean style soysauce) and Jang-atchies(pickled basic side dishes), 56% can make Kuk-ganjang(Korean style coysauce), 45% can make Chonggukjang (fermented soybean) and 34% can make Jot-kals(salt-fermented fish products). With decreasing age(p<0.0001), not many other subjects could make other fermented foods besides Kimchi. The percentages of subjects buying fermented foods were 71.5% for Chin-ganjang(Japanese style soysauce), 51.7% Jot-kals, 27.1%Kochujang, 25.7% Chonggukjang, 20.1% Jang-atchies, 10.4% Toenjang, 5.9% Kuk-ganjang, and 3.8% Kimchi. the uounger in age, the higher the tendency to buy marketed Kimchies(p<0.05) and Kochujang(p<0.01). The resons for purchasing fermented foods were convenience (52.9%), lack of preparation knowledge(17.5%), lack of time for preparation(12.5%), and lack of space for food storage(8.2%). Subjects indicated that their reasons for mot buying were as follows : use of additives or unreliability with regard to manufacturing dates(45%), bad taste(21%), unsanitary treatment(16%) and to keep their indigenous taste(14%). They cosidered expiration dates, taste, crpteria and safety as the important standard in selecting marketed foods. Younger subjects insisted on the improvement of sanitary condition and partial change of taste to increase the consumption of fermented foods. However, older subjects thought it best to keep the taste original for more utilization of fermented foods.