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Seoyoung Shin 3 Articles
The Effects of Customer Expectations & Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in Restaurants
Ilsan Yang, Seoyoung Shin, Hyeyoung Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(2):225-235.   Published online July 31, 2000
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Service quality has become an important factor to meet customer satisfaction in the food service industry where competition is getting severe. Organizations are focused upon strengthening customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. Therefore, this study, taking customers as subjects, is intended to analyze factors affecting customer loyalty, on the basis of service quality satisfaction. In doing. so, the analysis has been done with 232 customers who are purchasing service from the food services industry, for general information, and service quality expectation, service quality satisfaction and overall satisfaction. The results of the study are as below. 1) From a factor analysis, the service quality expectation level of customer has been categorized into 4 factors, which are named General 'General management ', 'Food', 'Reliability' and 'Reputation'. 2) From the factor analysis, the service quality satisfaction level of customer has been categorized into 6 factors, which are named 'Employee attitude', 'Food', 'Reliability', 'Atmosphere', 'Reputation' and 'Price'. 3) After classifying customers into 3 groups according to two criteria-"will buy the service again" and "will suggest to others", a comparison has been done for the service quality expectation dimension of customers by each customer group. The result shows that the group having both the "will buy the service again" and "will buy the service again "and "will suggest to others" criteria, that is, with higher customer loyalty, tend to have higher point than other group in factors of 'Food', 'Reliability', 'Reputation'(p<.05). 4) As per the dimension of customer's service quality satisfaction level, factors like 'Employee attitude', 'Food', 'Reliability', 'Atmosphere', 'Reputation', and 'Price' have shown differences according to each loyalty group(P<.001). 5) Customers' overall satisfaction level according to each customer loyalty group has been found to be more important for the group having a higher loyalty level(p<.001) 6) From the discriminant analysis with employing judging variables, such as the customer's service quality expectation level, service quality satisfaction level and general satisfaction level, customer loyalty groups have been identified as accurately as 68.9% of the explanatory power.
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Effect of the Service Providers' Perceived Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in Restaurants
Hyeyoung Kim, Ilsan Yang, Seoyoung Shin
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(2):236-242.   Published online July 31, 2000
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Due to the diversification of the food industry and its heightened competition, the marketing strategy to be required the most would be to improve competitiveness by enhancing customer loyalty as a resulting variable of customer satisfaction. Thus, this study, taking a food service provider as a subject, is to find factors and the scope of the perceived quality ; and to analyze how far the perceived service quality factor as such could explain customer's overall satisfaction and customer loyalty ; finally to provide basic data for establishing a customer satisfaction marketing strategy as related to customer loyalty. The results of the study are as below. 1) 25 factors of service quality perceived by a food service provider have been categorized into 8 independent dimensions through factor analysis. Each of them are named 'Employee attitude', 'Cleanliness', 'Reputation', 'Reliability', 'Food', 'Price', 'Convenience', 'Variety', all of which explain 64.3% of the service again quality perception level. 2) After classifying customers into 3 groups according to two criteria -"will buy the service again" and "will suggest it to others" and making a pair of service providers with each customer, each customer loyalty group compared the service quality perception factor of the food service provider. The result was that the group having both the "will buy the service again" and "will suggest to others" criteria, that is, with higher loyalty, tend to have higher points than other group s in the dimension of 'Employee attitude' and 'Cleanliness'(p<0.05), which means these two dimensions are closely related to customer loyalty. 3) From a regression analysis for the service quality perception level of the food service provider and overall satisfaction, it has been found that : the regression models are different for each group, that 'Employee attitude' seems to be related more closely to the group with higher loyalty(p<0.05); that the 'Price' dimension is found to be a meaningful factor to the group categorized not having "will buy the service again" and "will suggest to others" criteria(p<0.05).
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Price Elasticity Analysis of University Students in Foodservice Operations for Pricing Policy
Ilsun Yang, Seunghee Baek, Seoyoung Shin
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(4):587-593.   Published online December 31, 1999
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study were to : (a) analyzed price elasticity of university students in foodservice operations and (b)provide insight for price decision-making. Questionnaires were composed of price elasticity, the utilization and opinions of students on university foodservice operations, and demographic information regarding respondents. The questionnaires were distributed to 600 university students of 6 universities located in Seoul. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS package for descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: The average price for lunch was 1,663 won for campus food, and 2,965 won for off-campus restaurants. The frequency of utilizing the university cafeteria was fairly high. Students felt that the proper price for lunch was 1,446 won, presenting a lower price than the actual average price for lunch. The price elasticity was investigated in relation to the change in utilization rate when these was a price increase. The price elasticity was 2.03, with significant differences between sex, age, and major. The groups utilizing the university cafeteria frequently, taking longer time to go to off-campus or that were satisfied with the university cafeteria, had a lower price elasticity than those that did not. The results of this study suggest that predicting the price elasticity of the target market would assist the pricing policy, and the fact that the same students have different price elasticity by place and atmosphere can be used in marketing strategies.
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