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Seo Young Shin 10 Articles
Child-Care Facility and Kindergarten's Demands on Foodservice Support by Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management (CCFSM) in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do
Soo Youn Kim, Il Sun Yang, Bo Sook Yi, Seung Hee Baek, Seo Young Shin, Hae Young Lee, Moon Kyung Park, Young Shin Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(6):730-739.   Published online December 31, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences between child-care facilities and kindergartens towards the need for foodservice support by Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management (CCFSM). For this study, questionnaires were sent out from August of 2008 to April of 2009 to directors of 1,478 child care facilities and 299 kindergartens in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do via postal service. A total of 267 questionnaires were usable with 203 (13.7%) of child-care facilities and 64 (21.4%) of kindergartens. Statistical data were analyzed by SPSS 15.0 for descriptive analysis and t-test. For political and administrative support, government funding for foodservice was the highest need and hiring nutritionists was significantly different by type of facility (p < 0.01). Both child-care facilities (4.29) and kindergartens (4.41) demanded the balanced menu from CCFSM. There were significant differences of "information about food material sanitation management" (p < 0.05), "hygiene safety management method according to working process" (p < 0.05), "hygiene safety management method of foodservice facilities and equipment" (p < 0.05). In education and training contents from center, "types and methods to manage foodservice facilities and equipment" for directors, "dietary education by age" for teachers, and "the rules of personal sanitation and working process" and "gas, electricity and fire prevention" for culinary workers had the highest mean score of requirements.


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  • Analysis of Job Importance and Job Performance in Dietitians by Kindergarten Establishment Type
    Seonyeong Baek, Yulee Shin, Gunhee Kim, Jieun Oh, Seungmin Lee, Sunny Ham
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2020; 30(4): 274.     CrossRef
  • Assessment of the Effectiveness and Perception of Education by Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management: Focus on Parents of Child-Care and Kindergarten in Seoul
    Se-Young Ju, Wan-Soo Hong
    Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science.2018; 34(4): 404.     CrossRef
  • A Comparison of Hygiene and Safety Management Execution depending on the Characteristics of Children's Food Service Facilities
    Jin-Young Lee
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2016; 29(4): 573.     CrossRef
  • The Assessment of Food Safety Practices and the Effect of Visiting Education on Food Safety Improvement in Children's Foodservice Facilities
    Jae-Eun Paik, Hyun-A Lee, Hyun-Joo Bae
    Korean journal of food and cookery science.2015; 31(6): 764.     CrossRef
  • Center for Children's Foodservice Management (CCFSM) Employees' Perception of Difficulties in Performing Tasks
    Eun Hye Park, Young Eun Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2015; 44(4): 619.     CrossRef
  • Task Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intension of Center for Children's Foodservice Management Employees
    Eun Hye Park, Young Eun Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2015; 44(12): 1881.     CrossRef
  • Food Service Status at Community Child Care Centers in Busan
    Jeong-Sook Lee
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  • The Effect of a Periodic Visiting Education Program on Food Safety Knowledge of Cooks in Children's Foodservice Facilities
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  • Analysis of Relative Importance of Key Performance Indicators for Center for Child-Care Foodservice Management through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
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  • Evaluation of Sanitation Management Practices and Microbiological Quality of Foods in Kindergarten Foodservice Settings
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  • Assessment of Kindergarten Principals and Teachers' Performance Degree of Foodservice Hygiene Management and Foodservice Employees' Hygiene Knowledge
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A Case Study on Restaurant Online Coupon Redemption Behavior of Resting Customers
Seo Ho Shin, Seo Young Shin, Kyu Wan Choi, Il Sun Yang
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(5):693-700.   Published online October 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purposes this study were to a) analyze the revisiting ratio of resting customers after issuing online coupons, b) compare the characteristics of coupon redemption customers with non-redemption customers. For this study, the customers of M restaurant who did not revisit during the last 8 months were classified as 'resting customers', totaling 4,052 customers. The online coupons, valid for 9 months, were sent via e-mail to those customers. After that, the data collected from those who redeemed the coupon in September 2006 was utilized. As a result of sending the coupon to 4,052 resting customers, 1,288 customers redeemed the coupon during the study period, showing relatively high redemption ratio (31.6%). The average check of customers with the online coupon was decreased by 22% compared with customers without the coupon, but the party size remained almost the same, 2.6 customers, and also the redemption ratio was increasing as the expiration date of the coupon was approaching. The redemption ratio of female (35.3%) was much higher than male (19.2%), representing higher redemption possibility of the female customers by issuing the coupon. The redemption ratio of the twenties (69.1%) was obviously higher than other age groups. Also, the non-redemption ratio of other groups except the twenties was higher than the redemption ratio. The redemption ratio of low-educated was higher, under college degree (58.6%), college degree (35.4%), and over college degree (16.6%). Following the result of the average visiting frequency of redemption customers during last the 8 months was 4.2, the frequency of non-redemption customers was 9.8. The total average visiting of non-redemption customer was 10.5, and that of redemption customers was 8.6. Customers who visited the restaurant less frequently in the past have higher possibility to revisit after receiving the coupon
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Efficiency Analysis of Contract-managed Business and Industry Foodservice Operations Using Data Envelopment Analysis
Kyu Wan Choi, Young Min Park, Seo Young Shin, Tong Kyung Kwak
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(2):178-188.   Published online April 30, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to suggest a new efficiency measurement indicator is necessary for evaluating management efficiency of food service operations in contract-managed foodservice companies, to distinguish efficient food service providers and inefficient ones by measuring comparative efficiency among food service operations, and to provide guidance for effective management through showing benchmarking targets for improving inefficient food service providers. The subjects of this study were the 93 B&I foodservice Operations of a domestic contract food service company. The analysis was conducted using CCR model in DEA model. A software, 'Frontier analyst', was used for the analysis. Based on the results derived from comparison of efficiency evaluation classified by providers with use of DEA, it was possible to identify efficient food providers and inefficient providers, and subsequently provide benchmarking guidelines for improvement of the inefficient groups. In analyzing the differences between the results of DEA efficiency evaluation by detailed operation status of food service providers, there was significant difference of efficiency outcomes in terms of contract types, while there was no significant difference in terms of business condition.
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Using Activity-Based Cost in Menu Engineering for Restaurant Menu Analysis
Bong Shik Lee, Seo Young Shin, Mi Kyung Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):642-649.   Published online October 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purposes of this study were to investigate methods of applying activity-based cost to menu engineering and to examine the feasibility. A total of 6 menu items of XYZ restaurant in Seoul were selected and the ledger of September 2005 was used for menu analysis. The menu mix percent of beef sirloin steak (61.95%) and beef tenderloin steak (17.13%) were labeled as high, whereas BBQ pork ribs (4.94%), salmon fillet (2.66%), seafood platter (5.77%), and teriyaki chicken (7.56%) showed low menu mix percent. In addition, the contribution margin for BBQ pork ribs (29,000 won), salmon fillet (25,810 won), seafood platter (22,400 won), and teriyaki chicken (22,000 won) were higher than the average contribution margin (21,957 won), and those for beef sirloin steak (21,200 won) and beef tenderloin steak (21,900 won) were lower than average. When popularity and contribution margin were applied in menu engineering, BBQ pork ribs, salmon fillet, seafood platter and teriyaki chicken were classified as puzzles and beef tenderloin steak and beef sirloin steak as plowhorses. Menu engineering using popularity and operating profit, which was calculated from activity-based cost, also gave the same results, whereas the additional label for activity cost placed BBQ pork ribs and salmon fillet in the brain teaser category. Ranking analysis on variables estimating menu profitability using Spearman's rho revealed that there were no significant correlation between variables, which means the estimation of menu item profitability could differ by methods of analysis. With these results, it was concluded that activity-based cost would help to establish more detailed marketing strategy for a restaurant.
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The Impacts of Personal Characteristics and Company-Related Characteristics on the Job Satisfaction of Dietitians Engaged in Contract Food Service Management Company
Mi Kyung Choi, Hee Yeon Kim, Seo Young Shin, Il Sun Yang
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(4):502-511.   Published online August 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purposes of this study were to measure job satisfaction levels of dietitians engaged a in contract food service management company, and to examine the impacts of personal characteristics and organizational characteristics on the job satisfaction of dietitians. The questionnaires developed for this study were distributed to 230 dietitians of contract food service management companies in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas, and a total of 187 (81.3%) questionnaires were used for analysis. Statistical analyses were completed using SPSS (Win 11.5) for descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The average job satisfaction score of the dietitians was 2.83, which is lower than "not satisfied" and "not dissatisfied" (3). "Marital status" (p < 0.001), "payroll per year" (p < 0.001), "age" (p < 0.05) and "work experience as a dietitians" (p < 0.05) had significant effects on job satisfaction of work and environmental factors. "Operating group" (p < 0.05), "type of menu" and "type of service" also affected the job satisfaction. Overall, it is important that managers of contract food service management companies establish specified human resource management strategies with understandings of the characteristics of their dietitians and companies to enhance the job satisfaction of dietitians, and to achieve their managerial goals.
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Assessing Relative Importance of Korean Traditional Food Tour Program Attributes Based on Conjoint Analysis
Seo Young Shin, Il Sun Yang, Lana I Chung, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(5):654-662.   Published online October 31, 2004
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to assess the structure of the decision and the importance of the attributes in choosing food-related tour program. Questionnaires were developed in three languages- Japanese, Chinese, and English- given to 300 foreign tourists who have visited Korea in 2002. Statistical data analysis was completed using SPSS Win (ver 11.0) for descriptive analysis and conjoint analysis. The results of this study showed that the 'price' was the most important attribute (35.62%) in choosing a hypothetical food tourism program, followed by 'place' (27.35%), 'time' (26.01%), and 'type of program' (10.22%). With respect to the relative importance values for each attribute by different groups, English- and Chinese-speaking tourists considered 'price' more than other factors, while 'time' was regarded as the most important factor for Japanese tourists. Therefore, it indicated the need to recognize the different needs among tourists and put these factors into consideration in developing the programs.
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Strategic Planning for the Contract-Managed Hospital Foodservice Through QFD Methodology
Il Sun Yang, Su Yen Park, Hyun Ah Kim, Moon Kyung Park, Seo Young Shin, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(5):744-754.   Published online October 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
At present, health care industries throughout the world are struggling with the challenges to set up financial structures as cost-effective ways and means of satisfying customer needs for health care services. Many hospitals consign foodservice management to foodservice companies for the purpose of efficiency. The companies taking charge of hospital foodservice are also striving to gain an advantage over keen competitions. This study applied Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to one hospital (which will be shown as [A hospital] below) managed by a contract foodservice company for the purpose of strategy planning to provide sustainable competitive advantage. First of all, this study scanned internal and external environment of [A hospital] by means of a Quality Measurement Tool and a fieldwork study. With the result of environment scanning, this study elicited 20 strategies through SWOT analysis, which were categorized by 4 perspectives such as financial, customer, internal process, learning and growth perspectives. Finally, the priorities of 20 strategies were extracted from QFD methodology. According to the results obtained by applying QFD to [A hospital] 's foodservice, the strategies which [A hospital] foodservice was obliged to introduce and implement were : the specialization of Children's hospital foodservice, scientific foodservice management through the standardization of foodservice operations, the maintenance of sanitary quality through sanitary system, the remodeling of facilities, the introduction of new equipment, the prompt and accurate response to customer needs, the development of appropriate patient menus, the provision of competitively priced meals for patient selection, the development of a demand forecast model by considering the characteristics of a children's hospital, improvement of productivity and the reduction of labor costs through the employment of experienced employees based on their seniority.
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Measuring Service Quality Perception of University Faculty Members & Staffs Towards Faculty Foodservice Based on Lifestyle Segmentation
Moon Kyung Park, Il Sun Yang, Dong Hoon Kim, Seo Young Shin, Hae Young Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(4):556-565.   Published online August 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
Market segmentation helps providers to find better marketing opportunities and allows foodservice managers to develop the right product for each target market. Therefore, this study, taking university faculty and staff as subject, is intended to diagnose the relative value of service quality attribute, on the basis service quality scenario of faculty foodservice; to suggest price for improving customer loyalty in market segments. A questionnaire was developed ar d mailed to 600 Yonsei university faculty and staffs. A total of 385 questionnaires were usable; resulting in a 58.7% of faculty and a 69.7% of staff response rate, respectively. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS/Win 6.12 for descriptive Analysis, ANOVA, principal factor analysis, cluster analysis, reliability test and discriminant analysis. The results of the study are as below. Eighteen questions were selected for measuring respondents' lifestyle by AIO method and the seven lifestyle factors derived from factor analysis and aggregated distinct 4 clusters. Service quality attributes of the scenario were determined with 'food quality', 'menu variety', 'atmosphere', 'fast service', and 'clean and sanitation'. 'Food quality', 'menu variety', 'atmosphere', 'fast service', and 'clean and sanitation', in decreasing order, were identified as improving customer loyalty. However, most faculty and staffs were satisfied with the present meal price. The result of this study indicates that the relative value of service quality was differed significantly among the various market segments. 'Food quality', 'menu variety', and 'atmosphere' were determined as major service quality attributes. Thus, customer loyalty could be increased by improving food taste and quality, atmosphere, and service delivery.
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Development and Application of Menu Engineering Technique for University Residence Hall Foodservice
Il Sun Yang, Hae Young Lee, Seo Young Shin, Hyun Wook Do
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):62-70.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
This article aims to summarize the development and application of menu engineering technique, 'Menu Engineering Modified by Preference (MEMP)'. The site selected for this project was a foodservice operation in Yonsei University residence hall. Sales and food costs data were collected from the daily sales reports for 1 month, and the survey of food preference was conducted during May, 1999. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS/Win 6.12 for descriptive analysis. The calculation for menu analysis were carried out with MS 2000 Excel spreadsheet program. This MEMP technique developed had 6 category criteria and 2 dimensions of the contribution margin (CM) and the menu mix modified% (MMM%). The MMM% was calculated by the sales volumes and also weighted by food preference. The CM and MMM% for each item were compared with a mean menu CM as well as a 70% rule. Four possible classifications by MEMP were turned out as 'STAR', 'PLOWHORSE', 'PUZZLE', 'DOG'. 'STAR' items were the most popular and profitable items and required to maintain rigid specifications for quality. The decision actions for 'PLOWHORSE' menu items which were relatively popular, but yield a low menu average CM included combining a plowhorse item with lower cost products and reducing the frequency of serving or serving size. There was a need for 'PUZZLE' items to be changed in the menu combination, improve recipe, and promote menu. The last 'DOG' items were desired to be deleted. This study demonstrates that menu information can be interpreted more easily with MEMP. The use of MEMP is therefore an effective way to improve management decisions about menu of university residence hall foodservice.
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A Conjoint-Based Approach to Analyze the Importance of Brand Choice Attributes: Pizza Restaurant Cases
In Sook Chae, Min A Lee, Seo Young Shin, Il Sun Yang, Jin A Cha
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(3):354-360.   Published online June 30, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purposes of this study were (1) to understand how customers trade off one attribute against another when they choose a pizza restaurant, (2) to compare the importance of individual attributes with their relative importance and (3) to compare customers' brand choice patterns with the prediction of pizza restaurant operators. Empirical data for this study were collected from the customers (n = 307) and operators (n = 273) of four famous pizza franchise restaurants in Korea, Pizza Hut, Mister Pizza, Domino's Pizza and Pizza Mall. The attributes and attribute levels for the hypothetical profiles were decided from the focus group discussion. A total of 16 profiles was selected from fractional factorial designs. The SPSS conjoint procedure was used to calculate utility scores and simulate profiles. The overall group statistics showed the relative importance of all attributes compared with one other. Taste was the most important attribute (32.48%) in choosing a pizza restaurant, followed by service (21.87%), atmosphere (17.23%), price (15.17%) and speed of delivery (13.26%). There was a difference between the customers' ratings of the importance of the individual attributes and the ranking of the same attributes' relative importance as derived from the conjoint analysis. The operators rated service (26.54%) as also being important, as well as taste (27.76%), in choosing a pizza restaurant. The rankings of relative importance for pizza taste, service and price were statistically different in the customers' and operators' data (p < .001, p < .01, p < .05). Operators who want to differentiate themselves from their competitors should make decisions based on an increased understanding of their customers' brand choice decision process and measure the hidden needs of their customers.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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