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Soon Ah Kang 4 Articles
The Effects of Monacolin-Inoculated Rice Embryo on the Body Fat and Serum Lipid Profiles of Obese Elementary School Students
Soon Ah Kang, Soon Ju Kwoun, Young Sook Choi, Yoongho Lim, Dong Ki Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(5):565-573.   Published online October 31, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Monacolin-inoculated rice embryo on the body fat and serum lipid profiles in 61 obese elementary school students. The subjects divided into two groups 31 obese children had the experimental diet (rice embryo inoculated Monacolin) and 30 obese children had the control diet three times a day after meals. The mean age, height, weight, and BMI of 61 subjects were 10.5 +/- 0.5 years, 143.6 +/- 6.8 cm, 55.0 +/- 8.9 kg, and 26.1 +/- 3.9, respectively. The changes of body fat mass (kg) in experimental group and control group after 6 weeks were -0.60 kg and -0.03 kg, respectively. The changes of body fat (%) in experimental group and control group after 6 weeks were -1.44% and -0.25%, respectively. These changes of body fat in experimental group were significantly higher than in control group (p < 0.05). The change of total-cholesterol in experimental group and control group during 6 weeks were -17.52 mg/dL and -1.70 mg/dL, respectively. The change of LDL-cholesterol in experimental group and control group during 6 weeks were -17.06 mg/dL and -2.80 mg/dL, respectively. The change of triglyceride in experimental group and control group after 6 weeks were -9.58 mg/dL and 11.67 mg/dL. Total-cholesterol, LDL- cholesterol and triglyceride of experimental group after 6 weeks significantly decreased compared to control group (p < 0.05). After experimental diet (6 weeks), total-cholesterol was negatively correlated with body water contents, soft lean mass and fat free mass (p < 0.05). Triglyceride showed a significantly positive correlation with body weight and body fat mass, however, it was negatively correlated with fat free mass (p < 0.05). HDL-cholesterol showed a significantly positive correlation with fat free mass (p < 0.05). These results show that Monacolin-inoculated rice embryo is effective in decreasing body fat and blood lipid in obese children.
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A Study of Mothers' Nutritional Knowledge on Weaning of Breast-fed Infants, the Age of 6 Months
Soon Ah Kang, Ho Jeung Shin, Yoong Ho Lim, Gye Ae Kim, Yean Hee Woo, Yong Hoon Jun, Soon Ki Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(4):453-461.   Published online August 31, 2005
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This study was conducted to investigate the mothers' nutritional knowledge on weaning of 101 infants (8 for 4 mo, 44 for 5 mo, 45 for 6 mo, 4 for 7 mo) at a public health center of Incheon. Informations on the mothers' nutritional knowledge were obtained by questionnaires. In this survey 41.6% of infants were breast-feeding, 43.6% of them were bottle-feeding, and 14.9% of them were mixed feeding right after birth. The rate of breast-feeding right after birth was significantly higher in mothers of high school graduate than mothers of college/university graduate (p < 0.05). The infants of mothers graduated high school began to be weaned significantly earlier than the infants of mothers graduated college/university (p < 0.05). 95.1% of infants (n = 101) began to be weaned 4 to 6 months. 83.1% of infants were fed home-made weaning foods. 66.7% of infants were fed rice gruel, 18.5% of them were fruit juice, 6.2% of them were mixed grain, and 4.9% of them were commercially prepared weaning foods as their first supplementary foods. As main supplementary foods, 32.8% of infants were fed vegetable, 30.5% of them were rice gruel, and 27.7% of them were fruit juice. Mothers' nutritional knowledge related to weaning was significantly higher among mothers of college/university graduate than mothers of high school graduate (p < 0.05). 86.1% of mothers disagreed with the questionnaire in which breast-fed infants aged over 4 months needed to be fed iron sufficient food. For the improvement of nutritional status especially iron nutritional status of infants, nutritional education for mothers with weaning aged infants has to be increased and related programs have to be operated effectively.
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The Effects of Fructose Polymer Levan on the Body Fat Accumulation and Serum Lipid Profiles of Korean Women
Soon Ah Kang, Ki Hyo Jang, Jae Cheol Lee, Byung Il Chang, Young Ae Lim, Byeng Choon Song
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(6):986-992.   Published online December 31, 2003
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This study was performed to investigate the effects of a levan diet on the body fat accumulation and serum lipid composition of 29 Korean women over a period of up to 12 weeks (n = 13 for the control group, n = 16 for the levan group). The subjects ate an uncooked diet (6 g) with 400 ml of tap water twice a day. The mean body weight and height measurements of the subjects (levan group) at the outset were 66.0 +/- 8.8 kg and 156.7 +/- 5.3 cm, respectively. The subjects showed a significant reduction in weight, body fat mass, anthropometric measurements and skinfold thickness during the experimental period. The waist hip ratio (WHR) was 0.88 +/- 0.03 at the outset, and fell to 0.82 +/- 0.05 after 4 weeks. The intake of levan was also influenced on the levels of serum Fe, leptin, lipoprotein lipase, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride. The serum glucose levels were within the normal range during the experimental period. The initial serum triglyceride level was 121 mg/dl, but fell to 103 mg/dl after 4 weeks of levan supplementation. The current study demonstrates that a levan diet is effective in controlling weight, body fat, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.
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The Associations of Percent Body Fat with Dietary Intake, Plasma Lipids, Lipoprotein(a), and PAI-1 in Middle Aged Korean Adults
Jean Chinock Kim Rim, Soon Ah Kang, Hiojung Wee
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(5):695-706.   Published online November 30, 1998
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This study was designed to investigate the associations of the percent body fat dietary intake, plasma lipoprotein profile, lipoprotein(a), and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(PAI-1) concentrations of 1982 Korean subjects(men : 1000 and women : 982) between the ages of 40 and 59 years. The dietary assessment consisted of twenty-four hour dietary records and food frequency questionnaires. The subjects were identified into one of the five rating groups of % body fat : lean, underweight, normal, overweight and obese groups. The biochemical assessment included measurements of plasma total cholesterol(TC), HDL-cholesterol(HDL-C), LDL-cholesterol(LDL-C), triglyceride(TG), lipoprotin(a)(Lp(a)), and PAI-1. With respect to the ratio of percent energy intake of carbohydrate : protein : fat of the normal group of the women was 62% : 17% : 20%, respectively. Women apparently had a higher intake of carbohydrates than men(52% : 17 : 20%) did. There was a linear relationship between energy intake and % body fat in both mean and women(with the exception of the underweight group of women). The relationship of % body fat of men to the protein and fat intake was higher than that of the carbohydrate intake. Of the men in the study, intakes of energy, protein and alcohol were positively correlated to % body fat. In women, energy, carbohydrate and protein intake were positively correlated to % body fat, however, the fat, cholesterol and alcohol intake did not show any correlation to the % body fat in women. This study showed that % body fat was positively correlated with plasma TC, LDL-C, PAI-1 levels, and TG, but the % body fat was negatively correlated with plasma HDL-C level in both men and women. These results indicated that the high energy intake of obese or overweight subjects might contribute to several of the biochemical indices fo coronary heart disease(CHD) risk. In conclusion, increased energy intake is associated with overweight or obesity in middle aged Korean people. There was no relationship between % energy intake of fat and % body fat in the study, in middle-aged Korean men and women. The plasma lipid profile and PAI-1 level thought to be the risk factors of CHD were positively associated with percent body fat in middle aged Korean people.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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