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How Mothers Recognize Intake Status on Street Food of Elementary School Students in the Jeon Buk Region
Song Hee Kim, Hyeon Hee Yu
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(4):406-419. Published online August 31, 2009
- This research has been surveyed on street food and snack intake status of elementary school students in the Jeon Buk region and the recognition of mothers has been observed for the objective of providing base materials for appropriate eating habits and nutritional education. As for status on intake of street food, most students (97.3%) have shown to have eaten from the street vendors while mothers assume low frequency in their child's intake of street food. Favorite street food choices had an agreement between mother and student as ddukbokki and dakkochi. Students were more tolerant in sanitation and necessity of street food than the mothers. This research shows that there is a difference in the recognition of street food between the students and their mothers. There a need required for improvement in the system as to provide quality food and to prevent poor quality food being exposed to the students. Furthermore, practical and appropriate education must be conducted at home and at school for better choices of food and a better lifestyle.