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Soon Ki Kim 4 Articles
A Study of Mothers' Nutritional Knowledge on Weaning of Breast-fed Infants, the Age of 6 Months
Soon Ah Kang, Ho Jeung Shin, Yoong Ho Lim, Gye Ae Kim, Yean Hee Woo, Yong Hoon Jun, Soon Ki Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(4):453-461.   Published online August 31, 2005
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This study was conducted to investigate the mothers' nutritional knowledge on weaning of 101 infants (8 for 4 mo, 44 for 5 mo, 45 for 6 mo, 4 for 7 mo) at a public health center of Incheon. Informations on the mothers' nutritional knowledge were obtained by questionnaires. In this survey 41.6% of infants were breast-feeding, 43.6% of them were bottle-feeding, and 14.9% of them were mixed feeding right after birth. The rate of breast-feeding right after birth was significantly higher in mothers of high school graduate than mothers of college/university graduate (p < 0.05). The infants of mothers graduated high school began to be weaned significantly earlier than the infants of mothers graduated college/university (p < 0.05). 95.1% of infants (n = 101) began to be weaned 4 to 6 months. 83.1% of infants were fed home-made weaning foods. 66.7% of infants were fed rice gruel, 18.5% of them were fruit juice, 6.2% of them were mixed grain, and 4.9% of them were commercially prepared weaning foods as their first supplementary foods. As main supplementary foods, 32.8% of infants were fed vegetable, 30.5% of them were rice gruel, and 27.7% of them were fruit juice. Mothers' nutritional knowledge related to weaning was significantly higher among mothers of college/university graduate than mothers of high school graduate (p < 0.05). 86.1% of mothers disagreed with the questionnaire in which breast-fed infants aged over 4 months needed to be fed iron sufficient food. For the improvement of nutritional status especially iron nutritional status of infants, nutritional education for mothers with weaning aged infants has to be increased and related programs have to be operated effectively.
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Eating Behaviors, Perception of Body Image, Hematological Indices and Nutrient Intake of Adolescent Female Athletes in Incheon
Sun Hee Cheong, Hyuni Sung, Soon Ki Kim, Kwanghoi Kim, Mihye Cho, Kyung Ja Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(6):951-963.   Published online December 31, 2003
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the eating behaviors, the self-perception of body images, the hematological indices and the nutrient intake of adolescent female athletes in Incheon. The subjects were 112 female athletes (track and field: n = 32, target shooting: n = 27, fencing: n = 29, swimming: n = 14, badminton: n = 10) from middle and high schools in Incheon. This cross-sectional study was conducted by means of a self-administered questionnaire. Fasting blood samples were obtained and analyzed for hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), ferritin, serum iron, mean cor-puscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC), total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and transferrin saturation (TS). Nutrient intakes obtained by means of the 3 day-recall method were analyzed using the Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis Program. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS 10.0 program. Most of the female athletes had dietary problems such as eating unbalanced meals, skipping meals, and preferences for processed foods. More than 60% of the female athletes skipped breakfast. As for perception of their body images, track and field athletes in particular, controlled their weights significantly better than the other athletes (p < 0.05). With regard to their physical exertion during exercise, 56.3% of the swimmers and 31.3% of the track and field athletes answered "very hard", which was a significant difference (p < 0.001). More than 80% of the female athletes experienced vertigo during exercise (p < 0.01). Also more than 50% of the female athletes, with the exception of the badminton players, had experienced irregular menstruation (p < 0.05). The average serum iron levels (p < 0.05), the serum ferritin levels (p < 0.05) and TS (p < 0.05) of the track and field athletes was significantly lower as compared to that of the other athletes. The nutrient intakes of the female athletes, with the exception of Vitamin B6, niacin and phosphorus were lower than the Korean Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA). In particular, the calcium and iron intakes of the female athletes were under 50% of the Korean RDA. Therefore, proper nutritional education and supplementation are required for female athletes to encourage desirable eating habits, as well as to improve their nutritional status and exercise performances.
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Dietary Behaviors, Health-related Lifestyle and Blood Lipid Profile of Obese Children in Incheon
Mi Young Lee, Soon Ki Kim, Kyung Ja Chang
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(6):803-813.   Published online December 31, 2002
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the anthropometric and blood biochemical characteristics, the dietary behaviors and health-related lifestyles of obese children in Incheon. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using anthropometric measurements, biochemical assessments and questionnaire analysis. The subjects included 7,055 obese children residing in the Incheon area (from 106 elementary schools). The degree of obesity was classified using the Obesity Index (OI) as : light 20% < OI < 30% ; Medium 30% < OI < 50% ; Severe 50% > OI. The statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 10.0 program. Most subjects fell within the medium range of obesity. Most subjects had dietary problems such as overeating, unbalanced meals and skipping breakfast. The ratio of boy subjects eating green and yellow vegetables was lower when compared to that of the girl subjects. The boy subjects exercised more frequently and longer than the girls. As the Obesity Index increased, hypercholesterolemia significantly increased. The blood cholesterol levels of the subjects were positively correlated with body fat, waist/hip ratio and BMI; HDL cholesterol levels of the subjects were negatively correlated with the anthropometric data and the LDL cholesterol levels of the subjects were positively correlated with body fat. The blood triglycerides levels of the subjects were positively correlated with body weight, body fat, waist/hip ratio and BMI. Therefore, proper nutritional education and intervention are required for an improvement of obese children's dietary behavior, heath-related factors and blood lipid profiles.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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