- [English]
An Analysis of Food Donators' Attitudes to the Foodbank Program in Korea
Ilsun Yang, Hye seung Kang, Seung hee Kye
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(4):571-577. Published online August 31, 2002
- The foodbank program is one of the social welfare programs that collects donated food and grocery products from the nation's food and grocery industry and distributes them to people who are in need. The purposes of this study were to: (a) investigate the food donators' perceptions of the foodbank program, (b) analyze the attitude toward the program by businesses, (c) compare the opinions on whether to donate or not, and (d) examine the frequency and category of the donated food. This research was conducted on three donator groups, such as contract foodservice management companies, franchising restaurant companies, and food manufacturing and grocery companies. A total of 63 donators participated in this survey. The main results of the investigation on the operating conditions were as follows; (a) From the donators' perspective, 73.0% and 71.0% of the respondents recognized the definition and purpose of this program, respectively. (b) Only 33.3% of respondents recognized the tax benefits of donating. (c) Contract foodservice management companies, and food manufacturing and grocery companies recognized the program more than franchising restaurant companies, and food manufacturing and grocery companies donated more than any of the others. (d) Most of the donated foods were bakery and confectionery, rice, and milk and dairy products.
- [English]
The Development and Evaluation of a Simple Semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire to Assess the Dietary Intake of Adults in Large Cities
Hee Ja Lee, Haeng Shin Lee, Myung Ju Ha, Seung Hee Kye, Choi Il Kim, Choong Won Lee, Jin Sook Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(3):349-365. Published online August 31, 1997
- Using data obtained from 1,473 adults aged 18-68 yrs, residing in large cities and by use of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, we assessed the relative importance of various foods as indicators of both the amount and the variability of selected nutrient intake to develop a simple food frequency questionnaire. Since Cronbach's alpha value of the questionnaire including 78 food items was 0.76, the reliability of this questionnaire was acceptable. A large fraction of the variability of nutrient intake in this population could be explained by the small number of food items. The estimation of dietary nutrient intake such as total calories or protein content, which are derived from almost all foods, will require more food items with nutrients such as calcium or vitamin A, which are concentrated in a few food items. A dietary history ascertaining the intake of as few as 5-19 food items mighted be all needed in order to determent the association between disease outcome and the intake of a single nutrient. There was certainly a high level of agreement with nutrient intake by the sbujects who were cross-classified by quartiles of nutrient indices based on all the food items(78) and by quartiles of nutrient indices based on food items selected by stepwise multiple regression for selected nutrients. The data provided further evidence that useful information on dietary intake over an extended period can be obtained by a simple and relatively inexpensive food frequency questionnaire.