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Soon Mi Kim 1 Article
Management of Food Allergy in the Facilities Registered at Center for Children's Foodservice Management in Gangdong-gu
Soon Mi Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2021;26(5):396-407.   Published online October 31, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDF
We examined the common allergenic foods, symptoms and management of food allergies in children attending the facilities registered at Center for Children's Foodservice Management in Gangdong-gu, Korea. Methods: The survey was conducted among the directors or head teachers of 186 children’s food service facilities with 7,591 children in 2019. The questionnaire consisted of three parts, including general information about food service facilities, information related to food allergies and allergenic foods and symptoms in individual children. Results: The number of children with food allergy was 271 (3.6%), and the proportion decreased with the increase of age. There were 91 children (33.6%) with a medical certificate, and these children had a significantly higher number of allergenic foods and symptoms than those without a medical certificate. Allergenic food groups included meat, fish, eggs and legumes (59.1%), fruits (12.4%), milk and dairy products (8.9%), cereals (7.8%), vegetables (6.2%), processed foods (3.8%) and oils and sugars (1.9%). Eggs accounted for 22.1%, followed by peanut and tree nuts (18.6%), fruits (12.4%), milk and dairy products (8.9%), shellfish (8.6%), vegetables (6.2%), fish (5.7%), cereals (4.3%) and meat (1.1%). The common allergenic foods were eggs, peanuts, walnuts, kiwi, shrimp, milk, tomatoes, mackerel, blue-green fish, peaches, shellfish (clams and abalone), buckwheat, wheat and soybeans. The most common allergic symptoms were skin and mucous membrane symptoms, such as hives, rash, itching and oral angioedema. Meal management for children with food allergies showed different trends depending on the causative food. Conclusions: The objective diagnosis by an allergist should be done for food allergy management in children's catering facilities. A system for systematic meal management of causative foods should be prepared.


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